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Title: Fairly new to the scrapbooking idea!
Post Text Hello, I'm Sunny! I'm relatively new to scrapbooking, although I've made 4 pages. I'm not quite familiar with the terminology but hopefully I'll learn that part pretty quick. I made my first scrapbook page about 3 years ago, of my new baby girl, who is 3 now. I enjoyed it so I followed up with one of my older daughter, who was almost 3 at the time, and is 5 now :D So then I did 2 more, one of my family, the 4 of us at the hospital right after the baby was born... the only family photo we have... which we PLAN on changing that here soon. Then another of my hubby and dad, kind of a patriotic theme with them in their Dress Blues with their branch and rank. They all turned out very nice... I was proud of them... and still am. Now my 5 year old is showing an interest in scrapbooking, so that gave me an incentive to pick it up again and see what her little mind can come up with and maybe eventually getting the little one to show her creativity :D
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