110 points (current score) Uploaded: Oct 16, 2010  
Viewed 3499 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
This is a BG I made using several freebies then I faded it a bit hope it is ok to give it as a Freebie? ust enlarge it and save it. I have given credit to all the talented designers whose work I used. Thank You all again.
Design credits:
I used SD SM PAPER 5
and HGD gears+watchparts
Created and blended in PSE6

Comments for this page: (view all 9 comments)
Nanny-G says:
Beautiful background thanks for sharing,
Jan 27, 2011
amelia123 says:
Wonderful background simsage well done xxx
Nov 2, 2010
milliec says:
Wonderful background! Thank you!
Oct 17, 2010
Mimi_ says:
Terrific - & thanks for sharing!!
Oct 17, 2010
Ferro says:
Terrific bg page.
Oct 17, 2010
MaryWonder says:
Love this. Fabulous steampunk background. Thanks so much for sharing!
Oct 16, 2010
Xguern66 says:
Thank you for sharing. Looks good to me.
Oct 16, 2010
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