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Title: Decisions... Decisions!!!
Post Text Goodness... such a hard decision on what to do... I see all these lovely templates and designs that I'm just overwhelmed! I'm working on some valentine crafts for my daughter's valentine party at school and found an absolutely wonderful woven heart basket. So we've decided to fill that with candies and little gifties and maybe even a little card. We may even put a little valentine card in there from little sister. I'd be nice to include her in since she doesn't have anything like this of her own. We also found a beautiful doily flower that we're going to make a bouquet out of for her teacher. I'm thinking of making an extra basket for a page for my daughter to have a memory of her first valentine party. I'm still thinking how I'm gonna set it up though. I've got sooooo many things I could make whole album of pages! What to do... what to do?!! :P
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