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Title: April Showers
Post Text We lost our power for 23 hrs. You don't know what you miss until you don't have it. Makes me realize how much I am addicted to my computer. So, until yesterday I had not even turned my computer back on. We live in central Tx and a lot of people are still here without power. The storm that came through had up to 100 miles per hr winds. Kind of scary. I normally like storms but this one shook me a little. My puppies Shaylee and Little Joe didn't like it too much either. We had to have our windows open afterwards when we lost power so we could have some air. And it was so quiet. I am gonna post a scrapbook here with Shaylee checking out the storm out our bedroom window. She was keeping guard. It was really quite cute. Other than losing electricity we really didn't have anything else happen that was bad. Just lots and lots of rain. I'm sure we aren't the only ones.
Thought that I would add a blog here. I am an artist and an amateur photographer. I work full-time decorating cakes, baking bread and frying donuts. Plus, I love to scrapbook in my spare-time. Aren't children and puppies fun to photograph and scrapbook. They are my favorite models. You can't hardly take a bad photo of either of the two. Anyway, I just love this site and everything that it has. I plan on scrapbooking for a long, long time. This is so much fun.
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