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Post Text God gave me two angles, Both so lovely, sweet and kind They are so dear to me And always on my mind. One a mamas girl, The other preferred her dad. At times it was a lot of help And other times it made me mad. They are as different As night is to day, But they had a lot in common. When it was time to play. One had blond hair And she is short and small While the others hair was brown Very slim and very tall. Wonderful mothers they both Turned out to be. One with two children, The other one had three. One is now in heaven With our Father up above, But I still feel her presence, I still feel her Love. The other a medical assistant, And a fine one too. She followed her dreams, And went back to school. By Louise Alley May 10, 1999 Revised March 24, 2001
When our daughter was killed in a car wreck in 1996, I started writing poems, a type of therapy I suppose. Well actually I had written a few before then, but many I didn't think to keep and boy am I sorry about that now. Any way I decided to post them here to share.
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