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Title: Monday May 21
Post Text Ok folks if you have time I could use a fews prayers going up for me and my extened family...My father in law will be getting the results of a biopsy that was done on the 14th tommorrow it looks to be cancer in the lung, the liver and a growth of some type cutting off his air from his throat to the lung on one side pray for good news or that he responds well to treatments...My ex brother inlaw who just turned 37 has cancer of the thyroid they took 1/2 out 2 weeks ago and now the results came back that it was cancer on the inside so he will have the rest removed tommorrow...I may have divored his brother but I love the family and my ex is the father of my oldest and we get along now better than b4....and last but not lest my little puppy pip seen in the photo above my 4yo's constant companion was not feeling well off and on this week then on Saturday night he fell off the couch where he was sleeping w/ Seth ( Seth insisted he sleep w/ pip because he was sick) and hit his head in his weak cond' he had a seziure that saw saw and thought he was dead lucky he pulled though but is very weak can barley stand to go potty we were at the vet when they opened this morning and he is in the hospital now the vet said she tought he was over the worse part but wanted to put him on IV fluids for the day to see how he does I am to call this afternoon to see if he can come home or will need to stay the night I know prayer works it pulled me out of my worse illness last year so if you have a minute send one up for my bunch that God's will be done and if it is not the out come I hope for that he gives me strgenth to help my children though it Love you all Stacey
I have a lot happening around me and need some prayers
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