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Title: Frustrated
Post Text Well I was finally almost done a project that I was working for to give to a colleague of mine and now it will not open . That's wonderful, now I have to start over! I also been looking at everyone's awesome scrapbooks and I don't know where some of you got the pages because they are not in the scrapbook program. Does anyone know where I can find pages, embellishments, etc. on fire trucks and italian themes?Part of the program I lost was going to include a few pages with my kindergarteners having Pasta Night and one day the fire department came to visit.
I am 31 years old. I am a kindergarten inclusion teacher. I work with another teacher. Together we teach special education and regular education students. I just started digital scrapbooking because I want to make the teacher I work with a scrapbook of this school year as a gift to her. Digital Scrapbooking seemed like it would be faster than paper scrapbooking. I guess that would be true if I knew what I was doing. My screen name is kittycorner because I love cats. I have two cats and they are my children. Eventually when I figure out how, I will put pictures of my cats on my home page.
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