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Title: My Credentials
Post Text I was an art major turn photographer in college. I have been a scrapper for 13 years. I started out using the creative memories system and adapting it to suite my needs (it was to plain!). Every page would take me hours to design, create, and embellish. Those scrapbooks mean a lot to me, but I no longer have the time to devote to scrapping that way. I have 4 children ages ranging from 2-10. Digi scrapping cuts down on the time I spend. I still design my page the same, but now I can create as I design so it takes less time. I have a few ruls that I scrapp by. 1) the image is the most important of any page 2) not every image should be scrapped, it's okay to throw away bad photos. 3)It is okay to use the same template on another page. 4)Nothing should out shine the image 5)Always have fun 6)All ruls can be broken except #1 & #5
I will blog about various topics from capturing the right image to simple editing of the image in photoshop PSE 6 or PS CS2. I am an experienced photographer with good skills with photoshop for photo editing. I only recently started using photoshop to creat scrapbook pages.
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