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Post Text Another year since that awful day, And that horrable wreck that took you away. The pain is still there as if time has stood still, Will it ever go away, no, I don't believe it will. As we should, We're trying to go on with our life, The kids are ok and Jerry has a new wife. They are all very happy as you would want them to be, With her two kids that makes seven in the family. Holidays are still hard to make it through, As well as the day of your death and your birthday too. I still cry a lot cause I miss you so much Your sweet loving smile and your soft gentle touch. The pain is still there as if time has stood still, Will it ever go away, no, I don't believe it will. DIANE--I Love you so much--mother By Louise Alley Feb. 25, 1998
When our daughter was killed in a car wreck in 1996, I started writing poems, a type of therapy I suppose. Well actually I had written a few before then, but many I didn't think to keep and boy am I sorry about that now. Any way I decided to post them here to share.
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