Old pictures...what do you do?
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Posted By: NellStewart

You could get involved in genealogy, get a free genealogy site, Get every relative you can find to come on that site and maybe some of them will know who the people in the photos are. Myfamily.com has such a site where lots of photos can be posted, I am on several and I make scrapbook pages to post on that site. Look at my home page here and you can see some of the ones I have made for my genealogy site.
Mar 1, 2009

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I've come across a delima that I'm sure others have had. When you're all grown up and your family is gone (that can explain the picture), what do you do with those precious heirlooms? My mom put some of our later pictures in photo albums but the rest were just thrown into a drawer. I can't remember all the stories behind them so what do I do? I'm gonna have to ponder a lot on this problem. Any suggestions? Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend
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