All Blogs
Created By: Goodbey
Created: Oct 1, 2016

Created By: Goodbey
Created: Oct 1, 2016

Created By: Goodbey
Created: Oct 1, 2016

Created By: Goodbey
Created: Oct 1, 2016

Created By: Goodbey
Scrap Buddies
Hello and welcome to my blog. Scrapbook Flair and scrapping has become my way of life. I did scrapbooks before but never digital, this is much more fun and more creative. In the past, I made scrap cards, calenders, note pads and then print it all out. What I like now is, that I convert my scrapbooks into videos, and in that way I not only making it more precious but it becomes more meaningful. "Thank You Scrapbook Flair". For creating this wonderful software and for the inspiring website. To everyone, have a happy and joyful scrap booking time and I hope to see you back again. Best regards, Sonja xxx
Created: Mar 7, 2016

Created By: smallstar
Our newest kitty
Well we have a new kitty in our family and she is just so sweet. She loves attention and loves to sit in our laps (only when she wants, of course). Her name is Bear and she has the most beautiful eyes. We love her so much.
Created: Jan 4, 2016

Created By: agata68
Welcome to my little world!
Created: Aug 14, 2015

Created By: Dibsie
Digital Scrapbook Creativity
As someone once said, "we are creative because we are made in the image of our Creator.
Created: Jun 23, 2015

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Back from Vacation
I was on vacation to my parents house this last whole week and saw Olivia (my niece) too while I was there. My brother had moved there now from Corpus. So two visits in one. Will get back into the swing of things soon.
Created: Mar 24, 2015

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Back from Vacation
I was on vacation to my parents house this last whole week and saw Olivia (my niece) too while I was there. My brother had moved there now from Corpus. So two visits in one. Will get back into the swing of things soon.
Created: Mar 24, 2015

Created By: Reny
Created 16 feb. 2014 by Reny
I'm back. After an eventful year, with illness of my father. My father is healthy now. I hope again to make beautiful scraps
Created: Feb 4, 2015

Created By: jayjayjay
I go by the name of jennyjennyjenny on craft artist2 and have been on there for a couple of years ,I enjoy scrapping ,making digikits for ca2,cardmaking ,sewing and reading and painting when time allows .I am retired and have poor health but enjoy my computer and trying new things . .If you go to my blog all my kits are FREE,all are in cap1/2 but am slowy putting them on in PNG zips as well so keep taking a look if you want pngs .I now have a group page on SBF kindly done by Suzikatz where you can see whats in my kits and also add your own pages if you,d like too.I also make drawn and painted by me craft/card cds which are £3.50 plus p/p UK only sorry.Info on my blog at
Created: Dec 9, 2014

Created By: Traci Leigh Designz
Traci Leigh Designz
Find out about whats going on at Traci Leigh Designz and the latest on my digital scraping!
Created: Nov 10, 2014

Created By: Traci Leigh Designz
Traci Leigh Designz
Find out about whats going on at Traci Leigh Designz and the latest on my digital scraping and designing.See whats new and great!
Created: Nov 10, 2014

Created By: kezcreates
i have been terribly delinquent on this site but hope to soon get back in the running. we bought a house recently and are renovating it room by room, moving, kids starting back to school in a few days, etc... BUSY omg! hope everyone is doing great1
Created: Aug 31, 2014

Created By: Smurfie
It's been a while
Wow more than 2 years since I last came here.. Lot's has happened, both good and bad but one thing hasn't changed: I still love to digiscrap. I hope I will be able to come here more often again and get to know new people (near or far!). Hugs Suzan
Created: Jun 13, 2014

Created By: Goodbey
Scrap Buddies
Hello and welcome to my blog. Scrapbook Flair and scrapping has become my way of life. I did scrapbooks before but never digital, this is much more fun and more creative. In the past, I made scrap cards, calenders, note pads and then print it all out. What I like now is, that I convert my scrapbooks into videos, and in that way I not only making it more precious but it becomes more meaningful. "Thank You Scrapbook Flair". For creating this wonderful software and for the inspiring website. To everyone, have a happy and joyful scrap booking time and I hope to see you back again. My personal website: Best regards, Sonja xxx
Created: Mar 5, 2014

Created By: Reny
Created 16 feb. 2014 by Reny
I'm back. After an eventful year, with illness of my father. My father is healthy now. I hope again to make beautiful scraps
Created: Feb 16, 2014

Created By: AHDesign
Coffee and Scraps! is my new website and Digi Shop whic I am building and hope to launch full force by Spring. You will find everything from Freebies to Tutorials. There will be both a collection of my own works, as well as works of others I find interesting, and might share with you all! I build websites, and create graphics in the form of media such as Website Design, Fashion Design, Scrapping, Photography and other forms of visual media. Some of those projects and sites can be found in the menu of my personal website located at An ex entertainer, and industry professional, Sojournstar is where I attempt to slowly unravel the stories of my life from the 50's till now. The website is like a journal of my life's experiences and activities if you like. I currently and most recently have begun to work in the Tagging and Scrapbooking arena. If it's visual art, I can't help but love it!
Created: Feb 4, 2014

Created By: AHDesign
Coffee and Scraps!
Created: Feb 4, 2014

Created By: sandys7118
Newbie Here
Hi Everyone! I actually found this almost a year ago, but one of those things I forgot about until I got a message today. I love digital scrapbooking and creating my own vintage art images and pages. Now I am into altered art using those images and papers to create and even re-create trash to treasure items. I LOVE altering things and it is so much fun doing it with my own digital creations. If anyone out there enjoys the same, please get in touch with me. I love sharing ideas.
Created: Nov 4, 2013

Created By: goinscraphappy
Sad two months for me
Sorry I have not been on for along time..i just lost my youngest daughter (Desiree) aug 16th's been a trying time for me and my family. few of you may remember scrapping her pages in some challenges.. I would like to put some pic's out for her to scrap for me to put in her memory album im making for her. but im taking it one day at a time and trying to learn how to live life without her.
Created: Oct 21, 2013

Created By: LadynRed_44
Just want to take time to say thanks to all the wonderful friends I have made on SBF. And since I have gotten more involved in working with the challenges, so many have been so much help to me. And I have learned so much from all of you. I really enjoy spending my time trying to make scrap pages, sometimes I like them, and sometimes not so well. LOL But since I have lost my daughter in 2004, this has been therapy for me, and helps me to keep my mind busy. and I so enjoy viewing all the beautiful pages that are uploaded on here, even though I cannot get to all of them. And I'm just amazed at the talent there is on here. I keep trying, just a wonderful hobby and thanks again to all you great ladies.:):):)
Created: Oct 2, 2013

Created By: ComputerGeek
Computer Geek
I love the computer and working with them. I got into digi scrapbooking after our house fire and it is the best therapy in the world! I am addicted to all scrapbooking. I love sharing what I make and hope you find something you will like at my blog.
Created: Sep 5, 2013

Created By: dihanna
new uploads
good day ppl be on the look out im about to put on some new layouts that i have done. So look out for them and tell me what u guys think about it
Created: Aug 14, 2013

Created By: Christianmamasita
Just getting started
An idea of how I am getting to where I am going.
Created: Jul 15, 2013

Created By: kezcreates
so glad!
Created: Jul 7, 2013

Created By: littlecouz
Created: May 26, 2013

Created By: Algera
I LOVE to scrap, play create and Design. It is a wonderful Interest and I really enjoy viewing the Great pages and talent of people here at SBF and as I hop around the net. I have my own main blog... So this is my mini blog at SBF for thoughts, ideas and whatever springs to mind x All my Digikits in store are both Photoshop, PSE and Serif Craft Artist compatible with pack files available x
Created: May 13, 2013

Created By: dihanna
Its been a while since ill last been here, sorry i have been bussy at work. today i have a 1str birthday and hope it can end in a very nice scrap page by the end of the week. Cant wait to get started again. Have a scrappy day
Created: May 4, 2013

Created By: kezcreates
I just registered my oldest for grade 11 and my youngest for kindergarten. It's so crazy! It made me realize that NEXT YEAR i will be registering kevin for grade 12, his final year of school. that's spooky! And next year all of my kids will be in school full days (kindergarten is only half days this year)... I cant believe how fast time is flying. Kev got his first real job last month and is enjoying getting his cheques lol. Darian is doing awesome in TKD and got her Green belt last week so she is half way to black belt. Her first tournament is next weekend and she is looking forward to that. We will spend the weekend in Calgary for it. Big bro has to work so he will stay at my mom's. It's strange with him having a job and being over 6'1 . I dont want to measure him anymore because I have to stand on a chair! Blah That's my current update. Hope everyone is great!
Created: Apr 5, 2013

Created By: HeidiS
Wow! That new easter collection looks incredible. Nice selection of stuff. This will be fun to work with.
Created: Mar 24, 2013

Created By: dihanna
me again
Tell me how does the challenges work i have no idea.And then i wount be very active today im working in the funeral bussness so i have a funeral to do today so wish me luck and we will chat later on. Scrap cheers
Created: Mar 1, 2013

Created By: dihanna
I see the pages that people does isnt alot about family and friends but random things.Me on the other hand likes to make it about family and friends. Made one about my husband and about the kids
Created: Mar 1, 2013

Created By: dihanna
Halo halo
well i must say im getting the hang of the digital scrapbooking but i must say doing it by hand the old fasion way it is stil best, no afence please.
Created: Feb 28, 2013

Created By: dihanna
please people help us we are new to the site can anybody help
Created: Feb 27, 2013

Created By: dihanna
Looks like nobody is aktive on this site i talk to people but no replais, is this the place i need to be to talk to others about scrapbooking and to ask for help or is there somewhere els i need to be. chow
Created: Feb 27, 2013

Created By: dihanna
Im kind of new in the scrapbooking world and need to find others so that we can be of help for one another,well if anyone can help me im in riversdale and need to know where is the neerest shop where i can buy scrapbooking things. And please learn me the correct terms of scrapbooking. cheers for eers
Created: Feb 26, 2013

Created By: Tommi Oleson
A Day in the Life of Me - School Project
Cedar Crest Cedar Crest has gone by many names throughout its existence. It has been Slapes corner and Sorenson, but the one name that it will always carry, is my home. Our neighborhood has seen many people throughout its years, but the population has mostly always been white, except for Dr. De Castro. Our neighbors go from the nicest people, to the craziest people. Cedar Crest is like the world gathering of crazy people. We have Jordan Burkhardt, Austin Schwarz, and I. Aside from us, there are not very many kids. It tends to get lonely. Cedar Crest will always be this; small, lonely, crazy, and different. Cedar Crest is to normal as Einstein is to dumb.
Created: Jan 6, 2013

Created By: jenareed
School Project
Created: Jan 2, 2013

Created By: pszym
Just The Beginning
School Project
Created: Jan 2, 2013

Created By: CJ Dizzle
Look into My View Master
school project
Created: Jan 2, 2013

Created By: JLTBurkhardt
The Evolution of a Young Lady
Created: Jan 1, 2013

Created By: wak97
My 2012 Life Story
a school assignment
Created: Jan 1, 2013

Created By: angelsinheaven57
In Memory Of Claudia
i just saw on scrapbook flair that my dear friend Claudia has passed away. i couldn't believe my eyes when i read the announcement. it has made me so sad to know that i wont be able to chat to her anymore. and share great things that have happened in my life. she will be sadly condolences to her family from Debbie in australia.
Created: Dec 24, 2012

Created By: srhg00
Year in Review
2012 has flown by. Where did the time go? I have not scrapped as much as I would have like but I have pictures galore that I'm looking forward to scrapping. I hope everyone has very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! What does 2013 have in store?
Created: Dec 10, 2012

Created By: kcmidnight
Getting the hang of things
Well, I have been on the site now for about a week and have met some many wonderful and supportive friends. I am finally getting the hang of things on here. Thanks a million to all of you who have helped me along so far. kc
Created: Aug 11, 2012

Created By: SuziKatz
Prayers for Colorado Theatre Shooting Victims
I just want to offer my prayers for all victims of the recent shooting in Aurora, Colorado.
Created: Jul 21, 2012

Created By: Craftypoly
Hello Everybody, I thought that I would share some of my Poetry with you, here on SBF. I hope that you like my work. Hugs Paula x
Created: Jul 7, 2012

Created By: ABCreations
ABCreations Sales
I am having a sale this month, everything in my store is on sale at
Created: Jul 5, 2012

Created By: DeannaChavez
Manny the Marshmallow
Manny the Marshmallow is a new children's book available at LULU.COM and the image pack is available on EBAY.COM Check out my homepage for images.
Created: Jun 17, 2012

Created By: craftybegonia
I Cmae up with a Caterpillar Journaling Tag Today!
It is very easy to make and super cute. I made it in red but I think it would look just precious in polka dots or in checks for a baby tag. Eyes and antennae could be easily added to it and oh what a cutie! If you are interested in learning how to make it, I wrote a free tutorial and posted it here:
Created: Apr 4, 2012

Created By: craftybegonia
Learning to Make Scalloped Elements
I love scalloped elements! I find them very charming. This week at my Craftybegonia Digi Scrapping Blogger blog we are beginning to learn how to make them in a free software called Inkscape. I never thought it would be so easy!
Created: Mar 26, 2012

Created By: PatsyBocook
My sharing place :)
Created: Mar 25, 2012

Created By: leewestwick
Lee Westwick Fans
I <3 Lee Westwick
Created: Mar 25, 2012

Created By: craftybegonia
Would You Like to Learn How to Make Your Own Tags?
I'm trying, little by little, to learn how to make my own embellishments and scrapping elements. As I learn, I share. I just learned how to make tags, and have shared how to do it. If you are interested, here is the lesson:
Created: Mar 13, 2012

Created By: Venusa
Where the time goes by
Created: Feb 20, 2012

Created By: zaylia
My Digial Scrapbook Blogger
Just a place to let out my creative writing side out. That will be about my digital scrapbooking. I am very new to scrapbooking all to together, but have found that I seem to like the digital scrapbooking much butter then paper scrapbooking.
Created: Feb 12, 2012

Created By: Goodbey
Scrap Buddies
Hello and welcome to my blog. Scrapbook Flair and scrapping has become my way of life. I did scrapbooks before but never digital, this is much more fun and more creative. In the past, I made scrap cards, calenders, note pads and then print it all out. What I like now is, that I convert my scrapbooks into videos, and in that way I not only making it more precious but it becomes more meaningful. "Thank You Scrapbook Flair". For creating this wonderful software and for the inspiring website. To everyone, have a happy and joyful scrap booking time and I hope to see you back again. My personal website: For my videos go to: youtube and search for corson123 Best regards, Sonja xxx
Created: Feb 7, 2012

Created By: Sandra Lynn
Trouble with the site
Can anyone out there help me figure out why I cannot log out of site? I log out everytime, and when I open site again I am logged in still. I tried to contact the site administrator 4 times with no response from them. Please help if you can...
Created: Feb 5, 2012

Created By: haolove
Heureux d'obtenir nike tn
sportives de version de la version LEBRON 9 Chine également pour commencer dans le demain à se vendre, limite la quantité 9 paires. Nike « la réunion aliénée de chaussures sportives » l'activité aussi bien que « Nike formeront le club » pour devenir pour cette raison le projet /caractéristique d'activité de magasin d'expérience de marque de famille. La fan de chaussures peut dessus continuer l'échange interactif « de la réunion aliénée de chaussures sportives » avec les concepteurs de Nike, et essaye la plus nouvelle chaussure de basket-ball par se, éprouve la plus nouvelle science et technologie de mouvement ;
Created: Dec 8, 2011

Created By: craftybegonia
What is a Girl to Do?
Been bedridden with an attack of apendicitis (early enough to avoid the knife but not the antibiotics)and what is a girl to do? Well, for one thing, make new toys and come up with new free tutorials on how to make one's own embellishments for my fairly new Blogger Blog: Craftybegonia Digi Scrapping. According to Blogger stats I'm getting a nice amount of visits, so I hope you'll pay me a visit also and leave a note or so, would enjoy that very much! Right now I have posted a pretty Holiday embellishment that is fairly easy to make and which would add beauty to any page you make. You can learn to make it free, if you want to learn. Enjoy!
Created: Dec 3, 2011

Created By: craftybegonia
Do You Make Your Own Embellishments?
Just sharing my adventures in scrapbooking! I'm making some of my own embellishments using free software (Gimp, and Inkscape), and sharing free tutorials even as I'm learning. It is a lot of fun! If you would like to learn too, just contact me and I'll direct you to my scrapbooking blogger blog where you will see the step-by-step tutorials.
Created: Nov 20, 2011

Created By: jfjohnsonrn2
Life in Scrapbooking
I found this site looking for ideas. I am truly hooked I have not done digital before and am just learning how to do this so if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me.
Created: Oct 25, 2011

Created By: Melx Kyleca
Kyleca's Blog
I am so pleased to have found you all here on ScrapbookFlair, it is such a great place to be, I have learned loads about scraping being here, only been a member since the 4th September thanks to one of my special friends Lady Wolf Known as Krystal for telling me of this site. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for their lovely comment about my scraps they are all appreciated, and also for their votes in the few challenges I have joined, haven’t been placed in any of them yet, early day’s lol. Thanks friends for the great inspiration I get from all of your scraps. TTFN speak to you all soon Mel (Kyleca).
Created: Oct 2, 2011

Created By: BellaLips Oasis
My Inspiration.
when Im down and out and I feel life has treated me differently or unfairly. I think about a lil girl, who at 9yrs. old, was almost left for dead.Her two brothers were murdered as her mom and moms bf.She was kidnapped along with her older brother,they were best friends.What she endured at the hands of a monster,is too unbelieveable yet, all too real for her. So when I get too depressed.I think about that lil girl,who prooved she was strong and couragous and could beat all the odds against her.She's 14 now and although pain masks her life, I would assume, she is a survivor.
Created: Sep 15, 2011

Created By: kezcreates
august 2011
Wow. the kids start back to school in 3 days. I can't believe the summer is over! Worked a lot, went on a holiday at the beginning of july, planning a 2 week holiday next summer, Kev's 6 week trip to england next summer is already booked, and I have been helping take photos at weddings some weekends. Busy! it's been a lot of fun though. One more big wedding in October to do photos for and then that's probably it. We shall see lol.
Created: Aug 27, 2011

Created By: ladybugfreeman
Old but new...welcome back
I was on this site a few years ago and loved it and somehow got wrapped up and forgot about it. I'm back and would welcome any comments both good and bad to help me with my scrapbooking. Thanks to everyone here who creates challenges and votes and encourages everyone. I'm glad I found scrapbook Flair again and I'm so excited all my pages are still here. Thank you.
Created: Aug 18, 2011

Created By: memorylane
Born to scrap
I have been scrapbooking i think before i could walk! i used to sit and watch and help my grandmother put photos into a an old paper photo album and she would make the pages so pretty. she would add like little picies of fabric, buttons, wild flowers, and anything she could think of. i caught on to this and started making my own.and that is how i got started! what about you all? when did you start scrapbooking? when was your first memory that this was your calling ? XOXO Rose
Created: Aug 4, 2011

Created By: craftybegonia
Open Source Digi Adventures
Okay, I'm trying to learn Gimp, Inkscape and Paint.Net. The three of them are tremendous and I...well, I have a super full plate already, but it is so wonderful and creative to be able to make your own digi embellishments from scratch! I have already made 3 ribbons and several flowers and it has been quite exciting. I am sharing some of my adventures in learning in my new blogger blog craftybegoniasdigiscrapping.
Created: Aug 2, 2011

Created By: craftybegonia
Digi Scrapbooking Adventures
My adventures in learning several open source software programs to create embellishments for my digi scrapbooking pages
Created: Aug 2, 2011

Created By: Rayl28
12 weeks today
yes 12 weeks preganant today everything seems to be going well i have my first ultrasound next week and am looking fwd to that.. morning sickness has eased but still getting some reflux, starting getting some heart burn too but only a couple of times, too much bread i think but then i dont seem to have a lot to choose from when im working on a minesite...oh and no real sign of a belly yet just the pot belly i had
Created: Aug 2, 2011

Created By: kezcreates
July 2011
What a busy time it has been! And now I am down to having only one kid for a couple of weeks. Kevin flew to London England on Friday July 8th and returns August 6th. His first solo flight :) Darian is visiting the other side of her family for 2 weeks and got picked up today... so that leaves me, Calvin and Matt until the 24th. We just spent 4 days in Calgary to send the big kids off with a bang :)
Created: Jul 9, 2011

Created By: PamelaGrover
Scrappin' Along and Lovin' it!
I'm so glad to have found this community of scrappers. Every once in a while, I hope to post something that I appreciate or learn. I love to scrap!
Created: Jun 25, 2011

Created By: mandapanda_455
my 21st scrapbook
hay guys, im new to scrapbooking, so im hoping you all could give me some advice/ideas on how to do a "21st Scrapbook" for me. i have a photo i love of me when i was just a baby, an then i have a photo of me on my 21st that i love to. so i was going to some how arrange them to show the contras (?) of me over those 21 years. then i had a suggestion to do a collage of the remainder of my photos from my 21st. (all they are, are a few photos of me an my close friends in town doing my "21 shots", an then my family an close friends at a dinner). but i heard of some other ideas to include pages like "21 things you didn't know about me", "my 21 favorite things" ....??? any other ideas/advice/templates even! ill try put up what i have done so far so you get were im coming from? Greatly appreciated, Manda P. (mandapanda_455)
Created: Jun 13, 2011

Created By: josephsanders
Information Concerning Alzheimers
One of the most dreaded diseases in old age is Alzheimers disease. Although unlike cancer and heart problem, this is actually not fatal. In fact, people with Alzheimers can live for a long time with proper alzheimers care. That is actually the problem most of the time
Created: Jun 2, 2011

Created By: lizedwards
Lisa's Priceless Treasures Scrap For Hire- Turning your photos into Priceless Treasures
Created: May 13, 2011

Created By: spiritedlady
Spirited Lady Living
Recovery through Art
Created: May 12, 2011

Created By: pamkez
pamkez designs lots of freebies come check them out
Created: May 7, 2011

Created By: SEstes
I aplogize for no responses.
I wanted to drop a little note to all the wonderful people who have voted/awarded points/commented or viewed my pages...I do appeiciate all the wonderful compliments. I would also like to say that if you don't or you see somewhere that I could make an improvement on a page I would also apprieciate those comments. As I'm doing these to ultimately print them and make a book for my son, who was adopted and who I have recently been able to get back in my life, I want to show him a history of my life and the rest of his families life. Again I thank everyone for any and all advise you can give me. I do read my comments even if I don't respond back sometimes life just gets away with me. :)
Created: Mar 29, 2011

Created By: Jen Reed
Jen Reed Designs
Created: Feb 7, 2011

Created By: amfapostol
Little bit depressed
My birthday will be tomorrow and i should be happy...but im a little bit depressed because it is also the burial of my college friend and as much as i want to be there i choose not to..and i believe she will understand and my family would love me to be with them and celebrate my day...
Created: Jan 27, 2011

Freebies available at my Website
go here and click on Freebies
Created: Jan 22, 2011

New Group
I just created a new Group for funny scrapbooks. Please check it out.
Created: Jan 13, 2011

Oh Dear
I think its official. I have now become obsessed with challenges
Created: Jan 13, 2011

Created By: novice@it
I have a new blog!!!
please go check out my new blog, Id love for you to follow me, I try to make you laugh, while discussing everything that happens on a daily basis. the link is on my home page, novice@it thanks and see you there!!!!!
Created: Jan 12, 2011

Flooding in Brisbane, Australia
Have spent today Scrapping, as I cannot go to work due to no access to the CBD. Have spent today watching the floods on tv
Created: Jan 12, 2011

Plan 9 from Outer Space
OOOps Sorry. The movie challenge will begin on 12 January. Challenge Starts: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 8:00 AM EST Challenge Ends: Friday, February 11, 2011 8:00 AM EST
Created: Jan 5, 2011

Created By: BellaLips Oasis
My Oasis
Beautiful mountains in california,streams,wildlife,serenity.
Created: Dec 28, 2010

Created By: Rae Ann
Instructions to Re-Upload Missing Images
We had a recent glitch on the site. We were in the process of moving to the site to a faster server and the new server crashed. Here is more info on the glitch. See the forums for complete details.
Created: Dec 20, 2010

Created By: syedbilal
at lasttttttt! its been so long. I missed all of you frnds. Thanx for your sweet messages and wishes.
Created: Dec 16, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you will have a wonderful time together :) We will be setting off to Grampa's farm on Dec 24th then returning late on the 25th to spend Boxing Day with my mom and hopefully my brother too. Darian will be with her dad from the 22nd to 30th so we are opening her presents on the 18th :) That makes it an extra long exciting Christmas Season :) Grampa can't wait to have Matt on Christmas Morning for the first time :)
Created: Dec 12, 2010

Created By: JudeA
Steven's Treatment
Most of my friends follow this on facebook, but for those that can't, I will post items here to keep you up to date with what's happening with Steven. For those with FB you can find it here:
Created: Dec 9, 2010

Created By: Judikim
Created: Nov 26, 2010

Created By: etscraps
All my cute and latest designs, freebies and competitions.
Created: Nov 1, 2010

Created By: briteiis
I love my grandkids but sometimes I just wish they would go home!! We've been babysitting them since my daughter went back to work after her maternity leave ended and somedays it has been work! Not the baby (or should I say toddler as he's walking now) but the middle two (boys 7 & 9). The nine yr old went to the neighbour's the other day asked for a cigarette and when he was told no told them to F*** O**. Grandpa & I were not pleased and neither was his Mom. The 7 year old does everything opposite to what he is asked and then wonders why he gets yelled at (famous words 'No yell me') If we had ever back talked to our elders the way this guy does we wouldn't be sitting down for a week.Then there is a little matter of taking things that don't belong to them... I think the school has a direct line to both our place and their Mom's... It's check the pockets before they leave...
Created: Oct 24, 2010

Created By: eilnore
looking for help
Hi my kids bought me paintshop pro 9 and not sure how to use looking for any kind of help please want to use but just not sure how
Created: Sep 27, 2010

Created By: syedbilal
Hello my loving SBF Family members
I wanna inform you that I'll not be available till the end of November coz i need to get prepared for my final exams. Love you all soooooooooo muchhhhhhh. God Bless you Allllllllll!!!!!!!111
Created: Sep 24, 2010

Created By: Lovin' Photgraphy
New to this scrapbooking
Hello, I am new to scrapbooking,and have done just a few pages. I am loving it!!! Would like to know where to find more images and add ons to use. Other sites or link ideas ??
Created: Sep 23, 2010

Created By: Gayle
Hello,I am so sorry that it has been so long since I have been on here.But the last two years has been so bad for me.Things just starting happing and just keep getting worse.I am so hoping to get back to my scrapbooking again. I can only stand for a few minutes now.So please pray for me. And please for give me. And I hoping for lots of friends. God bless Gayle
Created: Sep 21, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
Good news - my son has a new baby brother over in England. The little guy made an early arrival this afternoon after his mummy ran into some pre-eclampsia problems (same thing I dealt with 3 times and it can be scary!). But they got him out fast and all is well and he is so cute! So congrats to the extended family in England :)
Created: Sep 15, 2010

Created By: reilleysmum
Well, I've uploaded my first scrapbooking effort, even though I'm still learning, I'm really pleased with how it turned out - especially as it was a day that meant so much to me. To see my big sister get married was a wonderful thing to experience and share with her. I'm really enjoying this website and what i see in the gallery is just truly inspiring, it makes me want to do more and more. The only down side is trying to find the time to do it - I'm constantly looking at my computer while I'm doing housework thinking of things i could be doing and photos i could be using. I just have to say thanks to the people of scrapbook flair because i'm just so enjoying myself, and can't wait to learn and scrap some more.
Created: Sep 5, 2010

Created By: SharonTx
Hello Everyone
I have not been on here for awhile but I am back, but may be slowly for awhile until I can get everything working correctly. First my computer crashed and I lost everything that was not saved by my external hard drive. Then every time I would get on I would keep losing my connection, several times a day, until finally it just made me give up until I could actually get on, stay on and and start working on some pages. Hope it is all fixed. I have also been under the weather lately, Dr. yesterday said I have pneumonia and I am on antibiotics to fix that. So I am back and I really missed looking at all the great pages my Scrapbook friends make and the wonderful comments and friendship on here. My 3 little grand daughters that you all know, have and still are having various medical problems and I hope those will clear up soon also.
Created: Aug 31, 2010

Created By: smallstar
In memory of Bluemax
Twice in 1 1/2 years, I have had to put a cat down. One was 12 yrs and the one today was 16 years and had a very good life. It is so hard to go through this. I have one more cat who hopefully will give us many more years.
Created: Aug 19, 2010

Created By: Lindsay1973
My apologies
Hi Everyone I just wanted to apologize I am behind on commenting and voting but I had to take my dog Jessie into the vet today to have her put to sleep so I am feeling sad.I will however catch up and vote and comment on all your pages soon Love Lins
Created: Aug 16, 2010

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Hey everyone,
Sorry I've been gone for a while. I went thru a spell for a bit. Had trouble dealing with my beloved sweet Jose being gone now. For those who don't know, my Jo passed away on January 12th of phneumonia. The day before my birthday even. The last couple of months it's hit me hard. I'm still shaken but I'm coming along I guess. I miss him dearly.
Created: Aug 3, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
Had a fantastic holiday in the Rockies but the highlight was seeing 2 Grizzly cubs! They were peeking through trees at the side of the road, standing on their hind legs, and I was so stunned I didn't get my camera out in time lol. Typical! But they were so fluffy, cream coloured fur, and BIG! Mamma was further back and called her kiddos away from the highway but WOW what an amazing site to share with my boyfriend :)
Created: Jul 30, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
Really behind
im sorry everyone i havent had much time to comment on other ppls scraps I am also trying to catch up on my uploads becasue i havent done any in so long, just thought id let yous know... :)
Created: Jul 27, 2010

Created By: >¡< Marifer
Daily Verse
I believe that we are what we think,so let's think about everything good, pure and kind so we could be able to give ourselves to this world with love.
Created: Jul 22, 2010

Created By: yenirad
Mis inicios
Esto comenzo hace menos de un año, este trabajo son ideales para bebes, escuela, bautizos y muchas ideas más. Es realmente artistico. Crear estos recuerdos son inspiración mias. Espero les guste. P.D: no son digitales es netamente manual.
Created: Jul 14, 2010

Created By: KimberlyRae
My Blog is up and Running...a lil scrapidapididoo for you, too!
finally updated my blog, today. and there's a scrappydoo gift for you, too :) Enjoy!
Created: Jul 10, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Heat Wave
I Can't believe this is the 5th day of this severe heat. It's been 90-95 degrees F with a humidex of 105-106 F all week. Way too hot for me and Riley. He stays in the room with the A/C and a fan blowing on him - smart dog! I take him out at 6am and at 12 midnight but you wouldn't even know it wasn't mid day it was so hot. Today is rain 72 F and feels like 88F (cooler by 20 degrees even though still hot)
Created: Jul 9, 2010

Created By: briteiis
You can tell when Riley has been bad - he hides behind a chair or sucks up to you. Hubby called me into the office the other day and Riley had torn a magazine up into itsy bitsy pieces all over the floor. Riley saw us going to check out his mess and what does he do -He went and sat right in the middle of his mess trying to hide it from us and then looks at us with those big brown puppy dog eyes and you could tell he was thinking 'what mess I don't see a mess and if there was a mess I didn't do it' I started to clean up and the little bugger stretches out on the floor trying to cover even more of it. If I wasn't so annoyed with him I'd have laughed my guts out! I have seen my kids and my grandkids do the very same thing LOL
Created: Jun 29, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Riley Update
Well Riley has been with us for six weeks now. He's settled in but I'm still not too sure how Nemo the cat feels about him as he tends to hide from Riley and even from us. We do have one teensy little problem with Riley - No matter what time I take him out for his last walk of the day, he always wants to go out again at 5 am. It wouldn't be so bad except he just doesn't whine to go out but howls too (must be the hound in him) I hope he doesn't wake the neighbours up like he does us considering we live in a townhouse complex!! All the little kids in the area love him and he's so gentle with them but don't let him near a bird or squirrel cuz he goes nuts.LOL
Created: Jun 29, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Jacob's firsts
Well my little grandson is growing up so fast. He climbed the stairs (or crawled up them) all by himself on Friday the 26th. He turned 11 months on the 25th and refuses to eat 'baby' food - he wants big people food lol and refuses to let anybody feed him. I guess that's what happens when you are the youngest of 4 kids (You want to imitate everything that they say and do) I'm still waiting for him to walk on his own but at the rate he's earning things it shouldn't take long.
Created: Jun 29, 2010

Created By: FreckledGranny
Last Day of My Vacation
The last day ... oh my! Quickly it's slipping away, minute by minute. Tomorrow, the day will begin too early. I'll be up, probably before 3 am, and at my desk just after 5:30 am. I've had a total of 9 days off this time. Maybe I should've taken more? Maybe next time. I've enjoyed this time off; and I am thankful for a job. I've been unemployed before. It's very stressful. I won't see another long vacation till around Thanksgiving. And then at Christmas and New Years. I've done a lot on my vacation, but not everything I wanted. Oh well, I'll be satisfied with what I did do. Until then -- I still have a few hours to enjoy! I think I will do just that!
Created: Jun 27, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
My region of Canada is under water :( The lowlands have been devastated over the past few days with small towns completely engulfed in raging waters from normally small creeks that burst their banks and became rivers. I live in the high area, but have gone out a few times to take photos. I noticed a house completely surrounded by water in the coulee a short walk from my home, so I snapped a photo and put it on facebook, only to find out that I know the woman who lived there. She is the mother of one of my former daycare kiddos. How awful! Her property is destroyed, garage no longer exists, and a couple of homes behind her's were washed away. We do not yet know what will happen over the next few days. More rain is forecast :(
Created: Jun 20, 2010

Created By: baabaa
Help - For Childrens Book
hi all i want to write a children's Xmas story book so would like some ideas for Santa and Christmas embellishments - can anyone please help ??
Created: Jun 16, 2010

Created By: FreckledGranny
Freckled Granny Journalings
Just a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.
Created: Jun 13, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
Father's Day
It's one week before Father's Day and while I always have thoughts about my dad, this year I am thinking of MANY dads. On Thursday, a long-time friend of mine suddenly posted that her dad had a heart attack. He was airlifted to calgary and he is doing okay, up and around this morning... but it scared me. Any time I hear of a dad having a heart attack, it freaks me out because the memory of losing my own dad that way floods back. The same day,another friend of mine wrote to say her father has lung cancer and bone cancer. The next day, he passed away!!! Just like that, he was gone. This father's day I will be thinking of all our dads - those who are here with us and those who have had to move on ahead of us.
Created: Jun 13, 2010

Created By: taramartin
New Group
OK it's looking like no one is interested?
Created: Jun 6, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
Home today
just arrived home today the weather is horrible :(.. Nathan has moved all the furniture and large items to the new house and i need to pack all our personal clothing and kitchen ware etc.. I just dont know where to start...
Created: May 27, 2010

Created By: briteiis
The day Riley came home was special. They told me that he had pulled his own IV out (sounds just like my husband has done). He was so happy to be with us and explore his new digs! The only thing, he forgot he had just had a general anesthetic and it hadn't totally got out of his system. So here we are watching TV and Riley, sitting right beside us, starts swaying sideways. We looked at him his eyes were almost shut but he was fighting to keep them open and then all of a sudden over he goes passed out (If I didn't know any better I'd have said he's been into the alcohol) So hubby picks him up and puts him into his bedtime cage (Riley didn't even wake up)LOL He's has settled in now and is feeling 100% better!
Created: May 25, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Riley's home, Nemo is stressed and I feel like a refereee. Really it's not that bad they get along about 50% of the time (when they are sleeping or one is caged LOL) Nemo realized very quickly that this pooch can fit into all the small places he used to hide from a much larger dog so oops 'now what do I do?' Riley gets caged only if he barks at the cat. I don't think he likes his time out but I can't have the neighbours complain about him barking either.
Created: May 25, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
House ad work
Well im pretty sure nathan has moved everything into the new house and it will be all ready for me when i get home from work.. Yes another new job same company just new site all seems well at the moment but there is limited services meaning internet is a cafe style one and i cant upload at the moment, i could always email them through but i dot really get much time either.. Working the bar is fun and ive got 6 days to go till i get home.. Wish me luck with settling in to the new home...
Created: May 21, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
May 20 2010
It's been too crazy busy to get much done in the scrapping world but hopefully this long weekend I can sneak away lol. Darian has been playing soccer for two weeks, her first 'outdoor gig' and she loves it! She is doing very well and runs all over like a crazy maniac. Kev is done football spring training camp so at least it's just one sport going on at a time for now *phew*. One month of school left, then summer time! I will be working full time all summer apart from our one week holiday though lol. Matt is doing great and talking a bit more, he is just being the strong silent type I guess! Nothing like his sister (or mom) lol.
Created: May 21, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Good News - We get Riley! We pick him up next Tuesday after 4:30pm They tried him out with a kitten and I don't know which was more afraid LOL But Riley didn't get upset or try to bite so now we just have to see how our wee Nemo will react (5 year old cat)
Created: May 11, 2010

Created By: briteiis
Well we're still waiting to hear whether we get to adopt Riley from the pound. One more reference still has to talk to them and Riley goes in next Tuesday for his surgery (Neutering). Then we can bring him home to recuperate (We hope)
Created: May 11, 2010

Created By: briteiis
The Best of Times...The worst of Times
musings about my life and family. I've had some very happy and exciting times in my life but also many sad upsetting times too. Here I would like to share some of my stories (hopefully more happier ones than not LOL) Scrapbooking (or any type of craft) has given me peace and joy since my Nervous breakdown 14 years ago.
Created: May 10, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
Cakes Cake Cakes group
just for cakes
Created: May 6, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
Challenge Photos Group
I created a group for everyone to add their challenge photos to so we have an easy one stop place to find all our photos ... Please come and join
Created: May 6, 2010

Created By: Lindsay1973
A bit of everything
Been spending the morning recreating my social network site Maatjies,which I had to move due to Ning becoming greedy.So after much thought I moved us to,it looks cool and I was even able to put a couple of live webcams ,one of the african bush and the other of London Bridge,they will do for now until I find better livecams (with embed codes). My other site cutoutqueens was moved to spruz,but I must say that I am liking better
Created: May 6, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
May Part 2
We decided not to camp this summer because Matt is kinda crazy and would probably be running off in the forest to play with bears lol, so we are staying in a hotel instead ;) Hopefully these next few months will pass by as fast as Feb to April did! I haven't spent as much time scrapping lately because I'm back to work every day and the kids are so busy with sports, I can't seem to keep up. So my Project 52 on Facebook makes me feel like I've at least accomplished SOMETHING ;) 1 layout a week so I can have at least 52 layouts for 2010 to look back on ;)
Created: May 2, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
May Part 1
Um... how did May happen already? The year seemed to be starting out slow but suddenly it's May 1st and only 2 months left of school for the kids, 3 months til our holiday in the Rockies... yay lol. Kev will be spending 2 weeks in the Rockies with his dad and stepmum and their families, who are all coming over from England and Scotland for his dad's wedding. I sure hope the weather will be nice for them! At the same time, Calvin and I will also be in the Rockies with Matt and Darian for our own holiday. I can't wait!
Created: May 2, 2010

Created By: SharonTx
Devastated ( Continued page 4 )
Shiann, Kourtny and myself are like zombies, we walk around and then spot a toy, a picture, something, and we break down again. No laughter from the girls playing or the back door slamming every 5 minutes from them going outside to play, the house is deathly quiet. Shiann's eyes are swollen shut from tears, my chest aches, my throat aches, we are all devasted. PLEASE PRAY FOR US AND THE RETURN OF THE BABIES. Thank you our Scrapbook Flair Friends/Family
Created: Apr 25, 2010

Created By: SharonTx
Devastated ( Continued Page 3 )
The babies now are 3/4 across the state of Texas and Shiann is totally heartbroken, not only are her precious babies gone but her husband she loved so dearly. The babies have no idea what is happening to their life. He told her its over and he is keeping the babies, no explanations.
Created: Apr 25, 2010

Created By: SharonTx
Devastated ( Continued )
Saturday we went into town to get diapers and pickup a few groceries. Gone only about 1 1/2 her husband calls and tells her he had left her and taken the 3 babies with him, TOTAL SHOCK to both of us. Kourtny was with us and we all 3 became histerical. No warning, no signs. She thought he was joking, he wasn't.
Created: Apr 25, 2010

Created By: SharonTx
I know most of you know my daughter Shiann and her beautiful daughters, Rowan, Ryleigh, Krislynn and Kourtny. You also probably know by her pages and mine, that the girls are our hearts and total joy....continued
Created: Apr 25, 2010

Created By: Maisa Leal
Maisa Blog
Meu cantinho para relaxar.
Created: Apr 22, 2010

Created By: srhg00
Update from Louisiana
Hey all! I've missed being able to scrapbook but my laptop died a slow death. I have gotten a new one and hopefully I will start posting again. I do love my new laptop, it is touchscreen. I've loved being back at work full time. Recently I just had to have gall bladder surgery and I am still recuperating. Hope to see more great pages on here.
Created: Apr 17, 2010

Created By: Michelley
Living with a chronic illness has seen me at some pretty lows. But, scrapping is therapeutic for sure! Loving the SBF community. xoxoxo
Created: Apr 15, 2010

Created By: BabyAngelEyez911
Im sorta back to digi scrapping
Yeah I was a hobbiest of everyday scrapping a page of something now im off to new things but i sure still miss the digital scrapbook. I come back every now and then to do seomthing. :)
Created: Apr 14, 2010

Created By: syedbilal
I'll not be available till the 8th June
Created: Apr 12, 2010

Created By: syedbilal
I love learning
Created: Apr 12, 2010

Created By: taislisboa
Growing up on STB
This challenge is killing me!!!!! It's impossible to chose one, I want them all to win. Such beautiful kids.. I am sorry guys I can't chose between one or another - I love them all.
Created: Apr 7, 2010

Created By: Rayl28
My Challenge
Please come join my Wedding Album Challenge I have added heaps of new photos to myy profile that you can use and will be adding more too... cant wait to see them all..
Created: Apr 2, 2010

Created By: BellaRose79
United States Navy Challenge
Please come be a part of my challenge that is running currently. I will print these out and put them in a mail bag that my grandfather will get on his return trip from being on Honor Flight this April!! This would make such a special treat for him to remember!
Created: Mar 27, 2010

Created By: taislisboa
I'll be back latter
to comment and vote.. don't have tome now, sorry guys.
Created: Mar 23, 2010

Created By: dana2010
my oppertunity
i have a question for anyone whos willing to help me out, I got the oppertunity to do a whole baby scrapbook inside and out but I have a slight problem. I came across a picture that has her baby and her babies daddy wearing sunglasses and i dont know what kind of layout i should do.
Created: Mar 22, 2010

Created By: taislisboa
I enjoy so much being here and wanna thank you all who have encouraged me so far!!!!!
Created: Mar 20, 2010

Created By: taislisboa
random thoughts
Created: Mar 20, 2010

Created By: jules64
Just Jules
Hi I am Julie I am so happy to have won my first challenge,First place and Challenge owners choice, Thank you to everyone that voted my page x
Created: Mar 10, 2010

Created By: krazykitten2010
Scrapping stuff
You step into a small cottage where a girl is sitting at a desk with a smile on her face. She looks up and says "Welcome to my scrapping cottage and my wonderful world of scrapping stuff!"
Created: Mar 7, 2010

Created By: kezcreates
March is following 'In like a Lamb' so far, so I think it will 'Go out like a Lion'! What a gorgeous start to the month. 11C today and tomorrow, 8C yesterday, snow is finally melting to show grass.. birds are chirping like crazy. Signing Darian up for outdoor soccer for April (it will be in the park right beside our house lol)... Kev will start Football Spring Training camp in April or May... Matt will be 2 in less than two weeks... time is flying fast! Kevin is now taller than me as well. Half an inch taller. Next thing I know, I'll be face to face with Darian too! So things have been going pretty well in 2010 so far :)
Created: Mar 2, 2010

Created By: abbyspots
Scrapbook Pages
Created: Feb 13, 2010

Created By: dana2010
looking to make new friends
Hey I was wondering if there is anyone out there in my two areas who would like to have a scrapbooking day where we meet and scrap togather?
Created: Feb 8, 2010

Created By: Stevendb
35 mm negatives
Doe anyone know how to convert the old 35mm negatives into printable pictures. Ours were damaged in a move and I now have to redo them all. Any advice?
Created: Feb 4, 2010

Created By: Caitlyn_Melissa
Can't wait 'till spring!
I can't wait until it's warm again in Yucca Valley ,Ca. Where I live it only gets up to 60 degrees in the winter, most of the time, it's lower than that!Gee!
Created: Jan 26, 2010

Created By: smallstar
My Baby Girl Kitty
Well, it has been 1 year since we've had to make the decision to put down my baby girl kitty. I still have my sad moments, but, I also think of the cute things she did.
Created: Jan 19, 2010

Created By: ~ JJ ~
Jax wonderings ~
Things that confuse, bemuse and amuse me :)
Created: Jan 6, 2010

Created By: dustygal
I just love Scrapbook Flair but am having serious issues with downloading templates and everything else...when I download my templates I am not able to open them...can any of you tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
Created: Jan 5, 2010

Created By: lesdancng
absolutly love scrapbooking
I've been doing scrapbooking for about a year and love every hour I spend here. However, I've come across a problem that I'm hoping someone can help me with. My embellishment don't print as I set them. Totally different image... I might put a flower, and a santa hat will print. I do lock everything but find this problem is happening more often. Has anyone else had this problem?......... Everyone have a New Year filled with love and good health
Created: Jan 3, 2010

Created By: kylee75
just made my first scrapbook
hi there, just attempted to make my first scrapbook. After finally realizing where to save my digital pictures as made it alot easier. im beginning to enjoy it now. i think i did ok, but still learning
Created: Dec 17, 2009

Created By: ikree8
I need a holiday
It's been so full on this school term, I would love to be on holiday right now. With end of year events, socials, & the 2 girls having birthdays, my organization skills have certainly taken it's toll. I've scribbled on the planner that the girls & I will be doing a lot of 'scapping' over the Christmas holidays. Hopefully we'll get some time away at the beach & be able to take lots of photos for our scrapbooks. I love the holiday season, but I'm not keen on all the things that we need to do before taking a well earned break. Here's to saying bye bye 2009 & Hello 2010.
Created: Dec 3, 2009

Created By: netnotes
Thanksgiving 2009
This year Thanksgiving brings more appreciation for what I have instead of what I don't. I'm truly blessed with my children, dear friends and extended families. Life is good with or without rose colored glasses!
Created: Nov 26, 2009

Created By: June52
Scraps of my family. Poetry about my family.
Created: Nov 20, 2009

Created By: Scrappy Lou
My poems
When our daughter was killed in a car wreck in 1996, I started writing poems, a type of therapy I suppose. Well actually I had written a few before then, but many I didn't think to keep and boy am I sorry about that now. Any way I decided to post them here to share.
Created: Nov 16, 2009

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Have decided to have the Lap Band surgery. Hopefully, with the losing of weight I'll get my vision back to normal and my 24/7 headaches will also cease. Waiting to hear from doc on when to have it done. Need it done ASAP.
Created: Nov 15, 2009

Created By: June52
Poetry I Have Written
I began writing poetry as a child. I write about people, nature, animals, etc. I sometimes write about serious things & sometimes I write a little humor.
Created: Nov 15, 2009

Created By: kris GP
I Scrap My Life
The place I can share my life through scrapping..
Created: Nov 15, 2009

Created By: Monster Jaki
Hmm. About me and what I'm thinking, I guess.. :)
All my blogs would tell more about myself and what I'm thinking that very moment. Well, I hope you enjoy reading all of my blogs, after I create them, of hourse. Haha! :)
Created: Nov 13, 2009

Created By: milliec
A challenge!
I know I'm new, but I set up a challenge. Come check it out at: I see how creative everyone is and wanted to see what you all come up with! :)
Created: Nov 10, 2009

Created By: Dizzy 19
Cindy-Lee's Brain jamble
What i'm thinking and feeling and anything that i've just had pass through my random brain.
Created: Oct 22, 2009

Created By: SlapandScrap
Slap and Scrap
Welcome to my blog. I hope to share some of my family's happenings here. Enjoy!
Created: Oct 19, 2009

Created By: Ronel's Diary
Ronel's Diary Blog
All about me and my life in South Africa
Created: Oct 17, 2009

Created By: Trixi's Digi-Scraps
Trixi's Digi-Scraps
Digi-scrap kits, backgrounds etc that I have created from photos I have taken through the years.
Created: Oct 5, 2009

Created By: pammykez1969
pammykez blog
my blog for my creations and programs i have found to help me create them
Created: Oct 1, 2009

Created By: srhg00
Back to Work Full Time
I have started back to work full time so I don't get to scrapbook as much anymore but I still do get some time to myself where I digital scrapbook and the traditional. My daughter started Pre-K this year and I have a few pictures of that excitement to scrap. She was leader for the day and got to bring home leader bear so we have pictures of her and leader bear that I want to make a page for. She was in the local D.A.R.E fishing tournament so we have pictures from that where she rode a horse for the first time. She was so excited. I just have to find some embellishments to include on that page. I don't have any horse stickers. Well, everyone keep scrapping and enjoy making memories that last.
Created: Sep 29, 2009

Created By: Caitlyn_Melissa
I got my progress report today and I have a 79% in Geometry.I'm really hoping I'll have an eighty soon!Finals are next week!YIKES!Yeah, I'm more of an English person.
Created: Sep 19, 2009

Created By: Shaira
Scrapping from Mexico
Hola Cualquier ayuda o tip en español es bienvenida. Saludos a todos.
Created: Sep 18, 2009

Created By: princess bev (magic cats)
magic _cats
hi love to scrapbooking and all things creative and craft work
Created: Sep 12, 2009

Created By: tammylj
Just Starting
I just joined Scrapbook Flair and I'm just checking out all the features of this site. Thought I'd try out this blog thing. :-)
Created: Sep 2, 2009

Created By: Amethyst Pendragon
Created: Aug 29, 2009

Created By: scrappylorna
ScrappyLorna's little chatting space!!
Hey i made this blog for the only reason that i wanted to type something!! And that i wanted to ask for any scrapping ideas!!!
Created: Aug 28, 2009

Created By: debisscrappy87
Created: Aug 26, 2009

Created By: bhesting
I have many pics of my baby girl and am creating a scrapbook for her. (traditional, not digital) and I have so many pics that I love and have picked the best ones which is still a lot and am having trouble creating pages and with ideas. Any suggestions??
Created: Aug 26, 2009

Created By: Meddy1965
There is so much inspiration on SBF... I really have the bug for doing my own kits but I still have so much to learn. It is more than just making elements.. Everything has to go together ie colour and design... Will just have to keep looking on here for inspiration lol.. Wish I had more time x
Created: Aug 16, 2009

Created By: MissKaki
Hello, my name is Catherine. I life in Belgium with my husband and my two girls (16 and almost 13 years old). Five years ago, I had a motercycle accident and it makes me wheelchair dependend. I found myself a new hobby with scrapbooking. Since january I also work on digital scrap. Leave me your impressions, I will learn about it!
Created: Aug 7, 2009

Created By: kazaking
18th Birthday Present
My son is turning 18 in January. I would like to do him a scrapbook of his life so far. As I am new to scrapbooking and don't have alot of spare time, it would be nice if i could get some ideas for starting this project. My son "Harley" loves Rugby League, so I was kind of thinking this may be a good theme? help please
Created: Jul 31, 2009

Created By: Betty Boop
Betty's little spot on the net
My loves are Jesus Christ and family. I am a wife, mother, grannie and great grannie. Most of my pages are abt my family. I enjoy genealogy, quilting, shopping and of course digital scrapping. I work as a floral designer at a local flower shop. We live in Oklahoma my birth state. I enjoy being outside enjoying Gods nature. BB
Created: Jul 29, 2009

Created By: bsilvia
Freebies&Tutorials Uh, I'm new here... testing some features :) S:)
Created: Jul 28, 2009

Created By: Meddy1965
A promise
I am going to take a day off one day next week to sort out my scrapfiles on my laptop and go through all my pages and fill in all the designer credits. I appologise for this it is down to my scrapkits being everywhere, in other words me being unorganised... I make a page and add bits from my portable hard drive and or laptop, I stay up very late even when I have work the next day, leaving myself no time to give designers the credit they deserve. I promise I will do this soon xx Hugs xx
Created: Jul 27, 2009

Created By: Kim's Scrappin'
I'm a new designer for Scrapbook Flair! Watch for the release of my first kit here soon!
Created: Jul 24, 2009

Created By: hanzon
behind the collage
what lies behind xome of my scraps
Created: Jul 16, 2009

Created By: animerae
Upcoming Challenge
I am also a member of DeviantArt and one of my new friends on there sent me a message. It was about a little girl named Heaven Daisy Row. She passed in 2007 she was only 4yrs old. My friend Iriesurfinchick (of DeviantArt) is her godmother and was asking that remembrance pages be made for Heaven's mother. I asked permission to get the pictures of little Heaven an post them for a challenge here. I would like to send Iriesurfinchick the pages when the challenge is through. This is the link if you would like to view a little about Heaven Daisy Row and see some pages that were made-
Created: Jul 13, 2009

Created By: Rainbow7203
Created: Jul 8, 2009

Created By: animerae
Thank you to all at SBF
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone at SBF. This is a wonderful site!. Everyone here is amazing. Thank you for all the tips, they sure do help. Getting to see all the work from everyone is beautiful and vary inspiring. I hope I'll get to be half as good as a lot of you on here are. I love that I've made all these great friends from all around the world. Can't wait to see more from everyone. Happy Scrappin'! Big Hugs!! ~ Rae
Created: Jun 26, 2009

Created By: carbrown
carbrown"s chatter
My posts have been mostly vacation sites. Whitnall Park is in Milwaukee, WI where I grew up. The other 2 botanicals are from Vancouver and Portland.
Created: Jun 20, 2009

Created By: CarlosGradissimo
Introdução! Desde que conheci o XanGo, sumo de Mangostão, que fiquei apaixonado pelo mesmo! São tantos os benefícios que nele podemos encontrar, que achei relevante dar a conhecer, como a partir de vários e intensos estudos científicos, este Sumo chegou até nós.
Created: Jun 20, 2009

Created By: animerae
Jamie's 25!!
I'm excited today, my sister-in-law is turning 25!. ...... Now I know you're probably wondering why I would be excited for that... Well Jamie is vary special to me and our family, she was born with many problems and bascily it was/is so bad that the doctor's didn't think she would live past 2 days, well she did!. Then they said if she did then she wouldn't function like a normal child, she would be a vegitable, she wouldn't be able to talk and write or anything for that matter, well again she proved them wrong!!.LOL. This girl can talk, sing, write, do puzzles, play games, she kicks my butt a cards all the time. :) She is such an awesome person and I'm glad I know her and am able to share in all she does. Please join me in wishing her a wonderful and outstanding 25th Birthday. I love you JayJay!!!.
Created: Jun 20, 2009

Created By: DesignD
New to Digital Scrapbooking
I am interested in learning how digital scrapbooking works.. Can I get a short lesson on how I start and how it works..I have a little background in graphics arts..but that is all. Thank you for your help in advance!
Created: Jun 19, 2009

Created By: hollandgirlnl
hollandgirlnl's blog
06-14-09 This is my first time trying this out. not sure what to do with it, but to leave messages and stuff. If you have any suggestions please feel free to give them. I havent been much on lately but for limited time, because my computer had issues and had to format several times. My husbands computer just wasn't the same. I appologize to all my SF friends for not able to keep up voting for them.
Created: Jun 14, 2009

Created By: happymongoose
I never realized...
I never realized that ScrapbookFlair had a blogging section...
Created: Jun 12, 2009

Created By: digitalscrapbookkits
Love Digital Scrapbook Kits
We love digital scrapbook kits. It is so much easier than traditional scrapbooking, and much less expensive! Learn more, and even how to get design kits free!
Created: Jun 10, 2009

Created By: dirtydancing
I have recently graudated high school!! and i know that reality is about to set in...but before that happens i want to take some time and just scrap!! you can check out my homepage to see all my excitment with graduation!!! Hopefully I will attend college in hopes of becoming a teacher!! that's what i have always wanted to do!!! thought i would drop in and tell you guys why i havent been scrapping as much as usually ...because i am a super duper busy graduate!!! haha....come be my friend and let me share my wisdom for a 17 year old!! i have alot so dont underestimate me!! haha ~dirtydancing~
Created: Jun 6, 2009

Created By: ~~ beach bum girl ~~
I'm a wife and mother of 3 children but can't seem to find the time to scrapbook.I'm still kinda new to scraping even though I have been doing it for 3 years. would love to hear from anyone with new ideas.
Created: May 31, 2009

Created By: Tayri
Tayrina's Scrap Designs
Hellow, everyone. Here I post all my designs, also they will be available in my personal blog. All of my designs are Freebies, with the proper credits given to me: Tayrina's Scrap Designs. I'm very happy to have the opportunity of sharing my designs with all the community of Scrapbook Flair. I will be proud of seeing my designs used by all of you people, everytime you want to give a touch of a simple, innovative and beautiful designs to your memories. Have a Happy Scrapping!
Created: May 28, 2009

Created By: paulaisabel
Paulinhas`s Blog
Plainness Blog
Created: May 27, 2009

Created By: scrappylorna
Hey everyone !!
This is my blog where i am gonna express my passion for scrappin stuffs!!
Created: May 25, 2009

Created By: noweesnana
Big Thanks!
I just wanted to send out a big thanks to all the wonderful comments on my scrapbook pages. I am a newby and had not scrapped any for a while now. I just got on here tonight and read all the nice comments and want to tell you how encouraging that has been for me. I plan on making another scrapbook soon! Thanks Guys!!
Created: May 24, 2009

Created By: KDHenson1973
My Daily Blog
Created: May 20, 2009

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
Still here after two years. Not as involved as in the beginning. Don't enter many challenges as the moaning and groaning has become an infestation.... Making kits to give to friends who are scrapping both digitally and the other way. Making decoupage for family and friends who make cards and just enjoying life.... love and hugs
Created: May 19, 2009

Created By: Debra K
Mothers day album
Just got done doing a mothers day album. Will give it to her this weekend. Only one week late. She went to China for 2 weeks and it's on their vacation in China. She's going to love it!
Created: May 15, 2009

Created By: MonkeyMommy
Scrapbooking From The Heart
Just a place where I will write about things going on in my life and about new things that I am working on or learning. I hope you enjoy! =)
Created: May 14, 2009

Created By: Amanda Outside the Box
Girasoles and Hot Air Balloons
A fanciful place to escape to...where the flowers smile and travel is light and easy. No technical complications, deadlines or demands, except that we have some fun and not sweat the small stuff- most of everyday life is the small stuff.
Created: May 6, 2009

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Hey all,
I'm trying to get all my pages from my wedding posted but I'll probably miss some. I made 92 pages!..Seriously. All using the same kit with addon's to it. It's called Seashore Wedding. In some I changed colors but it's the same kit for sure. I'm kind of proud of myself for getting it all finished and ordered.
Created: May 6, 2009

Created By: Amethyst Pendragon
WhatEver !
Just a lil blogging about what i do now and will do in the future, to let you get to know me a lil better thanx !
Created: May 5, 2009

Created By: butterflyiii2006
The Ramblings of a New Scraper and a Bride to be
I am due to be getting married July 25,2009 -- in the mean time my hubby to be is moving half way across the country to his home here with me.. My dress isn't finished with the alterations!! I'm ready to scream.. And now I'm learning how to scrap...
Created: May 3, 2009

Created By: FruGrip
FruGrips blog
A blog for my scrapbooking!
Created: May 3, 2009

Created By: PaulaSue
Whirlwind of a year!
The past two year actually have been a complete blur. My beautiful daughter was crowned with a local outstanding teen title in the Miss America Organization. Last June she was crowned Miss Michigan's Outstanding Teen! We've been on the go every since. My hope now is to not only scrap her two years of service but also capture my sons first year of soccer, t-ball and other exciting times in his life. Bear with me as I catch up to life!
Created: May 1, 2009

Created By: JanaMartin
All about me
My real name is Jhoanne Balolong, a 24 yr old lady from Philippines, im the eldest of the four siblings of my parents namely Jeff and Angie, Im married woman, my husband is African, from South Africa ( Cape Town) his a muslim that's why i change my name to Jana Martin... I love making layouts and Im a Picture addict.. :) its summer time by now here, so i make myself busy to avoid boredom, and when i see this site, I was so curious because i've been looking for this kind of site many times and thank God i found it at last.. Im new to this sso kindly guide me for some information regarding scrapbooking.. thank you... :)
Created: Apr 26, 2009

Created By: KMTrott
KMTrott's Tidbits4
My journey into digital scrapbooking...
Created: Apr 17, 2009

Created By: justme95632
Created: Apr 14, 2009

Created By: Sterretjie
I'm totally new to blogging (this my 1st time) and digital scrapping. Still struggling to download the software. Enjoy a blessed Easter weekend.
Created: Apr 9, 2009

Created By: neeltje
Hi, I never did a blog before, so this is just a try for me.
Created: Apr 9, 2009

Created By: krystalis98
New to Scrapping Grandma
Brand new at digital scrapping... love everything I have seen. My goal is to learn and set up scrapbooks for each grandchild and other interests in my life...
Created: Apr 4, 2009

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Doc from UCLA says pressure up somewhat in left eye (Papadilla) but he is not concerned. HUH? Increased Topamax to take morning & nights. Wants me to take Elevil morning & nights too. Tried it for one day but fell asleep at work so will only take Elevil at night. Topamax must be wking somewhat headaches not too bad but I feel pressure, helping w/neck & shoulder pain ..somewhat. Lots of depression
Created: Apr 4, 2009

Created By: mycroppingclub
Scrapbooking en Colombia
Clases y Seminarios a traves de diferentes ciudades en Colombia. Cali, Medellin, Bogota, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bucaramanga. Tecnicas de decoración para crear Scrapbooks y preservar tus fotografías.
Created: Mar 30, 2009

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Sick today
Sick Home sick today from my IH. Go to UCLA tomorrow,March 26 to see neuro opth. Missing alot of work from this disease. I know I'm in too much pain when I cannot do scrappin. slept all day long today! woke up at 6:30 pm!!! wow! Not looking forward to 2 hr drive to LA tom. headaches are getting worse. now have neck & shoulder pain which keeps me from computer.
Created: Mar 26, 2009

Created: Mar 23, 2009

Created By: cookiesncream
Fine Tune The Moment
I will blog about various topics from capturing the right image to simple editing of the image in photoshop PSE 6 or PS CS2. I am an experienced photographer with good skills with photoshop for photo editing. I only recently started using photoshop to creat scrapbook pages.
Created: Mar 20, 2009

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
Hey it is me again. Looking forward to a new year of Scrapbooking. I have only just realised the it is almost two years since l came upon this iste by accident, and ever since have been on here every day almost....
Created: Mar 20, 2009

Created By: Scrappy p3n1
My Scrapbook Diary
I learn to do blogging here.. I hope I can update it regularly... *yeah, I am quite lazy updating blog... LOL*
Created: Mar 8, 2009

Created By: KimberlyRae
I Just Have to...........
TooT My Horn!!!! I'm so EXCITED I have to tell ya! My pages have been published in several magazines this month of March! Artisan Notebook (Interview with my UPDATED DAM Magazine Ezine (look under Digital wonders) thank you for listening, ladies and gents. :)
Created: Mar 1, 2009

Created By: saulter1861
Old pictures...what do you do?
I've come across a delima that I'm sure others have had. When you're all grown up and your family is gone (that can explain the picture), what do you do with those precious heirlooms? My mom put some of our later pictures in photo albums but the rest were just thrown into a drawer. I can't remember all the stories behind them so what do I do? I'm gonna have to ponder a lot on this problem. Any suggestions? Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend
Created: Feb 27, 2009

Created By: Pelle
Votes and Comments
Hello, I am so flattered over all the nice comments and votes to my pages,but i have one problem with it,hence my little blog here with a question.: How do you manage to return comments and votes to every one`s page?I feel i am always behind with my duty in that subject and are so afraid to hurt those of you i not are able to return c/v in time.Is it good policy to give vote to each friend`s page or only the latest one they have created? I will be so thankful if any of you can let me know what the good rule and polite remark is. Love from Pelle
Created: Feb 23, 2009

Created By: cherrylej
my first digital scrap club
i love scrap booking. when my boyfriend and i went into a mall, there's a scrappin' day going on and he allowed me to join it. this is my first digital scrap club. i'm very happy and excited to join, as well as to tell my friends about this web site. thanks so much!
Created: Feb 22, 2009

Created By: magopago
magopago scraps
I am new to this blog stuff and I don't know how it works, but I will try to do my best.
Created: Feb 13, 2009

Created By: LaneFamily
About my scrapbook pages..
Just because I'm not sure everyone will understand what I am doing with my scrapbook.
Created: Feb 13, 2009

Created By: live2luv82
Wow! Time Saver!
Okay, after purchasing a comp. 1 yr ago just for scraping digital (which I've never done before) I finally got some software!! Whoo Hoo! Already I have completed 2 scrap pages! This is awsome. I'm going to go crazy digital scraping now! LoL Fun Fun Now the ?? is What am I going to do with all my handmade scrap stuff? I've got a dresser full of stamps, tool, paper, & multiple acsessories for scraping by hand. And in two yrs I've only completed 4 pages in an album. I really wish I had more time!
Created: Feb 12, 2009

Created By: Scrappin' Nut
Digi Newby
Still trying to figure out all this computer tech stuff out. Sorry that I haven't been on here since early Jan. '09. Working on some new pages. Thanks for looking @ what I've managed to complete so far. Happy scrappin"
Created: Feb 12, 2009

Created By: Abbylea
Abby's Place
A place to put my scrapbook pages of Kandace and my family
Created: Feb 11, 2009

Created By: Tazie012 (Shirls)
Aussie Fires
I just wanted to send my best wishes to all those who have been touched in one way or another by all the fires here at the moment. My prayers are with you all and I hope your families and friends are safe.
Created: Feb 7, 2009

Created By: Pokahantas
I like to scrapbook with my family's black and white pictures, remids me of yesteryears. I found a picture taken en a piece of metal (late 1800) I was so excited
Created: Feb 6, 2009

Created By: Pixelpia
Just talking to myself!!!
My thoughts about this and that, life in general, what is and what is not.
Created: Jan 29, 2009

Created By: benette
Unexpected papercuts
Created: Jan 27, 2009

Created By: smallstar
In Loving Memory of Snowy
I had to put down my baby girl cat. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I feel like I just dumped her off at the vet. I so wanted to bring her home, but could not. She was diagnosed with ARF (Acute Renal Failure) and was not given any hope. They said even if we continued medical treatment that she would only suffer with chemo, staying in the hospital and medicine and then they could not give her 1 year. So, the decision was made not to let her suffer.
Created: Jan 20, 2009

Created By: aussiegranma
Sorry I Haven't Been Here Lately
Hi everyone, I am so sorry I haven't been here lately. We are now 3 days away from Baby Dityler's funeral & sadly have lost 3 more close to us since Dityler passed. My dear friend Frinda who used to watch my kids for me, my old drinking buddy Claude (from my young wild days) & our friend Joanne who sadly took her own life. Since the end of April 2008 we have now lost a total of 7 family & friends. I pray we don't lose anymore. Well, I am going to try & get on here more, but I can't promise anything. Luv N Hugz to you all Lauri (aussiegranma)
Created: Jan 12, 2009

Created By: novice@it
money, you evil little devil
Our first money fight of 09. It got loud, my poor neighbors, how does something like money create such emotions?
Created: Jan 9, 2009

Created By: Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate
Keeping good adresses in mind
Lost adresses for tutos , freebies, and many others So I will put them here lol , hoping my computer don't crash again !
Created: Jan 5, 2009

Created By: Sarah Fabulous
My frustration is indescribable.
When the virus got into my computer I copied all my embellishments to CDs and have put them back onto the computer. That's okay, everything is still there. As for my hundreds and hundreds of gorgeous papers...I thought I'd save myself some problems and upload them onto a photo storage site, so I can download the one I want whenever I need it. I spent all day doing that. Now when I download them they are smaller than their actual size and are pixelated when I use them!!!! I have some older discs with less papers. They won't copy back onto the computer because of a glitch in my CD burner, but hopefully I'll be able to work around it. I promised my husband I wouldn't download so much, hopefully saving myself from viruses in the future. I just can't even describe how frustrating this is.
Created: Jan 2, 2009

Created By: Sarah Fabulous
It's just not right. Or fair.
Okay, so I've been in heaven because my husband got a new laptop and I inherited the old one. I've been downloading great digital embellishment files and making some pretty good scrapbooks....BUT....last night the computer crashed. Somehow a virus got past my virus scan program and now the computer is NOT RIGHT. I am backing up everything I can but it's slow going. I hope I'll be able to access it all again after I reload everything. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Created: Jan 1, 2009

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Happy New Years Eve
my blogs are not working....Have written two in past two days but they arent showing up. Now I know why. They are over the char. limit. Duh. Did a page today on daughter..liked how it turned out..hope she likes it...Got dizzy today not sure from IH or from not eating lunch....will take it easy rest of day...
Created: Dec 31, 2008

Created By: ILoveMyGrandkids
ILove MyGrandkids
We have been busy moving from green bay to appleton. the other place had to many stairs for me. this place is on one floor. and we don't have to do any snow or year work.
Created: Dec 30, 2008

Created By: Scrappy June
My Snow Angel
My son passed away March 21 2008 when he came home for Christmas all he ever wanted was snow He got his snow this year and hope for ever year to come it snows for Christmas I love you son and miss you. You are my snow angel now
Created: Dec 26, 2008

Created By: aussiegranma
Last night,(22nd Dec)our nephew Daniel, his girlfriend Felicity, their 2 babies & Felicity's sister were involved in a rollover car accident. Daniel & his daughter Emma(20 Months)are scratched & bruised, but otherwise ok. Felicity has a broken bone in her thigh which she had surgery on in a country hospital, her sister(the driver)has no injuries. Daniel & Felicity's son D'Tyler suffered a severe brain injury & injuries to his stomach. He was taken to the childrens hospital in the city & was on life support. The doctors & nurses when we left were waiting on Felicity arriving by ambulance from the country then they were going to remove the life support. D'Tyler is 17 days old. Thankyou in advance for any prayers your have for us, especially Daniel, Felicity & Emma.
Created: Dec 23, 2008

Created By: Debra K
An album done but still behind.
Well I just got done completing an album that is the year 2004.LOL I'm hope this next year I'll be able to complete more that one year so that I can try to catch up. With digital scrapping are you all caught up? Let me know.
Created: Dec 18, 2008

Created By: aussiegranma
Busy Busy Busy
Hello & Merry Christmas to you all, I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas & New Year. I am not going to have much time on here until after Christmas, but I will try to log in at least once a day to leave votes, but I may not have time to leave comments. I will try though. Thankyou to you all for visiting my scrap pages & for your votes & wonderful comments, I really appreciate each & every one. Must be off now, time to get Robbie ready for bed, although with daylight saving he thinks because it's still light at 8:30pm, it's not nighttime, so it's not bedtime lol. Bye for now, Luv N Hugz to you all Lauri & Family
Created: Dec 17, 2008

Created By: Delsol Jan/Naelle_Coeurs de pirate
Delsol blog
I will try to make fabulous work ( try .... but no idea what I am able to do hehe The better or the worst I suggest the two !! Happy to see u anyway ...G Delsol
Created: Dec 16, 2008

Created By: srhg00
Christmas 2008
Santa is on his way. But that is not why we celebrate Christmas. We celebrate Christmas because of Jesus. I recently watched a dvd, "Star of Bethlehem" and it is a documentary on the Star that the wise men followed. It was very interesting and educational. God knew before time that He would send His son for our sins and he foretold it in the stars. Not only does this dvd tell of our saviour's birth but it also tells of his death. If you get the chance, it is worth watching.
Created: Dec 16, 2008

Created By: Vera42
This is new to me .. i have to work at this.
Created: Dec 13, 2008

Created By: Sarah Fabulous
I worked really hard on the girls' Thanksgiving layouts. But the other day I reformatted the harddrive. I had problems backing up my album files and now they are gone!!! Now I have to completely redo those layouts. Arrrgh!
Created: Dec 8, 2008

Created By: crafty miri
Things I want to remember
Created: Dec 7, 2008

Created By: Rebel Cola
Forever Flowing
My thoughts and opinions thoughout my days, and my many frustrations (with a few celebrations!) over exciting scrapbooking discoveries.
Created: Dec 5, 2008

Created By: Lynsey-loody
Lynsey's Blog
Created: Dec 2, 2008

Created By: Debra K
New Album
I can't believe this I have a new album done. I have not finished an album in the last 6 1/2 years. This is great! Check it out in my home page. I did have trouble loading it all in so it not all in order but it all there. Enjoy! Meanwhile we are off to another vacation. I'll see you all in a week.
Created: Nov 25, 2008

Created By: ladytiger7
Learner Licence
HI everybody...i'm just learning how to drive this thing, find my way around and learn how to make really cool stuff like u guys. U make it look so easy, my friend is downloading some stuff but it takes ages. Anyway, give me time and i'm sure i'll be catching up to some of u. Maria
Created: Nov 24, 2008

Created By: Pelle
Embellishment and background
I feel i have to write this blog to say thanks to all of you that share backgrounds & embellishment for free here on ScrapbookFlair.I have found a lot under the Marketplace here and downloaded it as well.The problem i might do is that i instal it all in one folder hence i cant credit any particular person.If i do any illegal things with doing so please let me know.But again thanks alot to all of you that share backgrounds and embellishment with other members here on ScrapbookFlair. With compliments Pelle
Created: Nov 16, 2008

Created By: bubblegum
I love doing digital scrapbooking- it is very good at releaseing stress. Plus you get to see what other's have created.
Created: Nov 14, 2008

Created By: hanneand
send a note beside your vote
Please send a note beside your vote, so I can see your page and vote on it best regards from Hanneand
Created: Nov 14, 2008

Created By: Chantalbears
Bears, Fairies and Family
I'm a teddy Bear Designer and I think that I never grew ; in my heart, I stayed a little girl and it's great to see the world from another sight
Created: Nov 13, 2008

Created By: Dawn07
This is a place to hold all of my thoughts and creations and ideas.
Created: Nov 11, 2008

Created By: Munckin mouse
winter amazements challenge
This challenge starts Nov. 18th I hope to see a lot of challengers submit good scrap pages... GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL
Created: Nov 11, 2008

Created By: wornoutmumoftwo
Fun With Digi Scrap
Just me, blogging my scraps.
Created: Nov 5, 2008

Created By: FunkyFairyAnnie
Created: Oct 30, 2008

Created By: Pelle
A beginner
Hello all,this is real fun but still much to learn about scrapbooking.This is also my first attempt to create a blog on my own. The first thing i will put here is a great thanks to those of you that have taken your time to give comment to my pages.It is certainly a good encouragement. Greetings to all of you and have a nice day. Pelle
Created: Oct 26, 2008

Created By: angelicatoo
Help!! I think there is a scrapping addicts support group around here somewhere!
Created: Oct 25, 2008

Created By: caribear76
Spirited Memories
Sharing my family, professional, and hobby memories.
Created: Oct 25, 2008

Created By: The Adirondack Queen
The Adirondack Queen
My life and loves in the Adirondacks, Upstate New York
Created: Oct 23, 2008

Created By: Dizzy78
Dizzy's Dizzy World
My wonderful world to ramble and keep my thoughts
Created: Oct 18, 2008

Created By: danic
freebie kits every week. Tons of idea pages and danicdigiscraps
Created: Oct 13, 2008

Created By: crunchymountainmomma
Crunchy Mountain Momma's Log Cabin
Just a place to chatter!
Created: Oct 10, 2008

Created By: tink*CAW*bell
Created: Sep 30, 2008

Created By: peg
Peg's Blips and Blurbs....
Created: Sep 28, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
Blessings For Your Day!
I hope your day is a wonderful one! Remember, no matter what happens, today You are so very Special. Your Talents are beautiful and worthy of His eyes...You Are Unique! ox
Created: Sep 24, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
You Are Appreciated
Good morning,dear~I just want to write you a friendly note say thank you for your attempt to bring up my suggestion, once again, in the 'Tell us what you think' forum. I had flair remove my thread since it was unproductive. Now that I Know whom the Majority is in the forums, I Will be sending My requests straight to flair. You won't see me activly participating in the forums as~no matter what I say or do~I'm continually attacked by them and I do Not deserve that from anyone. However, you will see me post new challenges to the forum, blogs, new challenges and Many pages to come. Have a wonderful rest of your day, KimberlyRae ox
Created: Sep 24, 2008

Created By: Beejoy
Scrapping in Philippines
This is my first time to visit blogs, Honestly? I don't know what will happen. But, I like scrapping and I really enjoy it, also I want to share all my works with all the members of Scrapbookflair. Thank you and more power to all.
Created: Sep 22, 2008

Created By: Little_Mommy
About a Mom
I've been a stay at home mom for five years now and I have so many feelings, opinions and stories in me. A place to let them free....
Created: Sep 21, 2008

Created By: kjjtsmom
Welcome to my blog about me!!!
Well, My name is Renee. I was born in 1970. I just started digital scrapbooking in 2007 and I love it. I've done "old school" scrapbooking but haven't been able to spend the time i want on it---then I found Scrapbook flair---WOO HOO---nice and easy. I am a photographer and I enjoy making pages for my clients. I have 4 kids---My oldest (and only girl) was born in 1990, Then my 3 boys were born in 1994, 1997 and 2000. I have been married since 1993 to a great man. I love to take pictures (much to my kids and husbands protest), camping, walking in the woods, 4wheeling, gardening, reading and relaxing. Looking forward to joining in more challenges and posting alot more pages.
Created: Sep 20, 2008

Created By: Ms_Katsipoulis
My First Blog
So this is my very first blog ever- not knowing what to write but guessing to just be myself, in that case i may never stop witting :) I have Miss Bella (My 7 month old kitten) hugging my arm which is making it very difficult for me to type, lol. So Im new at scrap booking and so enjoy it. My collection is coming along and iv decided for my first project to give my partner a scrap book of the past year of our life in celebration of our anniversary. Iv downloaded the shareware scrapbook flair and think its great and am having so much fun with it. Will be posting my very first scrapbook display ever very soon so do keep a look out for me.. Until my next blog entry i best be off- xxxx
Created: Sep 16, 2008

Created By: Pure Creativity Designs
CT Call
I'm looking for a few new creative team members. I will be accepting applications through Sept. 30th and will announce my CT members on my blog on Oct. 5th. If you are interested you can go to and get more info.
Created: Sep 15, 2008

Created By: nemonut
Thanks for the backgrounds
I am thanking the following folks for the pages they shared. I have a heck of a time finding Nemo pages: Ron's Monkey trishie cheboom thanks again. Nemonut
Created: Sep 11, 2008

Created By: nemonut
I Rember user
Hello to anyone out there. I also use IRemember software. If you want to chat more go ahead and leave me a message. I saw one regarding clip art. I have a way I work around it.
Created: Sep 11, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
Things I'm Happy About.....
It's a hard day today as my family remembers 09.11.01 (9-11). In all the sad feeling, today I wanted to think of some positive things.....
Created: Sep 11, 2008

Created By: candiejayne
Not much...
creating has been done here in the last week. I've been really busy, but the good news is that I have been taking pictures like crazy! Last night we began to remodel even more in the house. My SO's daughters bedroom is getting new paint, flooring and some new furniture. I'm taking lots of pics along the way, and plan to make a little brag book when all is complete! I can't wait to share it with all of you!
Created: Sep 6, 2008

Created By: LaLaBoo
Digital Scrapbooking hmmmmm
I have generally been a skeptic of the whole digital scrapbooking craze. I enjoy going out purchasing embellishments and other "doodads" to go in my books. Plus I just got back into scrapping about a year ago. I love going to crops. I am going to give this digital scrapbooking a try and see what happens
Created: Sep 5, 2008

Created By: kch123
Mac / I remember users???
Are there any mac/ iremember program users out there. I am new to this.. with a baby on the way have converted digital. I have found some sites to download templates from (for free or to buy) but cant get them loaded into the Iremember clip art page. If anyone has suggestions or resources for templates that work with iremember, i would LOVE to hear from you! Thanks, Kara
Created: Sep 4, 2008

Created By: Like A Tiger
New to this whole idea! So here goes!!!!!!
Created: Sep 4, 2008

Created By: KrystalMoon
My first blog. This should be intresting. Maybe someone local? West Virginia - Harrison County ?
Created: Sep 3, 2008

Created By: PamelaROSE
Created: Sep 2, 2008

Created By: candiejayne
Today is...
my birthday. I got up early, and got a 2 page layout done! I'm really excited about it. I have set a goal for myself. I don't really have a deadline, but I am going to complete a 2008 book. Hopefully I will be able to have it printed by next february! I'm doing a great job of getting caught up from the past 8 months though. I'm getting lots done today though. Because it's my day, nothing is expected of me, and I'm taking advantage of it big time! Hopefully I'll have some to post later!
Created: Sep 1, 2008

Created By: candiejayne
Doing great...
I've completed quite a few pages now. I would love to post them, but unfortunatly when I started digi before, I lumped all of my elements and papers together, and I do not know who to give credit to. I am working on getting more kits and things so that I may give proper credit where credit is due. Until then, I will not be posting anymore of my layouts. For those that I have posted already, I am sorry that I can not give credit to the right people.
Created: Sep 1, 2008

Created By: PamelaROSE
My Daily Rambelings
Sept 1, 2008 / 10:41 A.M.~ Now that I am back in Manila I have time from the daily " have to do chores " ~ and have finally started to pay attention to The Presidential Canidates . . . Is there any doubt that Barack Obama is the best public speaker alive? This man could have stand up there and read Ziggy comic strips and it still would be captivating.I’ve held my tongue for a long time on Obama, because I’m always skeptical of getting caught up in hype, but you know what? I’m ready to get caught up in this. This is a John F. Kennedy style candidate, and I’m going to ignore the cynics and enjoy this great moment in history from afar. Well it's Sept I am back in the Philippines life is slow here compared to the state side living styles...a lot more R E L A X E D here. I will most likely not get on here daily.... gonna see how it goes never Blogged before so ....LOL I just looked and relized that I attempted to start a Blog almost a year ago.... Yup let us see how this one goes.
Created: Aug 31, 2008

Created By: firegirl
Well Folks, I may be MIA for several days due to Hurrican Gustav. I will probably evacuate and I am very sorry that I won't get to comment / vote! Please accept my apologies! Be back next week sometime!
Created: Aug 29, 2008

Created By: candiejayne
A fresh start...
Over the last couple of years I've had ups and downs in my life. Unfortunatly during the downs, I lost my knack for scrapbooking. I'm really excited to have found this site. I have lots of new events in my life that I'm proud to scrap, so watch out ladies! I'm back in the game! LOL
Created: Aug 26, 2008

Created By: trampy
i am a full time carer for my busband and daughter i am quite new to digi scrapeing but haveing fun on sbf site dont get out much but have two wonderful daughters and one adorable son o and not forgetting our little dog bonny never done a blog before but here goes i will appologise now for my spelling
Created: Aug 26, 2008

Created By: Lonewolf0147
Rather New.
Hey there, just wanted to share a few Scraps i ahve done. Hopefully when i get more time i can make my page look more interesting. Looking forward to having a real good look around.
Created: Aug 23, 2008

Created By: Nanna K
Over the garden gate
Love life, Love my family, Love to scrap.
Created: Aug 22, 2008

Created By: jajojeka
This is too overwhelming!!!
Well, as usual, I have all the actually DOING is the overwhelming part! I have a room full of unused craft stuff of all types, including paper scrapbooking - which I haven't done but one page with in I don't know how many years! I guess it's time to try pg 2 here.
Created: Aug 19, 2008

Created By: Drjjd58
A new member who needs practice.
I am new at this kind of scrapbooking and it's a real challenge but I love a good challenge. Maybe with practice and help I can do better.
Created: Aug 18, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
WOW!! I'm so surprised and thrilled!
Created: Aug 18, 2008

Created By: emmaleeah
3m scrapping
Mormon Mommy and Marine just a scrapping away
Created: Aug 13, 2008

Created By: tristaosprincess
frustration two
i am frustrated with digital now because, as you all can see, i have made like a hundred pages for her baby book, well. me knowing nothing about nothing i made them in 8.5x11 and do you know that in the scrapping world the dimensions of a regular sheet of paper are rare? everything is 12x12 or 8x8 OR 8.5x11 landscape! so not only did i have a terrible time finding a book to put them in, that i hate...i finally found a site that will print your layouts into a book for you and the dont offer a size 8.5x11! and might i also mention that when i print them out the printer wont do the edges so theres a tacky, uneven white border on every page! if anyone has any suggestions pleaaaase, because i am a perfectionist and dont want a plain, tacky, uneven baby book and when everyone sees all the hard work ive done they say "oh nice well so and so just had a professional baby book printed"(excuses me for wanted to take the time to put love into something)
Created: Aug 12, 2008

Created By: tristaosprincess
frustration part one
ok so im feeling completely defeated where scrapbooking is concerned. before the baby was born i started making her a handmade disney baby book, i had about 15 pages made but after she was born i didnt have time anymore, so i started digital, well now i am frustrated with that...
Created: Aug 12, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
Ready for School?
Well, it's that time of the year the summer just flew by!! I Hope everyone is ready for this upcoming school year and your kids are excited to start there new adventure? I will be commuting mine to their school.....but we are working on getting moved up to the same tow hubby works and kids go to will be a long drive for me coming up. Are there any other commuting Mom's/Dad's out there?
Created: Aug 12, 2008

Created By: LilacPearl
Hereis my first digital scrap-page!
Created: Aug 10, 2008

Created By: Rae Ann
Random Thoughts and Ideas from Austin
I am really not much of a blogger. But I will post in here on occasion. Enjoy!
Created: Aug 7, 2008

Created By: justme95632
Happy Today
I have been scrapping for about a year and I am having the best time. These make such great gifts for my children of their children. I am so happy I have found this site. My new career is photography and this has enchanced my pictures. Having such cute grandkids doesn't hurt. Of course this is grandma talking. thank you scrapbook flair
Created: Aug 7, 2008

Created By: KimberlyRae
Back from Hospital
Yes, I'm alive...ha! Even though a few days ago I didn't feel like it. I guess recoop time is a couple of weeks so I will be just popping in and out from time to time. I will try to Vote as many pages of my Friends as I can but I can't promise a comment as I"m under the influence of these silly pain THANK YOU, dear friends for your Prayers and Thoughts during this rough time in my life. I Hope you are enjoying your Free minikit and KNow YOu are Appreciated OX
Created: Aug 5, 2008

Created By: Shiann
My blog....and blabbing :-)
Created: Aug 5, 2008

Created By: moirakris
Moira's World
This blog is an attempt to keep myself sane as I traverse the rollercoaster that is my life. I hope you brought Dramamine and a couple barf bags.
Created: Aug 4, 2008

Created By: !s@b3ll3
Breaking Dawn Sneak Peak part 2
Seth tells her that Jacob, who has remained in his wolf form for weeks, is somewhere in Northern Canada and that he is not coming home. Bella sulks with this knowledge and then has recollections of the night when she told Charlie about her engagement. When Bella had finally plucked up the courage to tell her father, Charlie automatically assumed Bella was pregnant, and laughed hysterically when he realized how Bella's mother would react. Bella also notes that she was utterly shocked when her mother also took the news very well and immediately offered to help with the wedding plans. When Bella comes home Alice is fitting Charlie into his tuxedo for the wedding, and states that it is Bella's turn. While she is being fitted by Alice, Bella goes to her "happy place" to think about her love for Edward and how wonderful their honeymoon will be.
Created: Aug 2, 2008

Created By: !s@b3ll3
Breaking Dawn Sneak Peak part 1
She stops at a gas station where two men admire her car and tell her that the car hasn't been released in the United States or Europe yet. They also reveal that the car has body armor and bullet-proof glass. When she arrives home, Bella stays in her car and uses the cell phone Edward gave her to call Seth Clearwater, the werewolf who has developed a friendship with Edward after their fight with Victoria, to ask how Jacob Black is doing.
Created: Aug 2, 2008

Created By: cs7580
9/11We still Remember
9/11We still Remember This challenge is for the remberance of 9/11. Let us show that we still care and remember. Challenge Requirements: Most have the colors red, white and blue in the page. It must be in reference to 9/11. New pageonly please. Can use the internet for photos. Can’t wait to see all the pages. Challenge Starts: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:00 AM EST Challenge Ends: Friday, September 12, 2008 10:00 PM EST Maximum Scrapbooks per Member: 2 Voting Setting: All members can vote in this challenge. Vote Starts: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:00 AM EST Vote Ends: Friday, September 12, 2008 10:00 PM EST Have fun!
Created: Jul 26, 2008

Created By: ~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~*
Sand and Stone
Created: Jul 25, 2008

Created By: cs7580
I have a New Group
Hello every one :) I have a new group called Long Ear's Donkeys. Yep you guess right it about donkeys. I just got a sweet little donkey her name is Julie. She was born 9/25/07. I have been working with her every day, she coming along good. Any way if yall would like to come join me, each week ill be picking a coc. Happy Scraping Cs7580
Created: Jul 24, 2008

Created By: missmel
Aussie Scrappers
Hi everyone just thought I might add a blog for all us Aussies on here... what more can we say..Come on Australia win some gold in the games..
Created: Jul 24, 2008

Created By: mystic_mom
Rambles of Mystic Mom
Just thinking outloud about scrapbooking, the inspiration of life and finding time in a busy busy world!
Created: Jul 16, 2008

Created By: sarahsphotos
Sarah's Blog
Musings of a scrapaddict.
Created: Jul 15, 2008

Created By: fmfirst
I finally found the link to create a blog, but have nothing to say!!! LOL
Created: Jul 14, 2008

Created By: ~*~*Froggie*~*Leahs*~*Familiar~*~*
my challenge
I created a challenge "A heartbeat a flutter yet gone too soon" as a memorial for miscarriage or child loss please join us so we can Always Remember our Angels.
Created: Jul 12, 2008

Created By: Deborah Holmvik
Interesting Life
Created: Jul 11, 2008

Created By: LIRILOU
Les scraps de Lirilou
C'est mon premier blog et j'avoue que ma passion pour le scrap digital commence à me dévorer entièrement. J'adore tout simplement ça. Je découvre de nouvelles méthodes et de nouvelles façons de mettre en valeur les photos. J'apprends aussi beaucoup sur ce site et l'acueil des autres membres est vraiment chaleureux malgré la barrière de la langue.
Created: Jul 11, 2008

Created By: ScrapMaz
Back! I Think.
Hi all. So sorry I have not responded to messages, etc. I have been under the weather (literally at times) and have not been able to get to or keep up with my scrapping. I see some really lovely pages and hope to add some to the gallery. Right now, I need to catch up on all the forum questions and answers. To Scrapbook Flair: Love the new downloads. This is still the greatest scrapbook site for me.
Created: Jul 10, 2008

Created By: lithel_star
A Pinky Girl In The ReAl WorLd
Trying to go against the flow
Created: Jul 9, 2008

Created By: Smokey1260
Savannah Crop Out Cancer
My name is Alanna and I am planning a Scrapbook Fundraising event to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in Savannah GA. The event is scheduled on Sept 13th, 2008 from 10 am till 10 pm. Please visit For more information Limited to 20 participants
Created: Jul 6, 2008

Created By: polstar
All too new at this
Trying to work out this world of digital scrapbooking when I'm meant to be doing so many other things.
Created: Jul 5, 2008

Created By: Roniiv
Ronii, Photoshop and Other Stuff
Created: Jul 2, 2008

Created By: n_cole
Saint Theresa's Prayer!
this was emialed to me and i wanted to share it with my friends here on sbf......... May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us *********** God bless!! ***********
Created: Jun 28, 2008

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Been in a lot of pain lately so haven't felt like scrapping. Today is first day been online in awhile. Headaches are becoming to the point where all I do is lay on couch. Cannot do much housework and don't feel like cooking nor cleaning because any bending over creates even more pain. Came back from Houston over the weekend to attend pt. conf & learned a lot of my disease. My doc out of town so am awaiting for him to return to ch my meds for something to might work for my pain. Want to scrap in worst way but am so tired. Perhaps Sat or Sun will have energy to.
Created: Jun 28, 2008

Created By: firegirl
Taking the Challenge
I've entered the "Best Photo" Challenge at the suggestion of an SBF Friend! I'm not big on the challenges but this friends seems to have faith in my work! Thanks Friend! You know who you are!
Created: Jun 27, 2008

Created By: n_cole
my beginning
i have now created two scrapbook pages. im not so sure i like what i have done though. i do know i dont like the program i am using...not many choices and things to do for my pictures. im sure i will get the hang of it though. getting started is always the hard part. i wont give up.
Created: Jun 27, 2008

Created By: orazenlori
lori's blog
Tidbits about me and my family
Created: Jun 11, 2008

Created By: firegirl
I am sooooo excited.! A Great BIG THANK YOU to EVERYONE who voted on my Patriotism Page! I placed 2nd!!!!! YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! First time I've every placed.
Created: Jun 10, 2008

Created By: ItsFractalkat
Kat's Scrapping Blog.
I always liked scrapbooking! I am new to actually doing it, but it really sounds like fun! I will post my news and thoughts here!
Created: Jun 8, 2008

Created By: HeatherMSU
DigiScrap Dreams
Dreaming and working toward developing my own digital scrapping designs!
Created: Jun 4, 2008

Created By: MrsDerk
Happiness is Scrappiness
Since I have discovered, this is the only section of the site that I haven't really utilized. While I'm usually quite full of things to say, blogging tends to leave me with a case of writers block at most times. Regardless... here I am!
Created: Jun 2, 2008

Created By: LeftyOkie
Missin' In Action
Hello all my SBF friends! Just a little note to let every1 no that I have not been here as much as I would luv 2 b right now due 2 the fact that as some of u may no my mom has breast cancer & she lives about an hour from me & I'm the only child that lives close near her so I have been takin her to 1 dr's appt after another! She will start her chemo this Wed & then Thurs. evening I w/b movin her in w/me! I miss u all & plz 4give me 4 not bein here 2 vote & comment on all ur scraps! I promise 2 b back soon! Love, LeftyOkie
Created: Jun 1, 2008

Created By: cookie4282
Designs by Gail
Place to share a little bit about me and my scrapbook designs.
Created: May 30, 2008

Created By: tyrnat
hey there all how ya going? i am so new at this i got the idea out of me mums thats life magazine so im having a go at it. im still trying to work out how to do this and i did post one up but it looks blurry so i have no idea how to fix it lol. but i will get the hang of it eventually. anyway i find it fun and creative. but i will add some more in the future. take care bye
Created: May 29, 2008

Created By: RondaRigby
RondaRigby's Blog
RondaRigby's thoughts and questions about digital scrapbooking and other things.
Created: May 29, 2008

Created By: Delirios y Locuras
Delirios y Locuras
Created: May 27, 2008

Created By: brooklyn1416
Brookyn's Blog
Brooklyn's digital scrapbooking!
Created: May 21, 2008

Created By: brendacpfi
times to cherish
Just a little place to put my thoughts and share my life.
Created: May 21, 2008

Created By: greebie1
Different and Yet the Same
I think it is so wonderful that we are all different...different backgrounds, different countries, different styles, etc. and yet we are all the same...we are all addicted to ScrapbookFlair, we all treasure family above all else and share a desire to preserve those memories for generations to come. We are all creative, and we all enjoy communicating with people we will never meet in person and yet we can still establish online friendships. We are all sympathetic to one another and can enjoy the miracle of little preemies and the memories of deceased relatives. Here, in this setting, the problems of the world don't exist...we are all people living peacefully in a virtual world of scrapbooking. Pretty cool don't you think? Okay, so this blog is my first and I am pretty wordy but then I am a writer!
Created: May 21, 2008

Created By: lana_younger
hi my name is lana younger. i am from north carolina. c u later
Created: May 15, 2008

Created By: candybytz
Precious moments!!
Well the baby is napping and it gives me a few moments to figure out how to use my new find and my mind is racing with possibilities of what I can do with all the kids pictures!! Being a mom of can get crazy, so I have learned to enjoy every minute I can call my own, and make them count...the baby is 10weeks old and rules the house with a small whimper we melt and run to her....speaking of, she is waking up again..Times up!! until next time....
Created: May 14, 2008

Created By: sagequinn
Please Join My "Scrap My Olivia Sage!" Challenge
I created this challenge because my daughter will be 3 on May 26th and I need some creative pages of her photos. Here's the link to the challenge!
Created: May 14, 2008

Created By: lazzalou
i am 28 years-old i have 4 children 2 boys and 2 girls. no idea what to do
Created: May 14, 2008

Created By: texasrose85
Scrappin' on the Travel Trailer Trail
Looking for vintage travel trailer buffs who want to share templates, backgrounds, and such to catalog their little beauties and the trips they take. Would love to hear from fellow canned ham lovers, owners and fans alike!
Created: May 12, 2008

Created By: akuni
Created: May 9, 2008

Created By: stormyblueyz
Afterthoughts & Observations
A blog about photography, scrapbooking, and general rants on my mind...
Created: May 8, 2008

Created By: mbubblicious
Scrapping in Fargo
My attempts at digital scrapbooking...
Created: May 5, 2008

Created By: STEEL SHADE - Óculos & Relógios
Created: May 5, 2008

Created By: funkyscrapper
live on a small farm on the west coast of North Island, NZ. Just started with digital scrapping- love it!
Created: Apr 30, 2008

Created By: orcha
blogNya aGuNg
Semua yang tersirat disini mewakili semua tentang pribadiku.Apa yang pernah aku lakukan disinilah semua orang bisa melihatnya....pleaze kasie saran n comment yach bwt kebaikan n kemajuan Qt bersama...I Love U All
Created: Apr 29, 2008

Created By: Bettysue scraps
Bettysue scraps
Love this site it has jumped started me to really get started working on all those scrapbooks I have been planning to do.You, kids and pets and more pets and my Ethan.
Created: Apr 28, 2008

Created By: kezcreates
Random Musings...
.... of a tormented mind ;-)
Created: Apr 27, 2008

Created By: carolyn145
Carolyns scrapbook
I love scrapbooking, and have done hundreds of pages, just to many to put up on the site, I love scrapbook flair, because of the lovely pages and designs.
Created: Apr 27, 2008

Created By: CMS53
Scots Yin's blog
Havers and slevers
Created: Apr 25, 2008

Created By: babegurl2003vf
Are my scrapbook pages any good :(
I was just wondering if they were any good cause i think that they are but i don't get very many comments on them or points or whatever you want to call them. So yeah i was just wondering!!!
Created: Apr 25, 2008

Created By: sagequinn
New Here
Well I'm new to this site and to the world of digital scrapping, but here I am! I love photography, genealogy and all of my photos of my beautiful children and other family, so this is perfect for me. I've always been a creative person, mostly expressing myself through writing and amateur photography, but this is also a creative outlet for me. I'm addicted.
Created: Apr 25, 2008

Created By: GramyPat
Hi, I have never been in a blog before so here goes. I have been doing SBF for about 2-3 year and love it. So many of you folks have taught me how to do so much and I want to thank you all. Right now I am working on 5 different sb. One for each of my 3 grandchildren and 2 for of my childhood and the after I married. It is bring up such wonderful memories!
Created: Apr 25, 2008

Created By: Louisa75
hiya im new to all this but i love it and i thank all off u for my votes and welcoming me to this sight xxxxxxxx
Created: Apr 23, 2008

Created By: mcbrn
Photomanipulation - Backgrounds
All about my photomanipulation backgrounds!
Created: Apr 21, 2008

Created By: annemari
Created: Apr 21, 2008

Created By: MaineGirl64
I have never been so welcomed into a group as I have been with all of you. You have made me feel so special, I want to thank you all.
Created: Apr 20, 2008

Created: Apr 15, 2008

Created By: booptails
So excited!!!!!
I was able to download the program and I am getting ready to start my first scrapbook. Wish me luck.
Created: Apr 15, 2008

Created By: astrologic
*' ' you ' '* *' ' m-e ' '*
Created: Apr 14, 2008

Created By: Sirenail
Aqui describo mis experiencias con Scrapbook.
Created: Apr 12, 2008

Created By: memarsh
Created: Apr 12, 2008

Created By: bhawesh
u and me
hi its me bhawesh. from haldwani, uttarakhand. i have recently joined orkut so all the active members are invited to join me.
Created: Apr 11, 2008

Created By: Mousa
A Scrap of Weird
It seems like a good idea at the moment to have a blog. So here we are - chronicling the scraps of my life!
Created: Apr 10, 2008

Created By: belinda81
Been looking all day after disney cars pic layauts
My son have soon his 1th b-day and the them is going to be disney cars. and im looking for some layouts / kits elements yeah everything. Im so boored becuse of the looking that I havent done enything at home. its night here in sweden and im still looking after pic on the internet. now my babyboy woke up :-( well take care. Love belinda
Created: Apr 9, 2008

Created By: gypsyj
Wow never done this here b4 atm just cruising till the holidays...yay 3 more days...then i can be more creative paint, make scrapbook pages...Oh yeah have to do the planning essay thing for my masters essay, what the hey it will be done! Yay then I have 5 days in Perth outa here yay>>>>shoppping!!!!!!!!!!!!
Created: Apr 8, 2008

Created By: livingstorydesigns
Living Story Designs
This blog will chronicle my adventures in a brand new digital scrapbooking business, Living Story Designs. We offer creative services for parents looking to adopt.
Created: Apr 7, 2008

Created By: jennifer18
Scrapping Tiferet
I am Jennifer and this is my first scrapbooking blog. Thank you so much for visiting. I hope you enjoy it.
Created: Apr 7, 2008

Created By: JenandKae
Figuring things out
I will update my page when I get things figured out. Tried to do a scrap page, but it hung up on me. A little frustrated at this point. I will come back after a little breather and try again.
Created: Apr 6, 2008

Created By: caitlynn!
i'm new to scrapbooking but love it already!
Created: Apr 6, 2008

Created By: laizfabienne
my precious daugther
Created: Apr 4, 2008

Created By: KiraPeasley
First Scrapbook
I just finished my first scrapbook online. I have done them by hand before, but wow! This really is a lot easier & the result looks more professional! I am satisfied with most of the pages, but some still look plain and boring. I don't know why, but one of the pages I made (which happens to be one of my favorites) isn't showing up-- it just shows up as a white page. I went to the FAQ & it said this was because there is an extra page in the scrapbook-- but there isn't. I can see it when I'm in the actual program-- it's a pink page! Help! I'm excited to start doing all my scrapbooks this way! <3 Kira
Created: Apr 3, 2008

Created By: amandamartins21
Amanda´s blog
I love scrap...a lot!
Created: Apr 1, 2008

Created By: boyle1216
Created: Mar 30, 2008

Created By: 2200ATC
brand new to digital scrapbooking but have been paper scrapbooking for around 7 years, just waiting for the software to download now and then will be giving it a good go!
Created: Mar 30, 2008

Created By: marandarocks
the best friend
Created: Mar 29, 2008

Created By: ScrapBookingDepo
Very Excited
I have placed my first order from a vendor, Scenic Route and I am expecting my order sometime next week. Our store just took another step closer to our dream.
Created: Mar 29, 2008

Created By: scrapoholicdesigns
Scrapoholic Designs SF blog
Where I post about new additions to gallery Scrapoholic blog and/or store..
Created: Mar 26, 2008

Created By: marandarocks
hi my name is maranda i am 9 years old i live in ohio my hobies are jumping on the trampolien and playing soft ball and jumping rope if you want to email me my email is marandaissassy@ thank you for reading it
Created: Mar 25, 2008

Created By: marandarocks
my dogs are my fav subject
Created: Mar 25, 2008

Created By: biddy65
hi my name is anne marie im 42 yrs old have identicale twin boys 21 have 2 granddaughters jennah and laurah. laurah was born on her father nigels 18th birthday shes nearly 4 jennah just had her 1st birthday. i am a nurse and at the moment im at tafe doing my cert 4 in welfare. i think this site is wonderfull its something ive been looking for,for ages thankyou to the management who put it together you done a wonderfull job im sure everyone would agree.
Created: Mar 25, 2008

Created By: valdemontc
Lo rapido que pasa el tiempo pestañeamos y ya termino el año.
Created: Mar 23, 2008

Created By: NoEyeDeer
Hi Just wanted to let everyone know I've been slacking a bit on keeping up with your new pages! I promise to get to each and everyone of them!!!! Leah
Created: Mar 21, 2008

Created By: Nathfunstuff
Nathfunstuff's Blog
A place to share news & happenings in my scrapbooking life :)
Created: Mar 21, 2008

Created By: ILoveMyGrandkids
Just wanted to let every one know i'm sorry for not giving credit the right way. I hope to do it the right way from now on. Hope every one forgives me.
Created: Mar 21, 2008

Created By: cdevries
Created: Mar 21, 2008

Created By: tealgiraffe
Today's horoscope
I'm into astrology, so I luv to read my daily horoscope. Here's what today's said: In the past few weeks you may have discovered your own creativity, and you were thinking about art and beauty a lot! You may have written poems, painted pictures, or redecorated your house! Today, there is another wave of creativity welling up in you. Try to develop this aspect of your personality further, Virginia. Soon, this attitude will open up new horizons for yourself. So true since i've found SBF
Created: Mar 21, 2008

Created By: coescountrygirl
Dawn's Scraps
Scrapbooking kits
Created: Mar 19, 2008

Created By: My Inspiration
My First Blog
What's up?
Created: Mar 18, 2008

Created By: caswebworks
Ponderings of a Digi Girl
Thoughts from a Digi Girl in Kansas
Created: Mar 17, 2008

Created By: bntyhuntress
My heart hurts
I feel I've left so many TRUe friend I've met here in the dark and I' sorry
Created: Mar 15, 2008

Created By: montana girl
New to this!
Hey everyone - I am new to this so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions once I start posting some things - please let me know. Is anyone else new to doing scapbooking digitally?
Created: Mar 14, 2008

Created By: nipdesigns
Nip Designs
Created: Mar 14, 2008

Created By: KatiaB
With love from Belgium
Wonderings, ponderings, thoughts and other things to share.
Created: Mar 13, 2008

Created By: Scraping_Angel
St. patricks day???
In my country we do not celebrate St.Patrick nor Thanksgiving. but I keep hearing about it would somebody be so kind enough to explain to me the meaning and why of St. Patricks Day??? Thank You
Created: Mar 13, 2008

Created By: rinkadink
blogs blogs blogs kids kids kids
I ok this is only the 3rd time I have done this so here it goes I just found out that my daughter has been sexual active just once she says but what do I do put her on the pill. I can't tell my mom at all. She would just die. I hate keep this from her. I told some of my friends. one says to put her on the pill that is what she did with her daughter and my friend does not beleive you should mess with mother nature. what do you think?
Created: Mar 10, 2008

Created By: rinkadink
bummed out
ok I have not been on here lately so I go to do some new pages last night and the whole thing locked up my computer I was so bummed out about it anyway I have been busy with PTA and work and working my business that I have not been on here that much
Created: Mar 10, 2008

Created By: gorgeouspnai
Why Scrapbooking Is So Much Fun?
I started being a scrapper just recently and it was so much fun. Scrapbooking brings out the artist in me. It also enhances my knowledge as an individual and challenges my creativity as an artist. Since I love taking pictures and keeping them, through scrapbooking, I can make our pictures look more meaningful, beautiful, fun and unique in my very own way.
Created: Mar 10, 2008

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
Oh l am so excited l am in the process of setting up my own blog where if you want you can visit and post things to me and in time download any stuff l put on there. keep your eyes peeled on my homepage as it may not be long before l let you know......
Created: Mar 9, 2008

Created By: Cortaline
Created: Mar 9, 2008

Created By: tatoojunkywithnomonk
jerksand lames there all the same
weighting 4 the forchen and famethey all play the gamewhocares to know there name there all going to be dealt with the same
Created: Mar 9, 2008

Created By: Caileadair
scrappin' fledgling
flies into her scrapbooking nest to learn a new creative media. :) Dawn II. Beginnings never too few never too many in the misty morning light of dawn you are born anew and life which is eternal but only seemed as death in your dark dreams flows on in peace choose to begin to live. ~Cail
Created: Mar 8, 2008

Created By: BlossomHIll
Blossom Hill Blooming Blog
Personal ramblings, reflections and the like.
Created: Mar 8, 2008

Created By: netnotes
Saying hello
Recently installed Scrapbook Factory - hoping to master! I joined a few weeks back - wanted to acknowledge the following "fans" posting welcome on my home page: April A., Las Vegas, Jaya, Rancho Cordova, CA and Shawtyp, Alton, IL - Don't give up on me I'll be scrapbooking with you soon! -Netnotes
Created: Mar 7, 2008

Created By: teriberi
Do Not Do this!!!
Do not download over 7 mgs of digital scrapbooking papers, elements and other things without backing up!! I am so upset. I just started digi scrapbooking and learned a very important lesson! BACK UR STUFF UP! I lost it all tonite, a corrupt disk where the items were stored. Sitting and thinking now.
Created: Mar 3, 2008

Created By: silverstar
A Little Something..
Well, it feel nice to explore all the new layouts and new design's.... I'm more of a paper scraper then ditgial but it's becauce I haven't found a program yet that I'm great at... I love to create things... I'm a dreamer I think some times.. Still in Mo.... Great state when it's warm... I have photoshop 9.0 I think but man???? I mix thing's up alot...Anyone have any favorite photoshops, programs they work with that are great and expressive....I have HP Photoshop and scrapbookflairs but I seem to not get it... Help
Created: Mar 2, 2008

Created By: tulip_designs
Now that I have your attention...
Designer. Scrapbooker. Photographer. Mother. Lawyer. Let me tell you a story. I have things to say, I have complaints, I have motives, and I have desires. Stop on in and see what I have to offer you today. Perhaps you will find a tasty morsel that will make you think. Perhaps there will be an idea that will inspire you to do something great. Perhaps you will only be entertained. Nonetheless, you will find something.
Created: Feb 29, 2008

Created By: Tarja
My Poetry
Created: Feb 28, 2008

Created By: farfalla
Farfalla's scrapbooking blog
Created: Feb 28, 2008

Created By: simsage
How do you do it!
Hi guys, I really love to go thru all the pages,comment and vote on the challenges, but it really is so time consuming does anyone have any tips on doing this? I really feel responsible to at least comment and vote on my Friends Challenge pages, and on others that catch my eye, but everyone is so Prolific, that I find myself spending over 4 hours a night just doing that. Help
Created: Feb 27, 2008

Created By: serenityscrapbooking
Created: Feb 25, 2008

Created By: Mommy Dearest
More headaches
I was hoping to get better but since I've returned to work, my headaches have become more severe and frequent. Doc has tried diff. pain meds intended for migraine sufferers but the meds only increase the pain more! I go back to neuro opthamalogist on 3/3/008 (UCLA Med Ctr) for follow up visit and am hoping he will give me some good news and some hope. Am so tired of all this pain I am constantly having almost every day now. I had to go back to work on 2/11/08 because my disability and sick leave ran out. Am losing weight which is good because the pain med. Topamax is also an appetitie supressant! Just don't feel like eating anymore. Don't feel like scrapbooking, cleaning, gardening, anything. Cannot think of anything but getting rid of the pain in my head.
Created: Feb 23, 2008

Created By: dollysue25
Secret scrapper
I am fairly new to this. I just started about 1 year ago. I have 3 boys and a husband that hunts. My family is huge on holidays. So, I feel it is safe to say we have plenty pictures to scrap. As I always say: My husband lets me but all the scrapbooking stuff I can hide.(from him)lol Jami
Created: Feb 18, 2008

Created By: Valerie Rankins
Valerie Rankins
Created: Feb 18, 2008

Created By: iloveleanne
I don't wanna miss a thing!
That's my motto! I love bringing along my digicam so I can capture all great moments...later on...scrap!
Created: Feb 16, 2008

Created By: trishie
I have met so many great people om SBF, thank you so much for your Kind words on my pages, and thank You for takeing the time to help Me, love trishie
Created: Feb 12, 2008

Created By: indiansugar2001
I have been named the "SCRAPBOOKING JUNKIE"! My husband call me this because I am thinking/doing LO all the time
Created: Feb 11, 2008

Created By: novice@it
Valentines Day, A time to give.
On this upcoming Valentines day, its very easy to think about "me". I happen to be married to a guy who is not good at remembering things like valentines day, hes a good guy, just not romantic, yes it hurts my feelings, and I always tell myself, not to expect anything, and if he remembers, it will just be a suprize. I will take this time to shower my kids with treats and stuff, and the kids in my young sons class with some goodies. How about you? There are a lot of lonely people in nursing homes who never get visitors, they would probably enjoy a little visit. Ot maybe a neighbor needs a hand with yardwork. There are lots of ways to say Im thinking of you. Lets take this valentines day and give more than we get and see how great it makes you feel.
Created: Feb 11, 2008

Created By: seasonsend73
Making pictures...
It has been little time i made pictures. There was too much to do and not enough time. I missed this moment when i can do these pictures. Now i start to take time and make these again here. I hope you enjoy those. :)
Created: Feb 9, 2008

Created By: antym2oz
HELP !!!
Hi fellow scrappers/creators, I was hoping someone could take the time and help me with a download issue with adobe. I am very new to digital scrapbooking and feel like my hands are tied because after I download some great freebies and try to open them to use....ADOBE won;t let me use them and gives me an error that reads: cannot open file because it is the wrong type of file. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please ...please help,,,,itchin to thanks, antym2oz
Created: Feb 8, 2008

Created By: Mommy Dearest
Results from Doctors Visit last Week
Well, I have felt well enough to get on the computer, finally. My doctors' office visit from visiting the neuro opthamologist at UCLA Medical Center resulted in positive news!!! I am responding favorably to the medication so it means no surgery! But, my headaches have increased. So the doctor has put me on Topamax which is what is given to Migraine sufferers. It is given in a gradual dose so it will take some time before it will feel like it is working. Can't feel the effects yet. I have my good days and my bad days. Have mostly bad days. My head feels like it wants to explode mostly! Feels like a very bad sinus infection where my head hurts, my ears hurts my eyes hurt & my sinus' hurt too. I sleep alot. I plan to go back to work Monday whether I feel better or not. Am so bored. Did some scrapbooking yesterday in my scrapbook. Tired me out! LOL Prayers must have been answered from all my family & friends!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! Becky
Created: Feb 7, 2008

Created By: mariaguaman
hi im new in all this i was wondering if any of you know or have any bath time stuff for the scrap book im trying to created my frist one can you guys please help me????
Created: Feb 6, 2008

Created By: DawnKitchens06
It's been a while
It's been quite some time now since I have even been online. Alot has happened since the last time I blogged. To much to go into and to much to talk about right now. I was having some health issues before with my gallbladder and things have just exploded since then with more things. I haven't made any scraps in a very long time but I hope to get back into doing them soon and will post them. It's great to be back!
Created: Feb 6, 2008

Created By: HappyAussie
Hello Scrappers
I am very new to scrapbooking (only started yesterday!) and have never written a blog in my life. I look forward to years of learning and enjoyment.
Created: Feb 5, 2008

Created By: Pure Scrapture
ScriptureScrapture & Other Inspirations...
Hi! I'm all excited about this site! Everyone here is so warm and encouraging, not to mention TALENTED! Thanks for sharing guys! Well, I'm going to try to post some thoughtful and encouraging words from scriptures to other inspirational proverbs/quotes that i've found and have been dwelling on during the week. Join me if you will!! For my first-ever blog, I'd like to start with a word about encouragement...
Created: Feb 5, 2008

Created By: Lady Anjuili
Lady Anjuli's
Just the rants and raves of a Mom of Five and what life deals outs it may be a great way to keep my worries on tap.
Created: Feb 3, 2008

Created By: The Payne Family
The Payne Family
Created: Feb 3, 2008

Created By: irishmaggie2008
Life is a Journey
Life is a Journey * * * * * Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what's to be, A resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different paths along the way, We all were meant to learn some things, but never meant to stay... Our destination is a place, far greater than we know. For some the journey's quicker, for some the journey's slow. And when the journey finally ends, we'll claim a great reward, And find an everlasting peace, together with the Lord
Created: Feb 2, 2008

Created By: imforgven
Created: Feb 1, 2008

Created By: youngmomma
diapers and bananas
Diapers and bananas are literally two things we can't live without. It's amazing how many of both we go through. Some would find my days boring and monotonous, but I couldn't be happier. Yes, to some point there's a certain predictability... breakfast- banana and cherrios...naptime at 10 and a circle of cleaning up messes. But it's the other side I love- the sound of Elijah's laughter when I chase him in circles around our small apartment, the wonder in his eyes when he's discovered something new, and when he decides to snuggle with his mommy. those are the moments that make my days worth while. It may just look like a whole lot of diapers, bananas and messes, but to me, this is happiness, this is what I was meant to be.
Created: Jan 31, 2008

Created By: faye1978
Blooming Cold!!
I have decided to blog! Lord knows how long I'll do it for...usually a few days then I forget for ages. I have had this thing for just, AGES now. The doc says it's a viral infection, but I feel SO lousy with it. One second I feel ok and the next I feel really rough. Anyway, I have been playing with PS today and found out a few new things I can do with it. But I am SUCH a huge procrastinator it's unbelievable. I have a million pictures that need scrapping but I am not doing it. Could be cos I feel so lousy. Moan over. Faye xx
Created: Jan 30, 2008

Created By: Candy3
Ok this is my first I hope that this get's through the first time. I am really enjoying my time here on SFF. The people are just so nice and I love getting comments on my pages. I use PSE 5.0 and I have still so much to learn I started a group for PSE 5.0- users (and other elements users) please check it out ...maybe we can all learn from one another.
Created: Jan 28, 2008

Created By: Mommy Dearest
How does everyone get so many points?
I see so much talent on here and so many points. I am guessing it means the more friends you have the more points one accumulates. LOL. Probably. I don't have many but that's okay. I just like making pages. It gives me something to do even now that I have more time on my hands since I cannot work with this new disease I have. I use making digital scrapbooks as kinda like my "draft" scrapbook then I go and make "real life" scrapbooks for my books. LOL Corny I know. but I don't know how to explain it. Getting nervous about going to UCLA Medical Center this coming Thursday to see the neuro opthamologist. Hopefully, it will be good news about my eyes and hopefully surgery can be done to restore my vision to normal again. Pray for me. There is so much talen on this website that it is unbelievable! Everyone is great!
Created: Jan 27, 2008

Created By: Scrappin' Susie
Scrappin' Susie's Place
a home for Susie's pages.
Created: Jan 27, 2008

Created By: Martta
New ideas popping in my head
Okei, I have been doing this few days now, scrapbooking I mean. I get all these ideas popping in my head all the time. Pictures on the wall to my kids room, applepierecipe in a beautiful frame for my sisters new kitchen, pictures of our family, our dog etc.. Got to go scrapping now! Love, Martta
Created: Jan 26, 2008

Created By: josh vincent gabriel
Josh Vincent F. Gabriel
This is my first blog... ever! and it'll be all about my baby. From the first time i knew i was pregnant, i was so excited to see him... now he's here... my home is filled with love and joy. he is my pride and my joy indeed! and i can't get my eyes off of him... i'm gonna give him all the love and all the best in this world. "i'm gonna be a super mommy!"
Created: Jan 26, 2008

Created By: My Baby Kyle
new user
Hello!! I am very new to scrapbooking. please give me some advice or tips. Its really hard for me to start.thanks
Created: Jan 25, 2008

Created By: nette47
Nett's scraping and family
This is all about my scraping pages and my family who make my life so happy
Created: Jan 24, 2008

Created By: shellbell1471
My Blog - Shellbell1471
My Blog
Created: Jan 24, 2008

Created By: cyclone_girl_16
Can you believe it's time for the superbowl already? Who do you think will win? New England Patriots or New York Giants? I say, " Go Patriots!!!!!" Toodles, Brit
Created: Jan 23, 2008

Created By: booboo_bobo
Scrappin is great
I have 3 children and love making scrap books of our trips and school activities they are in too etc.
Created: Jan 22, 2008

Created By: veelana
Veelana's Creations
Created: Jan 22, 2008

Created: Jan 21, 2008

Created By: BellaRose79
My first blog!!
I was wondering, besides the groups, if there was any other way to get my pages seen :) I see so many others out there with well over 200-300 and more votes. I just wanted to get more exposure for my pages too :)
Created: Jan 21, 2008

Created By: MrsJoeJonas24
I Luv Josh Hutcherson
Hey if ther's any ?'s anyone needs to know please feel free to ask me! thx! cya! xoxoxo lol
Created: Jan 20, 2008

Created By: GrammaDoreen
Thank You all!
You guys who said such sweet things about my pages? Thank You. You have no idea how much your comments and words of encouragement mean to me! I could use help though figuring out how to download templates, embellishments....,everything but backgrounds. I keep downloading them but they won't open. Help me please?
Created: Jan 20, 2008

Created By: amccabe
The Great Pumpkin Queen
Just another day. I'm at my mother's house right now visiting and playing on the computer. Decided to drop by scrapbookflair. Currently I live in Texas away from my husband who is in the Navy. He right now resides in CT. I don't feel comfortable going into too much detail about all the issues going on, so I guess that is all I can say for now. Feel free to come by and visit me on myspace at Sorry... I hope the next blog is more exciting!
Created: Jan 20, 2008

Created By: zulu & Boo boo
scraping -- downunder -- aussie style
Hi, Im new to this craz called scrapbooking, but boy am I making up for lost time. I am starting to hang all my creations on every inch on wall in the house--- and if hubby stands still long enough I might just hang them on him too
Created: Jan 20, 2008

Created By: katiescraftworks
Day by day
General stuff about my family, my crafts and the ups and downs of living with Multiple Sclerosis.
Created: Jan 19, 2008

Created By: Pamela's Ghost
Well, hmmm. Let me see, it's 06:49 (yep, Saturday morning, before 7am) and I have just been woken up by my 3 year old demanding a drink. So after a trek through a dark wilderness, avoiding hidden pitfalls like a dog toy on the stairs the mission was accomplished. Darling daughter has her drink and all's well with the world once more. So did I go back to bed? Erm, no. I came on here. Am I nuts?
Created: Jan 19, 2008

Created By: gone2hike
Humane Society Challenge
I've created a challenge for my local humane society where I volunteer. Please come join at
Created: Jan 18, 2008

Created By: Pamela's Ghost
New Members Near Me
I'm really disappointed. I found at least a dozen new members near me and I went to everyone of their home pages and none of them have uploaded any scrapbooks yet. Boooooooo - come on people around me, put up some pages - I'm really looking forward to seeing them and maybe having a chat over a common interest - or finding someone who can teach me some ways of making some of the amazing pages I've seen on here. So come on Hampshire and surrounding area !!!!!! I'm waiting :-) Love Pamela's Ghost
Created: Jan 17, 2008

Created By: Pamela's Ghost
Ah ... I just found the "Create A New Blog" button (or whatever it's called). I've been a bit busy the last few days decorating my dining room - glossing, wallpapering (the real kind, not computer geanerated!) sanding blah blah blah. It's only my second attempt at papering and I've never used patterened paper before so it took a couple of days but it's done and it looks great. I've taken a few pics and I'm going to scrap it on here cos I'm really quite proud of it! Hope everyone is well and if you're reading this and have commented on any of my pages thank you very much - all the comments have been really nice! TC Pamela's Ghost
Created: Jan 17, 2008

Created By: mummy bunny
Mummy Bunny
Created: Jan 16, 2008

Created By: Scrappy Schnooks~
New group
I started a group for pages that need a boost! 1-100 points This group is for any pages that need a boost whether it be a new page or a page that just needs to be seen more. So add all of your pages so we can get them some points!!
Created: Jan 16, 2008

Created By: Nufstad
Digital scrapbooking, kitchen, food, chef
Hello. I am trying to find kits with kitchen, food, chef, catering items. Anyone who can help me?
Created: Jan 15, 2008

Created By: craftprincess
My mum has got me hooked on this online scrapbooking site.....HELP....
Created: Jan 15, 2008

Created By: novice@it
Need your advice about my son
Please look at my page, about my sons kindergarden experience, I need help before I go insane. heres the link, thanks in advance, would love to here from teachers,
Created: Jan 11, 2008

Created By: MandiKaye
It's been two days and I'm still not over the loss of my team. I was all ready to make a page of their victory. I guess I was too confident. There is always next year though.
Created: Jan 9, 2008

Created By: flute-GRL15
Flute Time! ~
My experience with flutes and marching told by scrapping? How is this possible?
Created: Jan 8, 2008

Created By: asherman
trying but not great with ideas
I want to be a great scrapbooker but I am always at a lost for ideas and writings. I feel everything I write is silly, thats why all my pages are simple. But I am trying and maybe one day I will get there
Created: Jan 8, 2008

Created By: praiseiii
Created 1/8/08 Hey guys and gals: I think I am hooked. I really love this site. I find myself thinking of new and creative ways to make pages. I need more pics. Just got this camera for Christmas and I see that I will get good use of it. Just wanted to say that I am honored to be a part of this community. Look forward to communicated with you all and thanks for the nice things being said about my pages. Agape, Praiseiii
Created: Jan 8, 2008

Created By: lisatriolo
Just Starting Out...
New year, new start. i figured i have a full time job with the benefits, etc. but i should do what i REALLY love; being creative, taking pictures, and scrapbooking. (I like this much better than my full time job) Hopefully my name and capabilities will get out there and i will make something of myself:)
Created: Jan 7, 2008

Created By: MandiKaye
Hey everyone! I re-posted my Jade and Dereka Challenge Page. The first one I did was very blurry, so I went in and did some adjustments, and it turned out really great. So check it out and vote if you like what you see! Much Love Mandi
Created: Jan 6, 2008

Created By: Michelle5959
Shells Random Thoughts and Messages
Hi! I'm Michelle and my friends and family call me Shelly. Actually Shelly is the nickname I acquired from my Grandfather Carl Sheldon (Who's nickname was SHELL). That's fine with me because if I inheredited anything from my Poppop his name is good, nobody can take that from me and to me he was a good and loving man, of "all" his children. I've written a bit about myself on my home page at scrapbookflair if you are a member you can read it at! Happy Scrapping people and I'm excited about this new adventure for me!
Created: Jan 2, 2008

Created By: MandiKaye
Introducing Myself
Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a minute and let you all know who I am. My name is Amanda but my family calls me Mandi, I'm 21, and from a small town in southern Ohio. I love to scrapbook, I've been doing it off and on for about 7 years. I just recently started at it again after short creative block. I hope to get to know more of you soon!
Created: Jan 1, 2008

Created By: paper engineer
From the dust (or should that be desk!!) of the Paper Engineer
My thoughts, ideas and probably ramblings of a new but deeply hooked digi scrapper.
Created: Jan 1, 2008

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
New Year
Well it is a new year and as every says a new me!!! I have ate enought chocolate to compete with willy wonka in his factory. going on a diet tomoz as finishing off a few things left from last night...
Created: Jan 1, 2008

Created By: Susana Survivor
Remembering the Angels
My sites are always dedicated to remembering the angels of Domestic Violence. It is a sad reality of the world. I find all the ways I can to honor them. Thanks for listening. I hope I did this right. It is my first little blog. :)
Created: Dec 31, 2007

Created By: srhg00
Happy New Year
I hope Santa found everyong and everyone got what they wanted. I truly enjoyed this Christmas. I look foward to making scrapbook pages with the pictures I took with my new digital camera. I got a Kodak M753 in purple. It's just small enought for me to take with me in my daughter's diaper bag. So now I won't miss all those funny moments. Happy New Year and look forward to another great year at Scrapbook Flair.
Created: Dec 30, 2007

Created By: Laura'n'Daughters
Thank-You so much.
I would like to thank everybody who left lovely comments on my pages, particularly the latest ones of my daughters in their Santa dresses, I am so proud of them. If you haven't seen, go check them out! (I'm a beginner but all these lovely comments give me a push to learn more and get better at it) Thank-You. Laura.
Created: Dec 30, 2007

Created By: mom2271
Christmas Challenge
Please go to my site (mom2271) and check out my christmas challenge page. I need voters - which means I NEED U! Thanks for looking everyone. Anna
Created: Dec 26, 2007

Created By: Wotsit
Christmas is almost here....
Well Christmas is almost here... and everyone is still running around like crazy, buying the present they forgot to buy their long lost cousin twice removed, who they have never seen , but decided to visit them the day before Christmas to say hello after what seems like forever!!!! Rings any bells with anyone??? Well I think that includes everyone.... SO INCASE I MISSED ANY LONG LOST FAMILY, FRIENDS OR JUST ABOUT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.......I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND AN ABSOLUTLY FANTASTIC NEW YEAR!!!!! from Wotsit and family
Created: Dec 22, 2007

Created By: Busymum
I would like to thank all the people who have left such lovely comments. I am really enjoying this and it is not as hard as I thought. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Take care.
Created: Dec 20, 2007

Created By: julie rocks
my life
well my life is awesome
Created: Dec 17, 2007

Created By: stampinlovers
Created: Dec 17, 2007

Created: Dec 17, 2007

Created By: fretha
Now, I have time!
After years of busy working as a full-time employee, now I have time for myself, especially for scrapbooking. This helps me to spend my time while my husband is working and my kid is going to school. I want to learn more and more. It really gives a personal satisfaction. *Happy to have new friends with similar hobby...*
Created: Dec 16, 2007

Created By: MTScrapper
Just getting started, December 2007
Follow me on my journey as I attempt to discover my creative side. I think I have one. :)
Created: Dec 14, 2007

Created By: labsxtwo
Have Pictures, Will Scrapbook
Inside the mind of a newbie at scrapbooking.
Created: Dec 14, 2007

Created By: momastone
Keri's Krazy Korner
Hi, my name is Keri and I am a scrapaholic. They say the first step is admitting it.hehe I'm just starting out and haven't explored much of the site. Because of this, let me apologize to those of you that requested to be my friend...I am sorry I didn't see your requests until just now. lol I wasn't ignoring you, I just wasn't that observant of my internet surroundings. Oops.:) I'm always on the hunt for great freebies and kits that have darker themes. I love the traditional kits but am looking for those elusive rock and roll, noir, red and black, mystic, creature of the night kinda stuff. Anyone know where I can find what I'm lookin' for?
Created: Dec 14, 2007

Created By: BJay The scapper
My Dreams In Life
My stores in a real world.
Created: Dec 12, 2007

Created By: ILoveMyGrandkids
I LoveMyGrandchildren
can finally make scrapbook pages. It is alot of fun.There is so much you can do with your pictures now.Go Out And Have Fun!
Created: Dec 12, 2007

Created By: WildfireScrapbooking
Update 12/10/07
Created: Dec 10, 2007

Created By: Debbie1737
My Crafty Corner
Just any thoughts ideas or anything at all I have to say that is craft related.
Created: Dec 9, 2007

Created By: !s@b3ll3
My bff
When i see my friend on sbkf i jump for joy because i know i can talk and write down my feelings without having to try to reexplan myself. i can include somany different things that it is 99.9% gaurenteed that she will get it and reply. Love yall
Created: Dec 7, 2007

Created By: Michelan1
After spending months downloading and saving all my favourite kits and embellishments. My computer has just crashed and I have lost the lot. Along with 30+ years worth of photos that took me about 3 weeks to scan into my computer. Now I know why it is a ggod idea to make back up copies!!
Created: Dec 5, 2007

Created By: willowbit4me
I added some more stuff to my 4share account..nothing big or flashy cause I'm still learning. Just some ornaments, stars, hearts, and a background. But you will need a password first to download, so message me and I'll let you test them out. Happy Holidays! Jamie
Created: Dec 5, 2007

Created By: willowbit4me
Here Goes
Wow I hope I'm doing this right ;D I have set up a 4share account but it has a password at least I think it does.. Check out my hearts! This is my first offer, please leave a comment if you download it and let me know what you think.
Created: Dec 3, 2007

Created By: AppGal630
Home FROM the holiday *whew*
Hi all, Just finally getting a chance this evening to do a little catch-up. We went out of town for the holiday, it was wonderful! I do have to admit its good to be home tho & back to my crafts--I was having withdrawls! LOL--Oh and if I didn't get a chance to write you a lil'thankyou note for being a fan or adding me as a friend..I apologize..I was writing them up when I had a "gremlin" of some type and they all disappeared! (gotta love computers hehe)But if you did recently add me as a friend or became a fan--THANK YOU--without your encouragement and kind critiques I wouldn't be here. Happy scrappin' holidays to you and yours!
Created: Dec 1, 2007

Created By: abby *happy
Created: Nov 30, 2007

Created By: lilfunnyfroggie
I say, You say, We all say..Let's Scrap The Day Away!
Do they have Scrapper's Anonymous? I am a mother of 2 boys, who give me millions of scrap- worthy moments. I am also a photographer and I babysit in my home. Where do I find the time for all this, in between my scrapping? Well, lets just say THANK GOD I have insomnia!
Created: Nov 26, 2007

Created By: knittingden
Scrappin News
Updates on new pages I've added
Created: Nov 26, 2007

Created By: MyakkaMom
Myakka Mom
Hello Everyone! Nice to have a site like this, My first time Blogging. Love to scrapbook I have the Scrapbook fever We put our home on the market and Have to Clean up clutter so know I use my computer to scrap and save. Know this makes it easy to share with my family! Have A Great Day Everyone!
Created: Nov 26, 2007

Created By: Frozen
One of my "First Times"...
Hmmm...i assume everyone has a little story to tell about their first times and wellm here's one of mine...first time for Blogs and first time for digital scrapbooking...and OH MY! this is fast becoming an addiction if I ever saw one. As my beloved family tells me...I am going thru this scrapbooking like it's gonna go out of fashion! Rightfully doesn't come with any warning on those warez... I think it!!! And it should read something like "WARNING: Harmful side effects. ie: loss of sleep and appetite, extreme desire to take over the computer and obsession to take snap shotz of anything or anyone alive and moving: most likely victim is immediate family." :D
Created: Nov 25, 2007

Created By: KER
All kinds of papercrafts here. Lots of cards.
Created: Nov 24, 2007

Created By: scrapfanatic
Am new to this so hope I don't mess up looking forward to joining in Have been scraping for 3 years the traditional way but starting to get the hang of going digital regards Pat
Created: Nov 24, 2007

Created By: Shazzy
A workaholic married mum of three adult children. Trying to find time amongst working full time and more hours, keeping house, running around after the family, 3 cats and 2 dogs. Just need an extra 6 hours in a day to be able to scrap until my little heart is content!!!! Never blogged before and haven't really got any idea what it is about!!!! but in for a penny in for a pound.
Created: Nov 23, 2007

Created By: Laura M
Laura M Blog
I am a beginner at digital scrapbooking and I have a lot to learn. I look forward to learning and sharing.
Created: Nov 22, 2007

Created By: novice@it
I made a page a couple of weeks ago about how to turn burdens into blessings, for all of you who sometimes feel overwhelmed with everything you do on a daily basis I invite you to go to my home page and take a look at it, Ive placed it on my home page for all to see, I hope it serves as a gentle reminder to us all about all we have to be thankful for, and especially at this time of year, love to all Glenda
Created: Nov 22, 2007

Created By: marshmella
Happy Thanksgiving all.
Happy Turkey day Scrapbookers..
Created: Nov 22, 2007

Created By: !s@b3ll3
This is what i have to say to the world of scrapbooking...
YOU ALL ...rock! dont stop scbking! i love our attitude even though i am pretty young i am good ask anyone!
Created: Nov 19, 2007

Created By: FireStorm
Bloggin Noggin
I'm blogging about scrapping and everyday life. Please feel free to comment on anything. God bless. Please leave a comment to let me know you were here.
Created: Nov 19, 2007

Created By: NellieBell
NanaBunny's Excellent Adventure
Created: Nov 17, 2007

Created By: cowgalpoet
Martie (aka cowgalpoet)
Created: Nov 15, 2007

Created By: billiejenrette
Billie Scraps 4 U
Hey everybody, check out the new web site at It's great if you want a custom scrapbook album made.
Created: Nov 15, 2007

Created By: mylilpatty
No Clue
Just signed up, I hope I will learn how to do this thing lol...
Created: Nov 15, 2007

Created By: *WiLd~MuMmI*
My first Blog
Well my first blog and 2nd day of totally being addicted to this site. I have been up all night making pages i cant stop it is so much fun.All though am a bit down as i had planned a beautiful layout for my sons 1st b'day but how ever i lost my camera today so i lost his pics :( Not to worry though im hopping i start to get better at this.
Created: Nov 14, 2007

Created By: kelli_lehman1122
hmm new here
sooo... this is my fisrt blog .. i <3 this place.. i like to put pic together to make a wonderful craetion.. taking pic is soooo much fun and now i can take my pic taking to the next level!!! tankxz buhbi
Created: Nov 13, 2007

Created By: teenabugg
Scrappin N Stuff :)
Pretty much self explanitory....LOL
Created: Nov 13, 2007

Created By: BecH
So Much Fun...
OMG - I have just spent an hour or so going through the designer downloads. WOW - so much free stuff. I am just loving this digital scrapping. It's so much simpler (not to mention environmentally friendly) than hard copy scrapping. The problem is though... it's just so addictive, a girl could become really quite anti-social if she's not careful LOL :)
Created: Nov 13, 2007

Created By: majcolleen
I suck!
My pages aren't near as good as most everyone elses on here. I don't know why I keep doing it. I feel that instead of getting better, they are getting worse. I don't know.
Created: Nov 12, 2007

Created By: ideagirl
Notes from a newbie...
I am really new at this, but have already found lots of great resources for free elements to use when I create my own pages. I thought I would post them here so others can utilize them, too.
Created: Nov 12, 2007

Created By: ScrapMaz
Finally Back
Back from the brink of craziness. I moved and finally got back to my scrapbooks. At least now I have a room just for scrapbook supplies, genealogy supplies and computer/junk. Having moved big time it was hard to get all together and organized. Actually still not organized, but can find everything now. Since it is all in one room. Saw some really great layouts during my browsing. Lots of new ideas for me to ponder. Happy Veterns day to all.
Created: Nov 12, 2007

Created By: Tashasc30
this blog with be abt my daily life and etc...
Created: Nov 12, 2007

Created By: 1chosen
The beginning of digital scrapbooking.
Okay so I spent the entire afternoon downloading background, taking extra pictures, playing with my software and the end result was my 1st two digital scrapbook pages. Now I wish I had my printer to print them out and put them in an album. I can say I did well for myself.
Created: Nov 10, 2007

Created By: 1chosen
Scrapbooking in Colombia
This will be something new..I started with just sending out pictures to friends and family of life in Colombia, South America. Now I am going to add a little fun and twist with scrapbooking in Colombia
Created: Nov 10, 2007

Created By: Grandma M
SORTED !!!!!!!!!!
Created: Nov 9, 2007

Created By: grandpa_david
This is where you can find links to, and descriptions of, my tutorials. Please feel free to add links to other tutorials that you think may be of use. (Remember to be carefull about copyright and the authors terms about adding links)
Created: Nov 8, 2007

Created By: Honeycombs
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb ....
Well here I am bloggin', not sure how or why but it seems like a good idea a place to write a lot of nice words cos as the verse says ... Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones (Prov 16:24). Hope those who know me enjoy the blogs if I manage to get more than this one done. Hope those who don't know me enjoy reading about the things I like.
Created: Nov 7, 2007

Created By: landersc17
WOW.. this is the first blog i have ever done!! How do you get release yourstress from everysoy life, you know what i am talking about work, the kid, family, bills...just a few examples... BY SCRAPPING an talking to grown ups...
just getting together to give each other advise.. some ppl just need grown ups to talk to... I am a Certified Massage Therapist and sometimes i dont have any appt so i stay home with my children.. there dad is in the military and works in OKC which is 88 miles away so he leaves before the kids get up and comes home right before they go to bed.. So 95% of the time i dont go out just stay with the kids soo i would love to have some grown up friends to talk too..
Created: Nov 6, 2007

Created By: CarlsMomma06
Now that I am back
Now that I am back from my vacation! I need to do some scrapbook stuff for vacation picture!
Created: Nov 6, 2007

Created By: craftersresource
I've only just begun....
I've never thought I would be a scrapbooker.. until I saw how creative people can be. I have seen scrapbooks that are works of!!..these scrapbooks have inspired me to get it together and start this amazing adventure of art.
Created: Nov 3, 2007

Created By: DlaineL
Homeless....sort of
It's hard to find time to scrap when you don't have a home of your own. We are living in my mom's motorhome at her house until our new home is completed. I feel like a fish out of water. Just a few more weeks...but I won't be on much until I'm in my new house.
Created: Nov 3, 2007

Created By: nursedog
wife, mother, grandmother, dog lover and trainer
Created: Nov 3, 2007

Created By: scrapjunk
New to this site and wowed!
Well, I am getting the hang of this. I have been scrapping for a long time, but just stumbled onto scrapbook flair by accident seeing how I just started with digital scrapping. I love this forum! I have several others I belong to that started with traditional stuff and only one other I love as much as this one. Now how am I going to manage to divide my time? And everyone here has been so welcoming! Wow! I had friends before I even added any of my pages or got a chance to really look around! WOW WOW! Cool! OH! and all of the challenges! I LOVE that. Everywhere else it is always one or two at a time and if I didn't fit into it I wait until the next ones. Now I can fit into tons! Cool! THink now I will go look at some of everyone else's stuff!
Created: Oct 30, 2007

Created By: willowbit4me
Flutterbug Design
I'm very new to scapbooking, But I do make tags for friends on myspace..I have taken the dive into making my own scrapbook pieces just recently and I plan on sharing some. So please let me know what you think when I decide to share. I like to think I have a good sense or color and that I'm good in the art department. I used to do a lot and I do mean A LOT of drawing as a kid and my mom is REALLY good at it too. Just a trait I picked up from her besides her stunning hazel hope everyone is doing good and I can't wait to get started!!! Happy Scappin! Jamie
Created: Oct 27, 2007

Created By: nenecrafts
Hi, I'm very new. I love to scrapbook but I'm just geeting started in digital. I have so much to lean. Check out my blog Be sure and say hi.
Created: Oct 26, 2007

Created By: Dottie54
I am new to this :)
Hello my name is Dottie and this is my first time ever doing these type of projects. But i know i am gonna like this it looks like a lot of fun. Be easy on me lol.
Created: Oct 26, 2007

Created By: Yady
Caribe Scrapping
This is my first time doing a blog. It is my hope to capture fun memories for life and at the same time share it with people that appreciate this creative process. I hope we can become good scrapping friends.
Created: Oct 25, 2007

Created By: Labski
bits and pieces
photos and digiscraps by jan
Created: Oct 25, 2007

Created By: Roman Roadwalker
Roman Roadwalkers Adventures
I will be sharing my adventures as a new scrapper as well as those adventures that happen in the "real" world.
Created: Oct 24, 2007

Created By: cinderella4u
new at this
hi i am really a newbie at the whole scrapbook thing. i have two children that are my greatest blessing and also my insanity. they are 2 and 3 and they band together to see how close they can come to pulling my hair out at times. but that is the age that they are at. this is my new vice, my place, my calm before and after the storm. i want to do it all at one time but realizing that that is impossible. hope to hear from you all soon. love peace and scrapbooking, mary
Created: Oct 23, 2007

Created By: strassburger
Stop Global Worm NOW!!!
We can do it!!! __________________________________ We need do it!!! NOW!!!
Created: Oct 23, 2007

Created By: teenabugg
Scrapadelic Babyyyyyyyy!
Scrapping, ranting, child rearing......and not necessarily in that order!
Created: Oct 22, 2007

Created By: majcolleen
I am about to give up
I see all of these scrapbook pages with all of these points but mine seem to suck. I thought that I was getting better but it doesn't seem like it. I have even tried to join challenges and groups but I think it is no use.
Created: Oct 22, 2007

Created By: PaisleyBlues
Paisley Blues
Digital Scrapbook creations - Updates - Coupons
Created: Oct 22, 2007

Created By: latchie
Please help me!
Just getting started with scrapbook flair!
Created: Oct 21, 2007

Created By: Mommy Dearest
A lot of Talent!
I hate to post any of my pages since the pages on here are so expert looking and so beautiful and well thought out! I think I'll just make some to post on my pages but I won't do any more challenges. Lots of great talent here and lots of wonderful ideas too!
Created: Oct 20, 2007

Created By: Aunt Bettye Fern
Sorry I Haven't Been Around
Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been so busy at work and doing other things and I'm to pooped to turn on the computer when I get home at night. I still love you all, please be patient with me...Love you much!!!!!!!!!!
Created: Oct 20, 2007

Created By: Countess
Countess' Scrapbook
Pictures of my cat and baking.
Created: Oct 19, 2007

Created By: Flowerpot
Flowerpot's Adventure's
Created: Oct 19, 2007

Created By: !s@b3ll3
My favorite place to chill...
When i want to take a break away from the real world, I can turn to my cyberspace world. The only communication is E-mail and i can finally be someone else Like Halloween everyday on here, people are impersonating someone, making themselves sound appealing. If only we all were one honest group. When i get mad, i type. Typing takes all the pain away. I can feel as if I'm a princess or a model. My chill place with all of my peeps.
Created: Oct 18, 2007

Created By: chachalady
to all my scrapbook friends
i just wanted to send a special thank you for all the comments you have given me on my pages and to say that all the pages here are great everyone of you a very creative i am sorry if i dont get to all of your pages to comment but i will soon thanks again hugs connie
Created: Oct 18, 2007

Created By: CrazyAboutScrapbook
Love to Scrapbook? I am Crazy About Scrapbook Keeping Memories Alive is our business. Crazy About Scrapbook - home of Disney Scrapbook, other Albums, Papers, Stickers and more at discounted prices. Win Free Scrapbook Items. Check our Specials. Save 10% off your order. COUPON10B
Created: Oct 18, 2007

Created By: lynn1964
am new to all scrapbooking. I recently got married to a wonderful man and i have one daughter who is 24. I enjoy doing crafts and reading books. my favorite time of year is christmas. it is not the gifts but the spirit of christmas that i enjoy. being with family and the decorations. and the true meaning. if there is anything anyone wants to know just ask
Created: Oct 17, 2007

Created By: sheba973
The daily blog
Hello! I am new to the site and just learning how to use it, so if there is anyone that can help I would love some help or even meet new people in the process of doing my scrapbooking.
Created: Oct 14, 2007

Created By: justme95632
Gads where do you go to win a challenge . LOL. no serious what do you have to do. just messing today. but would love to know how and what i should do different.
Created: Oct 12, 2007

Created By: hokeypokey07
hey i'm new to this site but i am having a great time and i am thirty weeks pregnant and i am getting married on the twenty fourth of november yay bye for now not forever.
Created: Oct 11, 2007

Created By: BrittyGurl
My very good friend Tanner Serini got into a car accident today. He was speeding down a road and he flipped his car. I don't know about all of his injuries, I just know that he is getting surgery right now for a punctured liver. All of your prayers would be very appreciated. He is expected to make it, and I am just praying for him. Thankyou!
Created: Oct 10, 2007

Created By: CraftyScraps
Crafty Scraps
Love to scrap and create new things...With my life style and not knowing if I will be alive in the morning, makes you cherish life more then the average person...I deal with many medical issues and even tho it isn't easy, I make the best of it and never let it get me down...I have started to scrap my life...and I am putting together a scrapbook for my two boys to be given to them when I die...It will happen, and I don't want to lose the precious times we chared that they might not remember...So this is my goal..In the meantime I am sharing my kits with the world in my store and on my blog..Check out my main page to see what I am talking about...and remember one thing, live each day like you don't have another tomorrow to spend...Trust me, it can happen to anyone...Thanks...
Created: Oct 8, 2007

Created By: Spirran
Spirran´s rants and designs
Created: Oct 7, 2007

Created By: Chris&KimmysMommy :)
Helping a Helpless But Hopeful Beginner :) LOL!
Learning How to Digital Scrap...Fun, Frustrating...But, Fun :)
Created: Oct 5, 2007

Created By: Julie Julian
My life as a scrapbooking mother
Just random thoughts about my new life as a housewife and mother
Created: Oct 4, 2007

Created By: cherisheverymoment
I Love Digital Scrapbooking and making photobooks for my family. I Love not having to worry about the mess or costs of paper scrapbooking! Have a Wonderful Digi Scrapbooking Day!
Created: Oct 2, 2007

Created By: srhg00
Scrapbooking Class
My class at church is going great. We gain a few more each month. The FaithBook has been a great success. Everyone is really enjoying the challenges and are making great pages that share their Faith.
Created: Sep 27, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Sep 25, 2007

Created By: Lisa08
Precious Moments In A Scrapbook
So scrapbooking took much of my time lately. I purchased 2 scrapbooking CDs and since I had them I've been having fun scrapbooking. Whenever I start my layout I won't stop till I finish it though it's already late at night. I like seeing my photos with pretty embelishments and colorful backgrounds. It adds beauty to the photos and make it more artistic and colorful. I really enjoy digiscrapbooking. It brings out the artist in me, lol!
Created: Sep 22, 2007

Created By:
The Angels are Rocking my Baby..Ma. Kristene Precious Castro
The Angels are rocking my baby at the top of the golden stair. No harm will ever befall away in that city of fair..... Know she would be far better in heaven, but when Angels took her away, my heart was broken and lonely Sometimes in season of fancy, I look through the blue curtain sky and picture my darling in heaven with never a tear in her eye....... In patience I'wait the dawning, my babe has tenderness of care for the Angels are rocking our fair one, at the top of the golden stair......
Created: Sep 21, 2007

Created By: Tamela.J.
*¨¨*:•.. Just*¨¨*Married*¨¨*2007. ..•:*¨¨*
All that married stuff. Two weddings, two receptions, two BILLS!! LOL
Created: Sep 20, 2007

Created By: PigeonRiver
Pigeon RIver
Thoughts from Ann on scrapbooking and on life in general. Something new I'm trying out, never done a blog before! Started September 16, 2007
Created: Sep 16, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Sep 15, 2007

Created By: franzi
scrapping in Sydney
This is my very first blog. I'm new to scrapping and love it. ScrapbookFlair has helped so much. Pages published in the galleries teach & inspire. Your comments give encouragement to new scrappers like me. I have soooo much fun making my pages. Happy scrapping, franzi
Created: Sep 13, 2007

Created By: Tangyheart
I am new to scrapping but I am so addicted to it now. Ther isnt time in the day now.
Created: Sep 10, 2007

Created By: freespirit32
Been in a funk lately
To all my scrapbook friends I haven't been online recently as I have lost all creativity since I was laid off. I need some help to get back into the creative mind set so any suggestions as to how to do it would be greatly appreciated!
Created: Sep 9, 2007

Created By: craftwitch
A look into the world of an everyday person.
Created: Sep 9, 2007

Created By: Meddy1965
Addicted to this site lol
I joined over a year ago, roughly then I think!! I initially joined uploaded 3 pages then did nothing else. Recently I was bored and wanted a change so I came back on here... I make 95% of my pages from scratch... Now there isnt enough hours in the day. Think I will have to limit myself, it is so easy to forget the time when u r here. I try to vote on as many of everyone's pages as I can, still working my way through lol
Created: Sep 7, 2007

Created By: carinmomma
Where I'm From Challenge
Go check out the Where I'm From Challenge. It is a very rewarding and reflective experience. It ends on Sept. 24th, so you have plenty of time to reflect on where you're from.
Created: Sep 7, 2007

Created By: xRhonda07x
Made my own blog on blogspot/Whats new
Hi everyone. I'm very happy I think my meds are working. I have not had a panic attack in a few days. I also have been sleeping much better. So I am very happy for that. I got to see my nephew hayden last saterday for a few hours. Then next thursday his mom will drop him off for a few days. So I know I will be taking lots of pictures of him. I also made me a blog on blogspot. There I post more news about me and my layouts I have made. I also will post freebies that I have hunted for. So if you like to search for freebies but dont have the time or something. I have a list on my blog of different sites. :) My blog site is So feel free to check it out. :) Again great work on all of your pages. They are very inspiring. Thanks for reading. ~Rhonda~
Created: Sep 6, 2007

Created By: Wotsit
WOW the kids have been back at school 2 days now, the house is sooo quiet Im lost for things to do!!!! My home is so clean I have no one to tidy up after, because they are at school!! MAKE THE MOST OF THE PEACE I hear you say! I do but after 6 weeks of kids Im now getting withdrawl symptoms. Roll on 3:30pm when they come home and start to make a mess so I can complain to them as I tidy their stuff away!!! haha! DO I HEAR OTHER MUMS SAYIN "YES THATS HOW I FEEL" OR AM I ALONE ON THIS ONE?????
Created: Sep 6, 2007

Created By: RoseMade
From time to time, I hope to post what I am doing with my scrapbooking. I have an online blog, also, that has more information and links to tutorials and fun things I find for scrapping. You can search for it under RoseMadeDesigns or PM for details.
Created: Sep 6, 2007

Created By: nkin_22
Link to the Malay Song entitled Seribu Tahun
Well I really love this song so much. So much until I made a few scrap pages abt the song as well as the singer. For those who are curious to find out how the song sound like, do take a look at the singer's myspace website. He (Imran Ajmain) has placed a playlist of the song. I have made an English translation of the song too. :) Hugs, Shikin
Created: Sep 3, 2007

Created By: LadynRed_44
I am new here and I have an issue with my software, that I would like to know if anyone has had this same problem. On the SF software, the Background page, does not give me the option to "Choose my Background" Its not showing up at the bottom. I have reinstalled the software thinking that might help, but no luck yet. So if anyone has any ideas that I might tey to fix this I would appreciate it very much. I want to keep the software and make the scrapbook pages, I think its a neat site, but I would love for all of it to work right. Thansk for your help on this. Charlotte
Created: Sep 3, 2007

Created By: kerri kitten
me and my family
as you can prob tell i love scarpbooking my family. my son more so than anything else. this blog is going to be sort of a dairy about me and my family so anyone who wants to can get to know me abit better
Created: Sep 3, 2007

Created By: GNmarg
hello again!! this is becoming a family site for me and welcome to my daughter inlaw Deb and a beautiful grand daughter also!! This is the best site on the whole net so you are really going to enjoy yourself and make lovely friends. Am slowing up just a little but will a move on again soon! Bye for now.
Created: Sep 3, 2007

Created By: LadynRed_44
I am new a this digital scrapbooking. Thought I would try it, seems like lots of fun, if I can ever get everything down, and working right. looking forward to meeting new friends.
Created: Sep 3, 2007

Created By: BabyAngelEyez911
Lovely First Blog
Okay so this is my first blog here. And i really dont know what to say other than im uploading Aries Scrapbook page (a cat) & my computer is slow. A long time ago i had uploaded 3 to 4 pages that were blurry.....thumbnail's. i find its easier to download but horrible view. I wont be having the net any longer than a week. Okay scratch that whole uploading aries just flipped to thumbnail so please forgive me but do enjoy my creativiness. thakns!!!
Created: Sep 1, 2007

Created By: xRhonda07x
Back to scrapbooking!!!!
I am so happy, I can scrapbook again. My free trial had ran out for scrapbook max and I was going to order the the software. For some reaon in the checkout process, there was more than one mailing address to mail a postal money order. My gut kept saying not to buy from them even though i loved all the options in the free trial. I was afraid my money order was going to get lost in the mail. Which has happened to me before when buying over the internet. So I did research on scrapbook factory deluxe 3.0. I ended up buying it in a store. So far I like the out come of the software. A few things I have ran into that I dont like. But I can deal with it. So now I'm back to creating my scrapbooks. :) but now for the bad news I have been getting panic attacks and depression spells. My docter has gave me some meds. So hopefully they will start working soon. I try to do scrapbooking to get my mind off things. It does help a little bit. so untill my next blog. keep up the great work everyone with your pages. :)
Created: Aug 30, 2007

sorry not been on much atm, but have been having a few problems. but im ok. anyway thanx to all those who have been asking about my mother had some great news today: mum had an appointment with her consultant this morning, because she is due chemo on fri, and always sees the consultant a couple of days b4 hand. the consultant told her that she dosnt have to have any more chemo if she dosnt want too!!!!!!! but mum said that she will have it still anyway (after chemo on fri she will have one more treatment left) just to be sure! i am sooo pleased, she is going to be ok! although the hardest part is still to come, it will still be 5 years before she will be given the all clear! but this is a step in the right direction! anyway, ooh just before i go, i have started a website for parents and grandparents its like a forum. it would be great if you could take a look!!! its (sorry not sure if i am allowed to put that, but i f not some 1 let me know :) take care everyone xxxxxxxx
Created: Aug 29, 2007

Created By: Wotsit
As I sit here thinking I wonder what life is about! Are we sent here for a reason? please tell me I shout!! Why do loved ones have to die And leave us with so much pain, this question I keep asking, Again, again and again. The pain we feel is so deep as it wraps around our heart, It hurts for such a long time you forget just when it did start. They say that times a healer Oh how i wish that was true, I wish the healer could turn back time So I could have said "Goodbye" to you. These words are for my brother-in-law NEIL who passed away aged 42 last week. God bless and take care our kid.x
Created: Aug 25, 2007

Created By: capetillar
Hello again all!
I'm back and ready to rumble!!
Created: Aug 25, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Aug 23, 2007

Created By: novice@it
You have to see this picture!!!!!!!!!!
Hi to all my old friends and to all those I have not met yet!!! A friend sent me the most amazing photo, and I did a page with it, I want as many people as possible to see it because it will touch your heart!!!! So check out my home page and look at my newest upload, thanks for taking time to make yourself smile!!!!!!!It is also posted in the Never won a challenge challenge if you like it,Love to all, have a great day, Glenda
Created: Aug 23, 2007

Created By: DlaineL
Work Work Work...
I decided to make it a little more fun today! I downloaded SF on my work computer and made a couple of pages since my laptop is still out of commission. What a welcome break in my day...Here's hoping I don't get in trouble!
Created: Aug 22, 2007

Created By: PamelaROSE
Just Bloggin...
First time to ever Blog...I will attempt to use it as a journal of sorts... on my feelings or thoughts for the day, we'll see...
Created: Aug 21, 2007

Created By: cha
Cha's Journal
I will be posting some of my blogs here.
Created: Aug 20, 2007

Created By: GNmarg
Am on top of the world now that have found my way round this wonderful site, do you know to me, meeting such top people giving out so much love through their craft and friendship is too good to be true!!! Hopefully some day when time and knowledge permits will be able to give back!!
Created: Aug 20, 2007

Created By: DlaineL
Computer Crash :(
I have only been digital scrapbooking for a week. I got hooked from my first download and first page I made. Then, Thursday, my hard drive crashed and I lost all my downloaded files and all my finished pages. I'm SOOOOO bummed. I'm having to send my computer back to Dell, but it looks like I've lost all my data for good. Thankfully, all my pics are backed up, but I lost so much stuff. I'm very sad.
Created: Aug 20, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Aug 20, 2007

Created By: GNmarg
Am so very sorry to all the beautiful people who have asked to be my friend and like a silly chook just realised I had to press the important button to say"Welcome" so please forgive and YES PLEASE JOIN ME and WELCOME TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU xx
Created: Aug 19, 2007

Created By: NZQuilter
Torn between two crafts
This is my very first blog ever hope it works. I am torn between quilting and scrapbooking. I am finding no time for housework and other important jobs. Just wondering if there are any other quilters getting hooked on this web site. I think all the scrapbooks are just beautiful so nice to be able to look at so many. Thank you everyone, for such a great treat. Liz from New Zealand
Created: Aug 18, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Aug 17, 2007

Created By: ladybuggy
Sorry for being behind!
Just want all of you to know that I feel bad that I haven't kept up with viewing and commenting the past week or 2. Having some family issues that are taking alot of my time. I really hope to get caught up with everyone soon!
Created: Aug 17, 2007

Created By: Summerlove
I's so hard to send seperate Thankyous to members who have commented on all my work so im just going to send one and hope everyboday comes and reads it...Thankyou all very much for leaving me beautiful comments on my work, its a boost to create more and to help me improve on my work, im new to scrapbooking. And Thankyou again for being an insperation ive enjoyed ALL of your work.
Created: Aug 16, 2007

Created By: PurpleCat65
It has been way to long being away from such a great group of friends. I have a new computer and I will be going thru and looking at all I have missed. So look for me and the personal message senders. Thank you. I have missed ya'll all so much. Glad to be back.
Created: Aug 16, 2007

Created By: Diamonds
Hi, I am from Australia, and love to scrap, although I have only been doing it for a short time, I looove it!!! I am like a sponge, spend as much time as possible at ScrapbookFlair for inspiration. My name is Sandra, I have 4 grown sons, 2 four legged children and lots and lots of feathered friends. All of which give me ample opportunity to scrap with - my camera is like my American Express Card - I literally never leave home without it!!!
Created: Aug 15, 2007

Created By: marianna68
het begin is er
ja het begin is er idd whaha dit is de eerste scrap die ik heb gemaakt , moet nog wel ff oefenen, ben gewend om met psp te werken en dit is toch wel heel anders, moet zeggen dat ik er best veel lol in heb, nou tot de volgende scrap dan maar.
Created: Aug 14, 2007

Created By: Grandma_of_3
Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro
When creating my scrapbook pages I use either or both Photoshop and Paintshop Pro. I will admit I often revert to Paintshop Pro as it is the fist program I learned and it is simpler than Photoshop. I really should delete it and MAKE myself learn Photoshop CS5
Created: Aug 13, 2007

Created By: loncika
My Hungarian scrapping life
The scrapbooking is something you cannot finish, there is always something new idea, colour, theme... I enjoy designs,create kits and to see other's works... I appreciate all yours hard work.
Created: Aug 13, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Created: Aug 13, 2007

Created By: jonhunterlucasmommy
Scrapping in Michigan
I am very new to digital scrapping. I have been paper scrapping for 10 years now and I love it. I don't have that much time for it anymore since I now have an 11 month old who thinks he needs to investigate EVERYTHING in the house. You can't blink when he's awake or else he is finding something new to get into! I also have 2 older boys ages 9 and 5. They are very active and keep moms "taxi service" hopping!! I discovered this sight by accident and I'm very glad that I did. I only wish I could upload the many pages I have made now. (Problems with computer?) Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out soon so I can share my pages with everyone!
Created: Aug 10, 2007

Created By: srhg00
My church started a scrapbooking class and we have incorporated FAITHbooking into that as well. I have truly enjoyed creating my FAITHbook. It has made me think about ways God has used me, taught me and helped me through so many things. Sharing this with others is so enjoying knowing that what I do in a situation my help others get through the same thing. If you haven't done or started a scrapbook, I encourage you to do so. You can find so many websites to help you get started. You will truly be amazed how this type of scrapbooking can strentghen your FAITH.
Created: Aug 10, 2007

Created By: xRhonda07x
Trying to catch up.
Hi everyone. I have not been on as much as I would like. So I am tring to catch up on my votes and comments. There is so many great pages. Everyone does a great job. I'm still waiting to see if I get a phone call back from the place I applied for a job at. Other than that nothing new here. Also i'm still saving a little bit here and there so I can buy me another scrapbook software. :)I hope for that soon. Then I will be making pages again. I came up with the idea to make smaller square albums like a 6 by 6. That way I can print them on my printer at home. Then I can bind them and give them to friends and family. To me they would make great little albums to put on coffee tables or endtables. Thanks again for all the great inspiring comments. :) ~Rhonda~
Created: Aug 8, 2007

Created By: Davina511
Moving Up
Got the courage up and posted my first challenge. Thought no one would join but the group is growing everyday. Hooray for me!
Created: Aug 7, 2007

Created By: afiee
Confessions of a sleep depraved mother!
Just the ramblings of a mother of four! And my new addiction to Scrapbookflair and digital scrapbooking.
Created: Aug 7, 2007

Created By: ~*~sixelanaej~*~
Trinity challenge
Hey everyone I just started my 2nd challenge and it is called Trinity. If anyone is interested I have two pics thati am having a hard time creating a page with so I would like to see what all you creative minds can come up with so please join the challenge. Thanks and happy scrapping, Tassy
Created: Aug 3, 2007

Created By: scrapalicious
Created: Aug 2, 2007

Created By: Be Bop Grandma
web page
hi. I thought maybe some of you might be interested in my blog. I have scrapbooks & sites on there where you can find great free scrapbooking kits & other things. Go check it out & Dont forget to sign my guest book. BeBopGrandma.
Created: Aug 1, 2007

Created By: vickyday
The Days of Our Lives
This blog is for the "Day" family and other related family.
Created: Jul 31, 2007

Created By: sgd
Scrapbooks gone Digital!
Scrapbooks gone Digital Blog! :-)
Created: Jul 31, 2007

Created By: jenkev4
me and mangels
hi! just wanted to let everyone know that i am a designer for mangels site. just go to i did the graduation collection. Making kits is really fun! Any of you that are members there can download them today! thanks, Jen
Created: Jul 31, 2007

Created By: graphicgirl99
Laura's scrapbooking
this is my scrap booking blog it will have entries every time i work on either my digital scrap books or my paper ones
Created: Jul 29, 2007

i am soooo very excited! i won a challenge!!!!! i have previously won one but that challenge only had 3 other pages in it and 1 of them was mine!! this means so much to me!!!!! i logged in this morning to find that i had one a challenge nad it completely took me by surprise! thank you for all your lovely comments and votes, it means so much to me!!!!!!
Created: Jul 29, 2007

Created By: littlemetg
My Little 'Ol Blog
I never could get into scrapbooking. Now that I've found I'm hooked! Another obsession...excellent! *rubbing hands together*
Created: Jul 28, 2007

Created By: davesphotographics
Hi everyone
hi this is my first blog so here goes would just like to say thanks to everyone how has looked at my work and thanks to those who have put comments on my website its good to know what people think well ill post something else soon take care dave
Created: Jul 27, 2007

Created By: sawilliams1963
Learning & Loving it!!
Well I will give this blog thingy a try..... I have been stuck to my computer every since the first day I downloaded this software. I totally love it.....I am sooooo addicted! Looking at all the wonderful thing alot of you have created and the beautiful kits have really inspired me. I have downloaded a couple of different free softwares and have not been able to even figure out how to get started on them. I will have to just be patient! Man that is a hard thing to do when your creative mind is in full gear!
Created: Jul 26, 2007

Created By: Davina511
Loving It
Got the hang of it now. It's time to unleash the creativity. Find myself speaking about this site to friends with hopes of them joining in on the fun. In comparison to both, digital and traditional scrapbooking I throughly enjoy them both. I can see right now that what I do on the computer will turn into hard copies for my books. Killing two birds with one stone.
Created: Jul 26, 2007

Created By: xRhonda07x
My little world
Hi everyone. Its so hot outside today. I'm trying to stay indoors. I am going to stop making scrapbook pages for a while. Untill I can order scrapbookmax. I am still going to vote and comment on others pages. Thanks for all the people that make freebie kits. You all do wonderful jobs. I'm finding so many great kits that I'm filling up my computer with them. I forget which ones I have most of the time. Keep up the great job. I hope to find some for painting. My Mother loves to do One Stroke Painting and I wish to do a scrapbook for her. Well thats all for now. :)
Created: Jul 26, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
Auntie Meme
My husband's aunt was knocked down and ran over by a car. Please pray for her. Most of the damage was to her face. She will probably lose the sight in her right eye. She's going thru multiple reconstructive surgeries. Yesterday's surgery stopped the leak of spinal fluid in her brain...Please pray. Auntie Meme lives her life to be there for her family, helping however she can. She's gentle, kind and it kills me to see her in pain. So please pray
Created: Jul 26, 2007

Created By: ScrappinMomma
I lost ALL of my scrapbooks!
So my computer crashed- it had a virus so I had to completely restore my computer. I chose to do a back up of all of my files- but it didn't back up ANY of my files in MY DOCUMENTS. So now I have lost ALL of the photos, documents, scrap book pages, kits, pages, embellishments, music- EVERYTHING that was in my documents. I want to cry!
Created: Jul 25, 2007

Created By: tnsweetie
Scrapping in Tn by TnSweetie
I'm new to this whole thing but I am learning more and more each day. I love scrapping for my soon to be step grandchildren and their families. This is so much fun for me. It gives me something to do in the daytime since I had my stroke 2 yrs ago.
Created: Jul 25, 2007

totally out of my depth!!!!!
everyone seems to be making their own embellishments and kits, i would love to do this so i got adobe photoshop 7.0 (is this a good version to use?)but now i am totally out of my depth, dont even know where to begin. i also have paint shop pro which i use for adding colour to a b&w photo ~(the only thing i worked out how to do!) and have just read that you can make embellishments and backgrounds, i really love the work that i have seen people do but just don't know where to start! at a total loss as to what to do!
Created: Jul 24, 2007

Created By: Carena
Carena's Scrapping Extravagance
Hi everyone. Finally got a blog of my own. Been scrapbooking since early 2007 and oh what a learning curve. Currently learning Photoshop 6. LOL I know I'm in the dark ages but you have to start somewhere right. I have a blog - search under carenasextravagance for the link or personal message me and I will send it to you. Thanks for looking. Carena
Created: Jul 23, 2007

Created By: maxymum
Maxines Blog
All about scrapping and me.
Created: Jul 22, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
By Jove I've got it..LOL..!!
Well i think that I've finally got this digital scrapping sewn up now.I love scrapping with paper but this has been another challenge in itself..I've discovered a brill scrapping soft ware called,scrapbook factory Deluxe that inables you to rotate and do many other things, and its so easy,even my fiancee could do it,lol.It's even easier to up load your pages too,so if you get the change to buy it,then get it,its fab..I love scrapbook flair and will still use the program they have,but will use my sfd,for posh pages,lol,bye for I have got paintshop pro but i havent got the foggiest idea how to use it,its all gobblidigook to me..if anyone knows of any idiot proof tutorials,please let me know,thanx..
Created: Jul 20, 2007

Created By: Davina511
First page completed or is it?
Well, I created my first page and I still have a long way to go. Hoping within a few more weeks I will get the hang of it. All the pages that I have seen are well put together. Maybe I will be that creative, lol.
Created: Jul 20, 2007

Created By: Wotsit
Im sat here reading every ones scrap books thinking how beautiful life is, How precious a child is, how wonderful a loving husband/wife is, and how funny life can be too. So to make everyday count, tell your family how much you love them. Tell your siblings how much you miss them, tell your children how proud you are of them and make sure you tell your partner how much you appreciate them, and all of a sudden, life is so much better, and the day seems so much brighter. Remember, always keep smiling, because a smile makes everyone happy.
Created: Jul 19, 2007

Created By: digigranny
over-the-hill, but still young-at-heart....
Created: Jul 19, 2007

Created By: heathertucker
heathers blog
This is my new blog to write down all of my daily thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams and fears. It will also tell about my family and my fun with scrapbooking.
Created: Jul 18, 2007

Created By: kim07
About me
Well, here iam new to scrapbook, but have used other similar sites to make/create pages. I'm already addicted lol & this site is so friendly & useful. Look forwad to getting more from the site & hopefully meeting lots of new people. xxx
Created: Jul 17, 2007

Created By: bzymomof7
Busy Mom of 7 Scrapbooking Journey
A Busy mom of 7 children's scrapbooking journey
Created: Jul 17, 2007

Created By: mof7
My Busy Life
ramblings as they relate to my life.
Created: Jul 16, 2007

Created By: aznewmom
Aznewmom's Little Bitty Digi-scrappin' Place
Thanks for all the terrific digi-scrap help. I'm just starting out and hope to post here.
Created: Jul 14, 2007

Created By: JBScrappin
JB Blog
I am 44 years old, live in Iowa. I just started getting into digital scrapbooking. Just learning all the tricks. I have 2 dogs and a cat. Most of my pages have them in them.
Created: Jul 14, 2007

Created By: Grietjie
Trying to cope
Day to day entries about my life and family and how I try to cope being a mother, a wife, a friend and still have time for myself
Created: Jul 13, 2007

Created By: xRhonda07x
A little thanks to everyone/ such a great site
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that became a fan, and added me as a friend. This is a great group of people and an inspiring site. I really enjoy seeing all the layouts everyone makes. They are all wonderful. I joined this site just to see what it was about, and now i'm hooked. Digital scrapbooking is another great way to go.
Created: Jul 12, 2007

Created By: dixiemom
my crazy life
a two year old and a 3 month old what was i thinkin lol
Created: Jul 12, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
new news!
My 18yr old just told me that she's moving out and in with her grandmother. No explanation, little warning... I know that she has the right to grow up...but that should be with some sense of growing responsibility, and independence.
Created: Jul 11, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
over a beautiful day!
He's the guy who preys on innocence, stealing dreams and creating nightmares. I smiled and died inside as he hugged me, like nothing was wrong. But something was wrong. That man was the only father I had ever known, will ever know. But I am the only one who knows who he really is. No, actually there are others, but they won't speak the truth. So, I smiled for my sister. Took pictures of her and him, for her. But I kept my eyes on my babies and their innocence. I have no one to talk to about this. Most people don't believe, dont want to believe, so it keeps happening to their kids, grandkids...Yes I've had counseling(years). But when the monster who's haunted your dreams for 25yrs stands in front of you there is no amount of counseling that can make it not hurt!
Created: Jul 8, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
dark cloud,,,
As I said my sister's wedding was beautiful. There, however, was a dark cloud over the whole thing (for me anyway). The person who taught me about real life monsters, was at the wedding. I felt sick, even though I knew he'd be there. The problem is that he doesn't look like a monster. He looks like a normal person, but he's not.
Created: Jul 8, 2007

Created By: Irishbella28
The Musings of a Redneck Scrapper
How hard do you paddle when you think you're riding the perfect wave(of life that is) and a rogue wave strums along bye and knocks you off your board.... You Scrap. So to put it midly... I scrap therefore I don't throttle.
Created: Jul 8, 2007

Created By: grandpa_david
Poetry by Grandpa_David
Here are a few scribblings for you to enjoy (or otherwise!!) Please leave a comment either way!
Created: Jul 8, 2007

Created By: whitesx5
Problem with layouts color
When I do my layouts on the computer the font comes out great. But when I upload them to the web they tend to loose alot of the font brightness/boldness so it is harder to read them. What can I do to fix this?
Created: Jul 8, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
Wedding bells!
My baby sister just got married today, 07/07/07. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception. I took 400 pics! My hubby took 240! Hope they turn out. So there will definately be some scrapbook pages to come. I just wish my Nana could have been there. My sister wore a pen that had belonged to her, near her heart. It was touching.
Created: Jul 7, 2007

Created By: Lighthousegal
ADSR2 adventures
The place to talk about my adventures during the Amazing Digital Scrap Race 2!
Created: Jul 7, 2007

Created By: Lighthousegal
My MIracles
A place to have fun with my digital scrapping!
Created: Jul 7, 2007

Created By: divinewms
Tomorrow (hopefully) me & my daughter will go to Targets and buy our first scrapebook along with the things that go with it. I did one book for my boss who'd retired. She loved it everyone loved it. So now I'm going to do one centered around my daughter, Xiomyra.
Created: Jul 6, 2007

Created By: jessica31876
my own little world
just a place to talk about my life and my kids which pretty much are my life and my crazy crazy world LOL
Created: Jul 6, 2007

Created By: lynxette2002
Visiting my son!
So I am down at my sons in NC and we went up to Fort Macon and the Cape Lookout Litehouse. Took lots of great pictures with my 35mm camera cuz i thought I left my digital at his house! So when we got BACK to his house and I was UNloading my stuff... guess what I found! My digital. which must have fallen out of my purse.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..sooo now I have to wait to get my pictures developed before I can put them on a site. We took a ferry over to the island where the litehouse was and it was soooo pretty and I loved the litehouse! Tyler on the other hand .... well lets just say he wished his dad was there to enjoy all the *fun*
Created: Jul 5, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
Too cool!
Something cool happened on Monday. The uninsured guy who hit my car just gave me money to fix my car. He gave me $1492, cash to pay for the estimated damages to my car. It was too cool, a definate blessing from God!
Created: Jul 5, 2007

Created By: lynxette2002
Computer died!
Last week my desktop decided that it had enough of the hard drive and went on strike. To this pminute the hubby has new hard drive in.. jut not working. THEN my laptop decided to fire its video card. So I have been without a computer for over a week! Ive been going through computer withdrawals!
Created: Jul 2, 2007

Created By: MoMbi
ViVa MeXiCo!!!
Anoche tuve un sueño... nooooo!!! lo que quiería decir en realidad es que hoy he creado un grupo para los aún pocos scrappers mexicanos. Me gustaría que hubiera más miembros, pero por lo pronto sólo estoy yo y mi alma... jejeje. Espero que pronto se una alguien más...para poder compartir tips... bueno que me los compartan por que aún soy medio mala en esto jajaja... para poder conocer amigos y para no sentirme sola en este país tan grande y tan lleno de gente!
Created: Jul 2, 2007

Created By: iscrap
My digital scrapbooking blog at
Created: Jul 1, 2007

Created By: rainy2d2
Better with flora and fauna
After a complete computer melt down and loaning my scrapbooking cd's out (which tracking down was a royal pain) I'm finally back online. I've been doing our family history in the mean time, I even found a cousin out in Oregon from the black sheep of the family so cool. I am now a married woman, again, (Only better this time) May 20th 2007. And a local driver, no more 48 states for me. Life is looking up!!! Everyone have a safe and Happy 4th of July, say a pray for those in our Armed Forces. For without those that came before us we wouldn't have a 4th of July holiday. Keep on scrapping!!!!!!!!!!!
Created: Jun 29, 2007

Created By: mbuechler
Mindy's scrap's, random thoughts, and a few rants I am sure
This is my first blog. I am a mother of 3 girls, 2 of my own and one-step daughter. I have a wonderful husband named Jared. I work full time as a Business Manager for a dental office. So between, work, taking care of the girls, the cat and my husband I find sometime in there to scrapbook.
Created: Jun 28, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle below sea level
This has been a bad week. Money probs, vet bills, shut off notices, life... Now, today, I get rear-ended by someone with no car insurance. He dropped something and bent to pick it up. He didn't see my van (full of my kids) stopped at the light. My rear doors won't open...We only have one working vehicle. I don't know what we're going to do. I'm supposed to be at my bereavement group, but I am babysitting instead so that I can earn $$$ to buy food. It just seems like anytime we try and do anything or go anywhere everything falls apart. I know going to Yosemite was pretty cheap and my hubby sold a CB and stuff to get money to go, but then when you have a total of $24 for a week's groceries fo a family of 6, it makes no sense. My depression is kicking my butt. My grandma isn't here to talk to, God seems a million miles away and I can't stop crying. What is wrong with me?
Created: Jun 27, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
From 8000 ft...
On Sunday, my husband and I celebrated our 12th anniversary. We went to Yosemite for an overnight trip. I had never been there and it was sooo beautiful. We drove for 3 hrs looking at the mountains, lakes falls... We ate dinner at the White Wolf lodge(@ 8000ft), and camped there also. My Hubby woke me up at 6am, he was so sick. We decided to drive home early (stopping often for him to be sick). I was bumbed that my hubby was sick and we had to leave early (we've never even had a honeymoon but we did have an overnight trip to Carmel 6 yrs ago.) I know that was selfish, but I was really disappointed.
Created: Jun 27, 2007

Created By: Be Bop Grandma
well it is getting closer to my surgey. I'm not scared but nervess.I haven't had surgey since my tuble 16 years ago.
Created: Jun 27, 2007

Created By: bjtmouse
Howdy Ya'll
Just wanted to say hi and thanks for the nice comments on my pages.I am still trying to get used to the whole digital scraping thing and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful pages you all have.
Created: Jun 27, 2007

Created By: lecordier
Thanx for the help
Nice to know that people are willing to help
Created: Jun 27, 2007

Created By: trosekay
Wasting Time???
Created: Jun 24, 2007

Created By: NESSA73
Getting the hang of this,
This is my first time digital scrapbooking.I do scrapbook normally with paper and pictures bur thought id give this a go,i found it ramdomly on the net whilst browsing yesterday and thought id give it a go,please be nice if ya see my first ones,lol,its not as easy as ya think at first,im still having trouble using my own backgrounds,awww,but no doubt i will crack it..bye for now,nessa..
Created: Jun 24, 2007

Created By: lynxette2002
Scrapbook Flair
After checking out other sites, this one seems to be most user friendly and people friendly. Thanks for all the positive responses I have received! Good to know that there are nice people out there!
Created: Jun 23, 2007

Created By: countrymommy
My Little World
A blog about my random thoughts, feeling and rantings and ravings.
Created: Jun 22, 2007

Created By: chandlersmum
Chandler's Journey
The Adventures of a very bright and happy Homeschooler
Created: Jun 22, 2007

Created By: Be Bop Grandma
well like the lady said have to get started somewhere. lol
Created: Jun 22, 2007

Created By: Truckin Granni
Thanks to all the wonderfull people here!!
Im so glad I found this wonderfull place!! So I want to thank all for the wonderfull comments and messages they have sent me!! And all the friends I have made here!! I have never been apart of any online communities ever and my 1st one,lol, is a BULLSEYE!! Man am I a great shot or what!!LOL. You all are sooo wonderfull here!!! And all that creativity I see here just astounds me!! Much Thanks!!!
Created: Jun 22, 2007

Created By: rinkadink
prayers for a old friend
She has aggressive Breast Cancer. She had both of her breast removed on June 8th, 2007 at 12:45p.m. at the Hospital. HER surgery took 3 o 4 hours. She has 2 daughters. they are 16 and 14 years old. and Now she will have to have chemo. She has no family around. thanks Pam
Created: Jun 20, 2007

Created By: lynxette2002
Well I guess I have to start somewhere! *s*
Created: Jun 20, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
Compounding problems
When my grandma died, I had to handle everything. Every one left the decisions, bedside vigil, and funeral costs and planning to me. I felt abandoned. I still do. I am very close to losing my house now because of financial strains and promises broken. The one person who cared is gone. Now my dog is dying, the impact of which may push me over the edge, emotionally and financially. I am trying to be faithful to the Lord, it just keeps getting harder and harder.
Created: Jun 20, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
More heartbreaking news!!!
I just found out that my dog, Roxy has leukemia. It's a similar cancer to what my grandmother died from. I hate cancer!!! I inherited our boxer, Roxy two years ago, she's an important part of our family, providing humor and love. Now she's dying and we only have until August, probably. That's still more time than I got with my Nana. Life seems so unfair. I know God has a plan(Jeremiah 29:11), but it hurts so much.
Created: Jun 20, 2007

Created By: Fleecy
Hi, ummm I've just been told about this site and I'm really looking forward to having a go at it. I love all types of crafts and I'm sure I'll really enjoy it. I've looked at some pages already and I hope that (fingers crossed) I might manage to make one that looks ok. Can't wait to have a go!!!
Created: Jun 20, 2007

Created By: purrsun
Blog route comments and thanx.
Greetings :o) i just want to tell you, my friends & "fans" that all of your pages are fantastic, amazing! Have been pressed for time and i hope you will forgive me for not commenting individually, thus the blog route... Also, thank you bunches for your comments and encouragement. What a wonderful group of people here; you each are a blessing. Have a great week! purrs...
Created: Jun 19, 2007

Created By: Aunt Bettye Fern
Update On Mystery Plant
The Mystery Pant is an Evening Primrose...It's unbelievable how huge this plant has gotten...Thank you all for your help!!!
Created: Jun 19, 2007

Created By: Dr. Chelle
Where to start...?
I was raised by a wonderful woman, my grandmother. She saved me from fostercare & much worse. While grieving the loss of her hubby, she took care of us. Just before the 06 holidays, she got real sick pneumonia! Unexplained blood loss... Multiple Myeloma-4 yrs tops...COPD 2yrs, Dec. 26 lung biopsy-ameloid lung...1yr, 6mos,2mos, 2wks,days. She was on a breathing machine until My Nana passed on Feb 1. She went home to Jesus. Now I feel lost. Whose gonna take care of me? I know Im 33 w kids and grandkids of my own but I need her. I cant seem to move on! Nana I miss you!!I Love you.
Created: Jun 19, 2007

Created By: cindyw9
Cindys Musings
I wonder what makes people start scrapping? Me I do it because it is relaxing. Now I find myself looking at pictures as a new way of expressing things. I never thought of pictures that way. Now I see a potential page in every picture. How about you?
Created: Jun 18, 2007

Created By: LibertyBelle
Love this place
I know I'm the newbie here but this site is awesome. I've scraped for years, the tradional way. Played with psp for at least 4 years and did the whole tag thing, but still loved my scrapin more. Have even been reading about digital scrapin for at least a year now and owed a digital camera for 6 to 7 years. But always just sat here and looked at my screen with my pictures on it. Just pictures. This is the site that got me to start digital and I'm hooked, I love it.
Created: Jun 18, 2007

Created By: jskc
From her to HIm
Layouts by me about him :) Digi scrapping is VERY new to me so i'm just finding my way round with all the pretty cool stuff. However, with subjects like him I think it'll be something I do more often than paper scrapping!
Created: Jun 18, 2007

Created By: fl0j0e
I like psping and animation, STATS & TAGS for incredimail. i just started scapbooking and it great.. i have loads to do so im buying some books n cds and i cannot wait..
Created: Jun 16, 2007

Created By: Aunt Bettye Fern
Mystery Plant
Just wanted you all to know the Mystery Plant page has been solved. It is an Evening Primrose!!! With LoveFlowers help I went and search Google for it and sure enough, there it was...Thanks for the wonderful comments you gave me!!! It was fun trying to figure that plant out...Now, I'm off to my next mystery...Thanks Again!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Created: Jun 15, 2007

Created By: MadMikkie
MadMikkie's Madness
Just where I might say stuff..... Plus links to whatever you might like of mine that I've made that you can download
Created: Jun 14, 2007

Created By: novice@it
Kids out of school ( HOW MUCH LONGER? )
How many moms wish summer break was over already? Dont get me wrong, I love my kids with all my heart, but they are so on my nerves! They constantly fight all day long. How many more times can I hear " he hit me." Sorry but dads just dont get the full effect of what we moms go through. Any one out there feel my pain? Maybe I just need to get up really early in the morning before the torture begins, to get my little bit of tranquility. Only problem with that idea is that I stay up really late (habit). Always have. Not an early riser. Any advice for a mom with only one hair left in her head? Love to all S.F. members Glenda
Created: Jun 14, 2007

Created By: Hairologist1
learning the blog thing
I have never blog! LOL just really seeing if I have gotten this thing figured out. So far I have really enjoyed scrapbooking new hobby for me. :)
Created: Jun 12, 2007

Created By: novice@it
no longer confused
I got it!!!! Finally now know how to upload pages with new software.Hope I can help anyone out there so they dont have to beat their head against the wall like I did! J/K. On to the next roadblock!!!!!
Created: Jun 12, 2007

Created By: novice@it
software confusion!!!!!
Does anyone out there use "print perfect scrapbooks deluxe"? I love this software but I am having a terrible time formatting to jpeg to upload to this site. Can anyone out there help me please?!!!!! The option to format is not there when beginning or saving. I think it has something to do with saving to an email, then to a picture. I;m just confused. If anyone can help me I'd love it. You guys are the best!!!!! Love this site and Thanks to all the wonderful people who have commented on my pages, it really means a lot!!! I love looking at pages on this site and I am in awe of all the amazing talent on here. Thanks to everyone for being so kind and helful. Have a beautiful day!!!! Glenda
Created: Jun 11, 2007

Created By: Truckin Granni
My 1st and 2nd Scrapbooks ever!!
Wow !! Took me long enough,lol. Im sittin in GA today, gotta go to Louisville at midnite, and I finally got enough time to upload my 1st ever digital scraps!! Yea !! Im really into this new hobbie of mine, sure breaks up the monontony of truck driving,lol. I LUV it !! See ya all on the flip side!!
Created: Jun 10, 2007

i am sorry that i have not been here much recently, had a lot on. i also had 'scrapbooking' block!!! since i last was here i have bought a printer and a scanner, so now the world of scrapbooking is openend up for me even more, sooooo exciting. i have also taken up scrapbooking for real, i havent made any real pages yet, am just getting some supplies, materials and confidence (lol) before i start!!!! i am so happy to have come across this site it now gives me a hobby!!! i am sorry that i wasnt around for when some of my other challenges finished, i was offline for a while due to internet being down!!!!! (dont know how i coped!), its so good to be back, i am sooo excited by the baby book challenge, whatr a grand idea and such a lovely presant for a new parent, wish some one had done something like that for me!!! any take take! keep up all the good work, luv you all {{{{{hugs}}}}
Created: Jun 9, 2007

Created By: bizee1
Just a typical blog..nothing more, nothing
Created: Jun 8, 2007

Created By: svea1
Computer Scrapbooking For The Beginner
This is my blog for helping other people learn how to scrap using their computer. I also paper scrapbook as well and will be more than happy to help you get started.
Created: Jun 8, 2007

Created By: tiptap
Hello fellow digiscrappers! Just wanted to get on board with the Blogging thing. Hope to keep my site up and fresh, and look forward to having visitors as well as visiting many of you creative souls. Happy scrappin! Lee ~ tiptap
Created: Jun 8, 2007

Created By: purrsun
Thanx for Comments
Greetings :o) A big thanx to each of you who commented on my first [attempt at] scrapbook pages, Endangered & Courting. You were so kind and have given me encouragement. purrs...
Created: Jun 5, 2007

Created By: Byrd
Another newbie is in the house. I am not even sure if I am doing this right, but it be. I am in here anyway. Here goes nothing..and we're off
Created: Jun 4, 2007

Created By: Monkey's BabyDoll
Michelle's Time to Regroup
On days like today I just need an outlet. It's the first day of summer with the boys and they're not making things easy today. I wish I could just take my computer and hide in the closet for a while! Really it's not them. It's having to deal with putting my mother in a nursing home that's really got me bummed. I know God is in control but, that doesn't make emotions go away...
Created: Jun 4, 2007

Created By: Paulette1952
Paulette's Place
A place where I can share my family photos. Be myself. Have fun getting to know others who share my passions for scrapping and such. Have no idea on how to use this!! *Giggles*
Created: Jun 3, 2007

Created By: grannytoone
Finally a "blogger"
Wow,I finally made it,my first blog!I just wanted everyone to know how much I appreciate the wonderful comments everyone makes on my pages.I love this site and everyone here and I am amazed at how quickly I too have become a scrappy addict :) all the wonderful people here have made this a wonderful place to be!
Created: Jun 3, 2007

Created By: ACMommy28
Confessions of a Green-eyed Scrap Monster!!!
My newest project, lol!! I figured this would be a good way to meet some new co-addicts and get my designs out there into the big, wide world! Check back often for some fab freebies!!!!
Created: Jun 2, 2007

Created By: DawnKitchens06
Home from Hospital
I am finally home from the hospital. Boy it was rough :( I had to have my gallbladder taken out and then they found some other things wrong and I had so many complications. I was in ICU for a few days but I am back home and even though im still having a hard time it's great to be back home where I am comfortable.
Created: Jun 1, 2007

Created By: justme95632
Well all of you scrapbook people. I am in great need for anything to do with western or cowboys. but i guess that is the same. anyone out there can help me?
Created: Jun 1, 2007

Created By: Zimrose
I have now been a member for a whole 24 hours and this is such fun!! I look forward to creating more pages as time allows and will be digging out all sorts of photo's as my mind is swirling with great ideas. Thank you for making me feel welcome Rose Burnaby, Canada
Created: Jun 1, 2007

Created By: sassysoaphie
I'm brand new at this digital scrapbooking, just got my software yesterday. Wish me luck and if anyone has any tips on how to use it, feel free to help me out. Oh and it will be ok if you laugh at my first atemps, I'm sure I' be laughing with you.
Created: May 30, 2007

Created By: monicalake
Monica's random thoughts
Thoughts on scrapping, stamping, friends, my family, and my life in general
Created: May 30, 2007

Created By: purrsun
Newbie Thanx
Hi, everyone. First blog, please bear with me :o) i joined this site yesterday and am so impressed with each of you. You have been incredibly welcoming, friendly and helpful. As well, WoW, you are talented. So... thank you!!! Looking forward to more.
Created: May 29, 2007

Created By: longforgtn
Thank you to all who commented on my pages... sorry not been on lately but the wee man is up to a lot of mischief..... and takes a lot of time.... terrible threes' I missed the terrible two's and got it all in the threes!!
Created: May 29, 2007

Created By: scrapbookalli
I am so excited and just had to share my excitement! I just completed my first COMMISSIONED album! A friend commissioned me to put together a graduation album for her daughter! I was not sure how motivated I would be to scrap someone else’s photo’s but I had a great time and totaled LOVED the way it turned out. Not to mention mother and graduate both loved the album too!
Created: May 28, 2007

Created By: Chrys
Art is Good for the Soul!
why I create artistic things and how it helps me with my Fibromyalgia
Created: May 27, 2007

Created By: census
Help...I'm new!
I am so new to all hurts! But I'll give it a try as I have all sorts of ideas fighting to get out. Only been scrapping for 6 weeks, most of that trying to work our how to use my software! I have just got a new camera as well, so yet an other challenge. I'll let you know how I get on on that one! So far I have not posted a page to the site but will this space. All comments gratefully received by a newbie scrapper.
Created: May 27, 2007

Created By: maraatfirst
my first ever blog....."detox"....
what a toxic week i had!...lots of projects and need to finish as soon as possible..for all the pressures that i've encountered along the way, i really really thank the LORD above in giving me this site! it is really what i need!!!because my projects was all about creating own collage designs and scrapbook!!!it is a blessing for me to have a chance to visit different sites that has a wonderful and very creative mind!!!! and for that i feel much better now because i know i can finish it all before my deadline just because of the ideas i have absorbed from this site..i want to thank also the people here who let me feel welcome!!! GOD BLESS everyone!!!! and keep on scrapping!!!!
Created: May 27, 2007

Created By: LadyShannon
Interesting Link Pages and stuff
Link pages and other things from the net
Created: May 25, 2007

Created By: Hollywood
Oh NO!!!! A New Addiction
Lord help me! I already scrapbook, myspace, read, blog and run TWO memorial sites, NOW I'm addicted to this!!!! How is a girl supposed to get anything done like this?!? ;)
Created: May 25, 2007

Created By: bntyhuntress
Scrapbook Ideas
This is for any of you stuck on what to do for that next page
Created: May 24, 2007

Created By: Doormouse
Scrapping - what I do when I should be working.....
The random ramblings of a scrapping addict. A Blog.... What is a Blog? You could find anything on here...
Created: May 24, 2007

Created By: ja
i'm very new in scrapbooking.. i have tonnes of my daugther's pics which normally i presented in collages using Photoshop..but now since i'm a big fan of digiscrap, i can learn a lot & share a lot in here... nice meeting all of u!!
Created: May 24, 2007

Created By: DawnKitchens06
I am having to go into the hospital for afew days... for those of you pray please say a prayer for me. Thank you ! Hugs to all ....
Created: May 23, 2007

Created By: shellrene
1st time scrapper
I love to take pics especially of my little princess Abigail. Now after several thousand pics I need to get scrapping! So here goes. I could use all the advice I can get!!
Created: May 21, 2007

Created By: lajenki2
New Comer
Hey there. This is all very very new to me so any advice on this digital scrapbooking would be appreciated! I am currently working on my personal scrapbook that I have been keeping up with for the past two years and I just completed a scrapbook of my sister's wedding (what an expensive wedding gift!) and I figured I should venture out and try something new. All advice is appreciated! Thank you!
Created: May 21, 2007

Created By: bntyhuntress
Prayer request
I have a lot happening around me and need some prayers
Created: May 21, 2007

Created By: electice
Whats Up
Whats Up with me?
Created: May 21, 2007

Created By: ilovecasper526
my scrap book pages
does any one like them??
Created: May 17, 2007

Created By: texasblu
What's New Texasblu?
Just a homeschooling mom of 7 that can't keep up with the old style of scrapbooking anymore, so I'm trying to move into the next wave through digital. :)
Created: May 17, 2007

Created By: sweetdigiscraps
Expressions in Word
I love scrapbooking and photography. As a mommy of three, i am always snapping pictures. But currently i am working on my biggest challenge of all, being a wonderful mommy to Three beautiful babies, and teaching them the beauty i see.
Created: May 16, 2007

Created By: Jeepie
Jeepies Journal
A little blog about learning digital scrapbooking and hopefully not to much whinging about the husband.
Created: May 16, 2007

Created By: tweederbug
This is my first blog...hope you all enjoy.
Hello, my name is Sheila and I am 30 years old. I have 2 kiddos,one who is 23 months and one who is 11 weeks. I spend most of my days changing diapers,making bottles and chasing my toddler around. In my freetime I love photography...its an obsession. I love photography and I cannot get enough of it. I have recently started digital scrapbooking. I am becoming an addict..I just can't stop. I don't think that there are enough hours in the day to get what I want done. Wll enough boring you..let me know if I am doing ok and I will continue to add more about my life in the near future. Sheila
Created: May 14, 2007

Created By: TracySW
I've been beaten, kicked, lied to, cussed at, swindled, taken advantage of, and laughed at. But. The only reason I hang around this place is to see what happens next!And to Scrap.
Created: May 12, 2007

Created By: jennyd
I just want to thank everyone for all the lovely comments and messages of encouragement whilst making the memory book for my son Dan's 21st Birthday on 13th May. I have finally finished his book, all 40 pages! I got it bound today and even though it has been very hard work and extremely time consuming (especially as I work full time as a PA),I am so pleased with the end result. It has been great sharing Daniel's 21 years with so many lovely people on this site and I just know that he will have a precious keepsake to treasure... Thank you to all of you and a special thank you to 'Norwegian Granny' for your kindness. xx HUGS xx Jenny
Created: May 11, 2007

Created By: tcjc23681
Getting Addicted
This is my first blog. I would have never thought that digital scrapbooking would be so addicting. I am always trying to squeeze just one more page into my busy life. I get up in the morning and say do I have time to do a page this morning and at lunch I try to do some and then at night I have been staying up to late trying to do one more page. This is so much fun I just don't know how to slow down. Haha
Created: May 11, 2007

Created By: sandidune
Sandis Blog
This is my first ever blog. I am Irish - live in Ireland with my hubbie and 9 year old son. I'm working very part-time with my husband and I'm also extremely busy making cards and digital scrapbooking at home. I am a qualfied florist and I also do "mystery shopping" for a supermarket chain. I just love crafting and everthing to do with it. I've been very inspired by all your pages here - Nice to meet you all.
Created: May 8, 2007

Created By: srhg00
Living Life
I truly enjoy my life as a stay-at-home mom. I love taking pictures of my 2 year daughter goofing off. She is such a camera hog. She has her very own personality and it grows by leaps and bounds.
Created: May 7, 2007

Created By: jlynns79
so what does it take to win a challenge? no one votes for my pages and I don't know why. They're good. no one has given me any constructive criticism either. So how am i to know what to improve if no one tells me. It seems that people on this site never have anything negative to say but I wish they did. So anyone that reads this goto my pages and tell me what I can do to improve don't just tell me that it's great or my son is cute... tell me how to improve!! I have two digital pages posted comment away I can take it!!
Created: May 7, 2007

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Rain Rain go away, Come again another day.
We lost power for 24 hrs this week. That's why I haven't posted any scrapbooks lately. Just turned on my computer yesterday. There was 100 mile an hour winds and the rain was falling sideways. Several trees were uprooted from the ground and some people are still without electricity. I only took photos of my Shaylee keeping guard out our bedroom window until loud thunder clapped and she ran under the bed...she tried to be brave.
Created: May 6, 2007

Created By: ApriltheScrapaholic
Just a friendly note to say hello.
Thought that I would add a blog here. I am an artist and an amateur photographer. I work full-time decorating cakes, baking bread and frying donuts. Plus, I love to scrapbook in my spare-time. Aren't children and puppies fun to photograph and scrapbook. They are my favorite models. You can't hardly take a bad photo of either of the two. Anyway, I just love this site and everything that it has. I plan on scrapbooking for a long, long time. This is so much fun.
Created: May 6, 2007

Created By: TamSpires
Created: May 3, 2007

Created By: kittycorner
I am 31 years old. I am a kindergarten inclusion teacher. I work with another teacher. Together we teach special education and regular education students. I just started digital scrapbooking because I want to make the teacher I work with a scrapbook of this school year as a gift to her. Digital Scrapbooking seemed like it would be faster than paper scrapbooking. I guess that would be true if I knew what I was doing. My screen name is kittycorner because I love cats. I have two cats and they are my children. Eventually when I figure out how, I will put pictures of my cats on my home page.
Created: May 2, 2007

Created By: francis1710
My life
A blog about my life....
Created: May 1, 2007

Created By: creativeendeavors
Creative Endeavors Blog
I am a Mom to four beautiful children, and three beautiful grandchildren. I am married to a wonderful man whom I adore. I have started digitally scrapbooking..and I just love it. Hope to meet many new friends here...You are all so talented and lovely and I am honored to be a part of this family of Scrapbook Entusiasts. My Blog here at:
Created: May 1, 2007

Created By: kewpiedoll77
A Day In The Life Of A Happy Scrapper
All about my family and myself and my scrapping. :)
Created: May 1, 2007

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
I am thoroughly enjoying this website. Have not been using it very long but, can admit l have been on it every day since l joined. It has become addictive. Husband Peter says it is a female MSN. Don't believe him as l do not send loads of messages out. Only a few to friends and fans.
Created: Apr 30, 2007

Created By: ErikaTenney
Erika's Digital Scrapbook
This is a scrapbook blog about my favorite hobby, Scrapbooking!
Created: Apr 29, 2007

Created By: Bryantv361
Scrappping in Pasadena, Texas
Hi: I love scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking a lot. I am a Mom and wife looking for any ladies interested on this wonderful hobby, either in English or Spanish.
Created: Apr 28, 2007

Created By: paula66
Capturing Memories, Old and new, good and bad.
Created: Apr 28, 2007

Created By: 2MrsSumners Designs
1000th Scrapbook!
Debbie and Laura (2MrsSumners) would like to thank Mamawsweetpea for using our graphics! She has posted the 1000th scrapbook containing the 2MrsSumners Designs graphics! Her page is called "Happy Mother's Day, Mom" and can be found at We would like to thank all of the members that use our graphics. without you all, we would be out of the job! Thank you all again! Laura and Debbie Sumner
Created: Apr 27, 2007

Created By: Ashkenazi Lynne
Scrapping it's new to me!
It's something new to try. Never done it before. Always up for a challenge
Created: Apr 26, 2007

Created By: silverstar
Memories of Past, Present, and Future
I'm a dreamer I'm always in the clouds when it comes to scrapbooking. I dream of one day owning my own company and club...
Created: Apr 25, 2007

Created By: akida29
Did I reply to that message.....
This is a kind of "petition" blog :) Come on in to see more!
Created: Apr 24, 2007

Created By: lonely girl
Hello everyone
What a wonderful site this is, full of lovely friendly people, I havent felt this welcome for a long time. I still need to figure out how to do things but I am getting there slowly. It is so nice to see everyones work and to know that there is always someone to inspire me. Thank you all for the warm welcome, i hope to learn more and hopefully make some lasting friendships. Take care and be happy.
Created: Apr 20, 2007

Created By: jkphil93
My Confessions
Created: Apr 20, 2007

Hello first of all thank you for all your lovely comments they are much appreciated! please can anyone help me do you know of any FREE software that i can download for scrapbooking, i am downloading a free trial of scrapbook max at the mo do you know any others, as i am all new to this, many thanks, take care xxx
Created: Apr 19, 2007

Created By: Shorty1329Trisha.M.B
Is There True Love?
You bet your butt there is because i found mine. u ever hear of the saying Good things come to those who wait well its true and i thank god for sending me my angel
Created: Apr 18, 2007

Created By: Shorty1329Trisha.M.B
The Day The Angels Cried
I wrote this in September-16-2001 to those of 9/11 tradagy and to their families. God Bless Them All
Created: Apr 18, 2007

Created By: loveflowers
loveflowers aka Lawrie
Hi there fellow scrappers! I just want to say "Thank-you" to all of you for all of your wonderful comments! They inspire me to delve just a little bit deeper into the creativity crevices that are lurking about!...LOL...! I really enjoy this site. It has enabled me to channel a need deep inside that I never knew existed. I love writing poetry and love taking pictures but only God knows where this will lead. I feel very blessed to share all of this with others! Blessings to all! Lawrie/loveflowers
Created: Apr 18, 2007

Created By: justme95632
Ok here goes. Never done a blog in my life. So like i said her goes. I don't know how to thank all of you for this site. I have been doing my own scrapbooking for my self. Never showing anyone. When uploading for people to see I realize how much better I am getting at. I take more pride and want people to like what I do. So guess you all give me pride. and I thank you
Created: Apr 16, 2007

Created By: akida29
It sucks to have dial up....
I am an unwilling member of a minority of people who don't have high speed internet, and let me tell sucks!! Please, come on in and see why!
Created: Apr 16, 2007

Created By: i love horses
i am 72 and haven't the faintest clue how to do a page and to put something on the site. hoping someone will be able to help me and then i will be able to do my own scrapbook
Created: Apr 16, 2007

Created By: erose
well today guess what i brought lol chicken soup for the scrapbookers soul am looking forward to reading it, well i want to do some online ones but usally do onhand scrapbooking which is alot of fun, i guess i could post some of those pics i have done well i have deleted them now as put them in album, but next time i do will post some
Created: Apr 14, 2007

Created By: novice@it
fun site that can cheer me up
lately I feel down, but when I go to this site it always cheers me up, sometimes I create, other times I just look at other peoples pages and feel connected! I want to thank Rae Ann for providing all of us with an outlet that serves a multitude of purposes!!! I also want to thank everyone who comments on my pages and all the kind words form everyone on the site!! photos have a way of taking a person out of the moment, and into another moment, perhsps a more happy moment, and thus changes your mood. I hope everyone gets this feeling from this site. Thanks again everyone!!!!
Created: Apr 13, 2007

Created By: Scrappy _Girl
Hi All I love my arts & crafts my family knows when I get started with my scrapping mommy will be"out or order" and they have to feed themselves. I have two boys 14 & 15 and they are very supportif with my addiction. Hubby buys me stuff for my scrapbooking or he will take me shopping for it. How lucky can a girl be. Looking forward sharing some of my pages with you all soon... Happy scrapping :-)
Created: Apr 13, 2007

im hooked!
hi everyone, what a great site this is, i didn't even know about online scrapping until i was told about this site! i absolutely love photography and i have two beautiful children who i am always taking pictures of, you can never have too many photos! this is a great way to show of your favourite photos and make wonderful memories last. i have also learnt alot more about computing since using this site, the only problem i am absolutely addicted!!!
Created: Apr 13, 2007

Created By: grayfish
When I can find the time
As I said on my profile, my son attends school 2 days a week, Tues & Thurs, so those are my big scrap days. Otherwise, it's WHENEVER I can find the time. I steal a moment here & there to work on a page or to come on & check out your pages. This site is just too cool. Soooo glad I found it!
Created: Apr 13, 2007

Created By: sbkgjulie
Shoebox Legacies
As I love preserving family stories and photo, I have started my own scrapbooking for others business, Shoebox Legacies.
Created: Apr 12, 2007

Created By: angelrat
Angelrat's Antics
Angelrat rules the world... in her imagination...
Created: Apr 8, 2007

Created By: Dotty75757
Scrappin' for the Cure...
I would like to challenge and see other creative scrapbook pages relating to Breast Cancer!
Created: Apr 6, 2007

Created By: NanaC
NanaC Scrapbookmax Designer
Hello all and A Warm Welcome. In my spare time I love to design, create, and take pictures. I love scrapping it's a Great way to display our Friends Family and Loved Ones. Every picture has a story to tell and can be told through scrapping.
Created: Apr 4, 2007

Created By: scrapingnikkij
Confessions from a Scrapaholic
When you are addicted to scrapbooking what else is there to do, but scrapbook, talk about scrapbooking and look at other peoples scrapbooks.
Created: Apr 3, 2007

Created By: akida29
"scrapper's" block!?!?!
I think I've overloaded myself by downloading tooo many kits.....did I actually just say that, LOL?!?! But alas, it's true! I was at my MIL's this weekend, and she has high speed (I don't *sob*) and I donwloaded 2 discs worth of things!! Now I cannot decide what to use, LOL!! I have this great set of photos to scrap and I can't find anything that screams "PERFECT"! Oh, the woes of scrapping... :) Well, back to the drawing board.
Created: Apr 2, 2007

Created By: angel_p69
Some stuff I'd like to know ...
I'm new to both Digital Scrapping & ScrapbookFlair ... When I found this site I jumped in BOTH feet after seeing the "Best Photo I Ever Took Challenege" & got to scrapping! I've browsed around, clicked on this & that, looked at this & that. But was wondering about FRIENDS & FANS ... What is the difference? And I have replied to a message or I think to someone, don't see my reply & haven't heard back from her, so I can only assume 2 things, it didn't go thru or she didn't respond =) Ok that's all for my first blog .. LOL Thought I'd try to get some answers for now! Hope every one has a good week! Blessings, Angel
Created: Apr 2, 2007

Created By: HeatherEnaya
scrapping stuff
I have too many blogs to keep up with... so I don't post here often. But I guess that doesn't matter too much... I am just now starting to really get the hang of the digital scrapbooking thing. Though I have to say that some of these are so beautiful that I feel my poor shabby things don't compare. I have not seen a bad page on here! I am sure I will get better with time as well. SO if you are reading this... Keep up the good work. Your stuff is awesome.
Created: Apr 2, 2007

Created By: longforgtn
I am failly new to this. I still do some cross stitch, but because I have lots of photos I like trying to present them in a different way. If something doesn't look right please let me know or any suggestions appreciated. Thank you
Created: Apr 2, 2007

Created By: myirish_twins
Just somewhere to write about whats going on in life and how my kids are doing, and i guess a lil about scrapbooking too :)
Created: Apr 1, 2007

Created By: fairyflies76
My first challenge!
Hi everyone! I have created my first challenge, and am so excited. It is the 'Scraplift' challenge. And I want to invite anyone to join! I know we all have pages and layouts we admire. Now is our chance to pay tribute to all of our favorites, and try to re-create the layouts ourselves! Use any page you would like as inspiration, just make sure to give proper credit to the original designer of the layout, and the site where it can be we can take a peak:) Challenge starts Monday, April 2 at 12:00 am. It should be fun seeing everyones interpretation of other's layouts! Have fun!! Tiffany
Created: Apr 1, 2007

Created By: bntyhuntress
My thoughts for the day
Created: Mar 31, 2007

Created By: Truckin Granni
New Student to Digital Scrapbooking
Hello Everyone!! Im very new to this site and boy I am excited!! Im a brand new student to digital scrapbooking,and look forward to learning much from all of you!! I am a Truck Driver,hence the name Truckin Granni, lol. I have 6 kids,all grown,and 19 grandkids,whew !! a lot of pics,too !! and 1 more on the way in May!! They dont know when to quit, lol!! So Im lookin at all the beautifull work here and learning much.Will try my 1st soon I hope.Im all over this great country everyday,so I plan on sharing that 1st,something different I hope!! Good to meet you all!! Thanks, Truckin Granni
Created: Mar 30, 2007

Created By: smileycreations
Smiley Creations
Mostly this will be to share my layouts, and new kits that I create. But sometimes there will be some life issues that I need to vent - LOL. Hope you like what you see and read and will check back every so often.
Created: Mar 26, 2007

Created By: bleedingmascara80
Page Comments..
I'm so sorry I haven't been leaving comments on my friends' pages lately, I've been on only to upload, and I feel awful about please don't feel as if you must comment on my pages unless you really really like them, I am trying to catch up, but I get so tired lately..this baby is taking the life out of me!! I promise I will catch up, I have seen some really gorgeous pages lately that I will not forget...I'm really sorry, all! Karianne
Created: Mar 25, 2007

Created By: CheyenneSierra
Cheyenne Gives It A Try
I ran across this site - liked what I saw & read & decided to go ahead & join. I've been looking around at some great pages. This digital thing is new to me but I intend to do my best with what I have. Hoping to get a couple page up within the next week.
Created: Mar 24, 2007

Created By: Dotty75757
Crazy about Cards!
I love creating greeting cards for friends, relatives, and, especially, our servicemen and women (see my scrapbook pages). Of course, right now - I have limited time to do any more creating - as I am taking courses toward an A.A.S. degree in Office Technology (Medical Option). I'm halfway there. I'm just getting over the flu, I think it was, and went back to school today. Got a lot of homework but wanted to take a break and check the scrapbooks out. I've missed it. and Missed y'all! Hope y'all are feeling okay! Whether you are or not, take care!! Dotty75757
Created: Mar 23, 2007

Created By: island_princess
Starting Off
Well I have just started this week getting into digital scrapbooking WHY..cause I just now really heard about it.. For the past year ive been collecting all sorts of material for regular paper scrapbooking..AND you know what i figured out ..DIGITAL is so much Cheaper and easier and less messy..haha...AND you can do it anywhere and not need a space to lay everything out..woho.. Well Im hoping to get a layout together so I can share my first one ever with you all .. so till then stay tuned..haha
Created: Mar 22, 2007

Created By: LadyViveca
Hooked on Scrapbook
My older sister taught me how to scrap in 2004, so I proceeded to do my daughter's whole life and presented the album to her for her wedding. Now I'm hooked and glad I found this site. Happy Scrapping
Created: Mar 22, 2007

Created By: scrapalicious
I just joined today...and i wont take my butt to bed!
I think i been on the site for 7 hours now lol reading the Forums and trying to create pages...which i still need a lil bit of help on. Im use to the paper all across the dining room table ans glue dots all over me and only one page done in a 4 hour sitting. I'll upload my other pages tomorrow or MAYBE tonight. I know im gonna be tired tomorrow....but this is somewhat of a challenge to me..everyones pages ARE SO COOL...I wanna be as goo as them! well till later...
Created: Mar 18, 2007

Created By: suefoto
Scrapping away!
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and having a blast! There is so much talent, I can't help but be inspired. I'm a professional photographer, wife, mother and grandmother. My life is pretty busy and I spend so much time on the computer. I'm always working on photos and adding to my website but when I decide to take a break, I do my scrapbooking. Everyone is so nice here!
Created: Mar 17, 2007

Created By: MissyChrissy
I hope it's obvious-I don't know what I'm doing here. I'm pretty much copy/pasting stuff in templates...I have absolutely no creative energy within me whatsoever. Everyone here has been so nice and encouraging-saying my pages are nice and well done-I know they're just being polite! I don't even know how to comment back to them-and they have truly awesome pages to look at. They're really inspiring and make me tempted to unshare my own pages-out of shame for my lack of talent! lol...but I won't. I'm proud of my kids, so I have to share. My hope is one day I'll really have time to sit down and learn a thing or two here.
Created: Mar 15, 2007

Created By: DawnKitchens06
Busy busy busy.....
I have been so busy lately I haven't had time to make any new scrap kits. Hopefully within the next few days I can get one done. Between the kids and school and getting my business started I am drained .... Whew .. one of these days I will get organized**snickerin** keyword - one day lol :)
Created: Mar 14, 2007

Created By: cookiemom18
First blog
I just thought I'd try it. I work full time, have three kids and a hubby. We're busy all of the time. It's hard to find time to scrapbook, but I usually steal a few minutes in the morning and any spare I can get. I must confess to a few burned dinners due to scrapping :D
Created: Mar 13, 2007

Created By: One Happy Mommy
One Happy Mommy's Random Thoughts
Hi all. I decided to write a blog tonight. I have never done this before. I'm not sure what brought it on. I was an English major and love to write, so that could be it...I have a feeling it is more the desperate need for adult communication, lol! As you may or may not know, I am a mom to six sons. Three of these gorgeous guys I gave birth to and three I was blessed to help raise since they were toddlers. I love nothing more than spending time with my crazy, loud, energetic bunch of guys. Lately, however, I have been locked indoors with one or more of them sick with the horrible flu. It has literally been WEEKS!! Thank heaven for this site. I have spent hours browsing your scrapbooks and enjoying them all. Unfortunately, my computer freezes up almost every time I try to vote or comment on anything. So, I don't have a lot of comments out there, but I am loving it! Thanks for making me feel so welcome and for being so supportive. I will be posting more soon! Lisa
Created: Mar 13, 2007

Created By: Idgie
Something About Idgie
Scrapping in the Wee Hours - Confessions of an Insomniac...Smiles...
Created: Mar 11, 2007

Created By: AlabamaStoneThrower
AlabamaStoneThrower's Scrappin' Adventures
The day in the life of a passionate scrapper...
Created: Mar 10, 2007

Created By: Kimbamor
My Blog, By Me!
Created: Mar 9, 2007

Created By: KimberlyRae
Hello~ I just found out what a 'blog' is! lol So thought I would swing on over here and say how much I appreciate EVERYONE on SBFlair! Three weeks ago, I made my first scrapbook page and now look 19 pages later and 2 challenges My daughter Karissa and son Carson on are on here, too, now. :)! That's Progress!! Considering, how I have always been intimadated by Scrapbooking, pre-say (like with papers and all)They are still sitting in my studio. I love creating on the computer and hopefully will create a kit one day...! Until then I'm just having FUN FUN FUN! I love talking with all you and appreciate all your encouragement and kind words.
Created: Mar 8, 2007

Created By: ooopsmyhaloslipped
HI...My name is Karen...I am a 49 yrs disabled mother of 4...2 girls...2 boys My oldest is Philip who lives with his partner Jennie..he is 27 and a musician... My next is my daughter Sara who is 22 in May..She is at Liverpool University and lives at home with me..and twins Aimee and Michael who just had thier 17th birthday at the beggining of February...
Created: Mar 8, 2007

Created By: gwynlyn
I am fairly new to scrapbooking. I say that even though I have really been doing it for something like 2 1/2 years now. I see so many beautifully created pages on scrap websites and in books and magazines. I always think my pages look pretty plain and dull compared to those. I love this ScrapbookFlair website. It is so easy to create beautiful pages, and the idea of having fans/friends is really cool too. It really encourages me to always be improving my style. And one day maybe I will be able to turn out some scrapbooks like the ones in the magazines
Created: Mar 7, 2007

Created By: . Nayyan Chandler
In this blog I will share my thoughts on what inspires me in my designs and scrapbooks. I would love to read your thought on the subject too so we can uplift our creative side and inspire eachother.
Created: Mar 6, 2007

Created By: PurpleCat65
It's Been Great
I just want to say thank you to all SBF members. For all your kind comments and Votes. This has been a fantastic site. I know I will never meet anyone in life. But it feels great to have so many friends. I bother one in particular she is GREAT but I won't (bother) with the name(hint). Thank you all so much for accepting me.
Created: Mar 5, 2007

Created By: lBuzybee
The Buzybee Hive
Get the latest buzz in my life. This site will also include PSE tips, mini tutorials, and the best digital scrapbook sites on the internet. Some of my favorite things to scrap are my kids, my dog,and heritage photos.
Created: Mar 4, 2007

Created By: l3designs
L3s Scrapbooking
I've got hundreds of photos just stored on my computer... I really need to do something with them. I've just started with them, and much prefer digital scrapbooking.
Created: Mar 3, 2007

Created By: Krafty Krista
I will be gone for a while!!! :-(
Just to let everyone know I'm going to be fixing my computer. So, it'll be in the shop for a while and I won't be on here. I'm going to miss looking at everyone's pages and I hope to be back to scrapping soon!!
Created: Feb 26, 2007

Created By: heartsweet
my first time...
this is my first attempt on digital scrapbooking or any other scrapbooking project for that matter. it is really fun to do and it's nice when other people appreciates what my work. the children in the pictures are my officemates kids who dropped by our last christmas party.
Created: Feb 25, 2007

Created By: bleedingmascara80
My Seven Deadly Sins Series
In order to save space, I have finally decided to put all of my Seven Deadly Sins pages into one scrapbook. I've been putting it off for a long time..I really don't want to do it. But I am, I don't like to have too much clutter in my space. SO, since I am done with that series, and it's been a while since they were posted, I need to make room for more series I am working on..two that I can think of right now. Be watching for them!!
Created: Feb 25, 2007

Created By: pookie bear
well this is my first entry and i really don't know that much about scrapping but i hope i can learn, i plan on making a scrapbook for my secong baby due july 17 2oo7!
Created: Feb 24, 2007

Created By: Curious
Needing help..
I was wanting to know if anyone could help me so that my page isn't so blah?? I'm unsure of how to do it myself.. Any help I would luv
Created: Feb 23, 2007

Created By: Meterr
cemetery photography!!
i made a group!!! its for people who enjoy cemetery photography!!!! cant wait to see who joins up and their pics!!!!
Created: Feb 21, 2007

Created By: Meterr
my challenge!!!!
i have added a challenge here on flair!!! its a high school challenge. you must add a photo from your high school days and use your school colours!!!!! cant wait to see what people have done!!!
Created: Feb 21, 2007

Created By: Curious
Gonna be offline for a lil while
Just wanted 2 say thanx for the wonderful comments thus far. But I have to go offline for awhile not sure how long I will be gone but will be creating while gone so I will have more to upload.
Created: Feb 21, 2007

Created By: valdemontc
No tengo mucha experiencia en esto de los blogs, pero me gusta compartir mis ideas y experiencias y pienso que lo podre hacer mejor a traves de este blog. (Si fuera necesario haria el blog en Ingles y Español). This blog can be bilingual...... english/spanish
Created: Feb 19, 2007

Created By: Agst06302006
New to Scrapbooking
Hi all, well this is a hobby i have definately wanted to start for a very long time and am so glad I came upon this site! I really need some great ideas on how to get started so if anyone has any, please feel free to email me!! My current projects are my wedding album, our honeymoon, and one for my husband who is in the Air Force. I have tons of pictures and knick knacks to use, just need to figre out how lol.
Created: Feb 19, 2007

Created By: deep8nts
Deep8nts, scrappin', fishin',paintin' & workin'
If you like to scrapbook,folk art paint, go fishing and have to work how do you fit it all in. I still have to find a way to cast my line, hold my brush and do a photo crop all while the boat is rocking. Pfffft!!! Life is what it is.
Created: Feb 18, 2007

Created By: Creativeaud
CreativeAud's Thoughts
My thoughts and what not
Created: Feb 18, 2007

Created By: PurpleCat65
It's Wonderful
Now that I basically have time all to myself now. I have managed to attain some great talented friends. I spend every minute I can looking and learning on this wonderful site. Thanks for bring some life back into me and the opportunity to show of my family. Hugs to all from Texas
Created: Feb 17, 2007

Created By: Starr
Digi Junky.
I love to digi scrap..I am so grateful to the creators of Scrapbook Flair...I just love the site and all you can do..I have met tons of new people and all of them so nice and kind..It's nice to be able to share my love for scrapbooking with others who know what i'm talking about..LOL..I think i'm ready to learn new things with other photo programs..So i'm getting started on doing that...One thing I am going to learn is how to curl the corner of a photo...I'm excited and can't wait to learn to do this...I love learning new things when it comes to scrapping..paper or digi...well guess i've rambled enough..thanks for reading my blog..
Created: Feb 16, 2007

Created By: PurpleCat65
To All
My first ever blog. This is a great site. The people are great and the pages are fantastic. I am glad to be a part of it. Thanks
Created: Feb 15, 2007

Created By: Joe'smom
New Scrapper
I'm new at this, have lots of scrapping materials but have yet to try it. It looks like it would be lots of fun. I do have a few ideas on pages I would like to do. Can anyone lead me in the right direction ion how to get started. Thank You!!!
Created: Feb 15, 2007

Created By: DawnKitchens06
Learn something new everyday.......
Well, I have been creating my scrap kits in Paint Shop Pro ... and I finally figured out how to save them to where they will work with Scrapbook Flair :) So I will be changing all of my scraps to where they will now be compatible with Scrapbook Flair :)
Created: Feb 14, 2007

Created By: chickenlittle
Scrapbook Kits
I'm trying to find some nascar digital scrapbooking material and have been unsuccessful in finding it.......does anyone have any ideas where I can find these at? Thanks for any leads.
Created: Feb 13, 2007

Created By: MaresaSD
Confessions of a Slacker...
I must admit.. I joined today because I'm hoping to organize the THOUSANDS of pictures sitting on my C drive and my memory cards awaiting to be used.. ... We even took tons of pictures this past christmas for a cruise.......that are still on our digital camera.... I'm hoping that this site will help me get them organized... but already my head is spinning... at any rate.. i suppose I should get back to work.. wish me luck!
Created: Feb 12, 2007

Created By: Krafty Krista
Just wanted to post a blog thanking everyone for doing the challenges!! I love them and it's been a great way for me to do "different" pages. It's great to really get my mind wandering through some new stuff!! I look forward to more!!
Created: Feb 12, 2007

Created By: Liz MX
Hi! im from Mexico,here the scrapbook is New! can yu believe it? so i would like to have the tips of all you expert people. i have already see your galleries and they 're wonderful, i hope that very soon i can do my own. Saludos desde México!
Created: Feb 8, 2007

Created By: SherryC
I've never "blogged" before!!
I've done lots of things in my life, but never blogged before! But I wanted to thank all of you who have sent me so many nice comments about the pages I've done. I love your comments.... and I love some of my pages... other pages I'd like to forget I ever made!! =) Thanks for being so great a bunch of people! Hugs, Sherry
Created: Feb 7, 2007

Created By: chickenlittle
I finally figured it out!!!!!
It took me awhile to figure out how to get my downloads to, I'm simply having tooooooooo much fun!!!!
Created: Feb 7, 2007

Created By: madcheeta
HELP HELP!!!!!!!!
hey everyone! i am sooooo bored... i now this is for scrapbookng but i just want to say I AM SOOOOO BORED!!!! come be my friend!!! pleaze!
Created: Feb 6, 2007

Created By: dsgilreath
A little Crazy!!
As you can read on my home page, my life as well as my husband's is crazy. We both work full time jobs, run a self-owned business, are getting ready to build a house, just got married, and I am in school full time. I absolutely love to scrapbook but currenly am finding very little time or room. The house we live in now is too small for us. I am hoping that after finding this wonderful website, I will have time to create the wonderful scrapbook pages that I have designed in my head! Any tips or suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I am needing to scrap our wedding, honeymoon, first Christmas, and now Valentine's Day. I am soooo behind!!
Created: Feb 6, 2007

Created By: Meterr
oh my!!!
its 6 degrees below zero here right now!!! guess its a stay inside-digi-scrap kinda day. if schools cancelled again i wont get puter time!! the teens will be on as soon as they get up!!!! stay warm everyone!!!brrrrrrr
Created: Feb 6, 2007

Created By: mongogirl
Hockey Nut
I am a hockey nut. I am doing the pages for my Lynx book very simple. I am sharing them with my friends and the players family. I hope you all enjoy them.
Created: Feb 4, 2007

Created By: denia371
Altered Art Paper Bag books
I am brand new to scrap booking so this is all new to me. I am very intrested in any information on altered art paper bag albums/books. If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Denia
Created: Feb 4, 2007

Created By: chickenlittle
Scrapbook Programs or Websites
Hi all.......I was just wondering what programs everyone uses and what are some websites to get scrapbooking pages from, I've downloaded several programs and find that they all have something that the other one doesn't have........any advice or information would be great. I'm new to all of this so still learning!!! I've seen some beautiful work on here!!!
Created: Feb 3, 2007

Created By: JustJan
Scrapping my way to Healthy!
I recently found this site and LOVE IT! I also recently quit smoking after MANY years and instead of Smoking.. I'm Scrapping! (don't yell at me if my pages look manic.. it's the withdraw!) Finally I will put all the digital pics to use. I have done some traditional scrapping years ago and will be starting up a scrapping night with my friends in a couple of weeks, but I really prefer digital scrapping.. NO MESSY GLUE! LOL! So far I have done a couple of pages and printed them out. I added some additioal embellishments and BAM! Awesome pages! Anyway.. I want a cig so back to SCRAPPING I go!
Created: Feb 3, 2007

Created By: Meterr
im getting better...
ok, so i still am not a pro at digi scrapping, but i am getting a little better! soem of the ellements i shrink down are still pixelly and i "see" the layouts in my head, but cant replicate them!! oh well, takes time to learn and this hobby is so much fun, ill be doing it a long time form now!!!
Created: Feb 1, 2007

Created By: Eva41083
I am Leaving on a Jet plane
I am going to be MIA for about 2 weeks. I am so excited. I am going to visit my Dad in California who I miss very much. This will be the first time he sees his grandaughter. Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that I will not be on here after saturday untill around the 19th or so. Happy scrapping to all.
Created: Jan 31, 2007

Created By: loyalalways
My Grandchildren
The most precious gifts that God has given me are my grandchildren.Kerstyn was born June 27, 1995; Nicholas was born December 27, 2001 and Jordan was born April 15, 2004. Both Kerstyn and Nicholas are left-handed.
Created: Jan 30, 2007

Created By: Meterr
its finally winter!!!
the snow has finally hit michigan!!! well, it had snowed earlier, but this time we actually got about 5 inches, with more coming down as we speak. just the right night to do some digi scrappin!!!!!
Created: Jan 28, 2007

Created By: Meterr
this place rocks!!
wow.. what an awesome idea!! i uploaded some of my digi creations( dont laugh, as im totally new to digi) and even added a few paper layouts. im not sure if the paper ones were supposed to be added or not.. ooops!! still looking around the website until i get the hang of everything, but the idea is so cool! the groups are great because i can share my layouts with people who share my hobbies and interests etc. i hope to get alot of new friends here too!!!
Created: Jan 28, 2007

Created By: kilts4
SCRAP Booking
Scrapbook flair is a great program. But sometimes try to make it simple then add a whole bunch of extras on top of it after you have printed it out. Things like paper and textures, it gives the piece layers (that is if you want to put it in a book) or you could just add layers on the program, whatever floats your boat...LOL!
Created: Jan 27, 2007

Created By: terrista
Finished With Classes
I was taking some online digi scrap classes and well i'm finished with that set woohoo i've learned so much and yet i can see that i have SOOOOO much more to go ....i'm excited but weary at the same time lol i know that i have alot of work ahead of myself if i want to become a better digi scrapper but i think in the long run that its all well worth it to know that these memories are all safe in some fashion...the next thing is to start compiling all these wonderful pages i've been working on into actual scrapbooks and sorthing through the ones that need improvement to make them even better than they are now ..well thats all for today chat with you all tomorrow :)
Created: Jan 25, 2007

Created By: dellabella
January 23,2007
Nothing especially interesting to write about. But to anyone who looks at my pages you know our new puppy is a big part of our lives. He just got his first haircut and of course we think he's the cutest thing around. But after the loss of our TJ 1 it was hard to decide to get a new pup. But it's the best thing we ever did. When I was so sick at X'mas time with pneunomia He was my constant companion.Now After just two days short of having him 2 months we don't know why we waited so long. So don't be suprised to se him as the main subject of coming pages. To everyone have a great year and keep those grat pages coming, it's the one site that I do check everyday.
Created: Jan 24, 2007

Created By: SunnShinne
Sunny's Blog
Created: Jan 18, 2007

Created By: Krafty Krista
Thank You
I just want to thank everyone who has left comments and voted on my pages!! This is the first time I've ever done digital scrapbooking and have found out it is ADDICTING!! I also really enjoy looking through everyone's pages!! Everyone does such a great job!
Created: Jan 16, 2007

Created By: Edelgeist
16/1/07 Today was the day that I discovered Scrapbook Flair. I have only just found scrapbooking and I LOVE IT
Created: Jan 16, 2007

Created By: philishacma
Thanks to everyone
This is the most uplifting site I know. When I feel sad or just not right, I love looking at everyone pages some happy, sad, funny but it just makes me feel better so to everyone at Scrapbook flair thank you.
Created: Jan 15, 2007

Created By: AmyV
Confessions of a Scrapbook Addict
All about me, my art and my life in general.
Created: Jan 14, 2007

Created By: bekahs
More Help
Hi all!!! I am having a blast here on Scrapbook Flair..I was just wondering if any one could tell me how you use the text all seem to have such original use of how and where you put text into your layout...I, on the other hand, seem to only know how to use the generic templates for wording...any suggestions would be great!! Thank you in advance.
Created: Jan 14, 2007

Created By: Cassie_Marie
::Cassie's World::
Everyday me...trying to sort htings out for myself...making a huge deal out of everything. Typical Cassie drama... Now the world is going to see how I see the world...upside down and over-dramatized. Ever seen the show "In Case of Emergency?" This is my world:
Created: Jan 12, 2007

Created By: Granna
I'm new to digi scrapping and have never blogged. But I would like to say thanks to all who have viewed my pages and left comments. Everyone is so talented and I enjoy looking at your creations. Blessings to all this year.
Created: Jan 11, 2007

Created By: Islandmoon
My love for Angels
When Angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, nor feel the feathery touch of the breast of a dove, but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts.
Created: Jan 7, 2007

Created By: chassy
scrapbook flair is amazing
Created: Jan 7, 2007

Created By: Snug
Snugs Place
Hi all I got a place where I store all my scrap stuff - scrap kits, PSP, elements, animations, icons, tags - everything you need to make digital scrap pages. If you like to get access to my account you can contact me at my private mail: Then I will give you the username and password. Happy scrapping Snug
Created: Jan 6, 2007

Created By: debbe's doodles
Here I am at scrapping central and I am not sure why. My sister is an awesome scrapbooker and has made pages for me, my mom and my son & daughter-in-law that are beautiful and creative. I have fought against becoming interested as I don't really have the money to invest and not sure if I have the time either. I have been creative and crafty all my life. I enjoy creating. I even did some web design which is why my sister sent me links on digital scrapbooking. She knew I loved doing things on the computer and thought this would be my thing. She may be right. But now my son is grown. I lost my daughter 2 years ago. She was 24. Why would I start scrapbooking now? For who? Me? Or just to learn new things. I do like to learn and gain new skills. That part would be for me. So I guess I am confused at what my motivation would be or should be...
Created: Jan 5, 2007

Created By: Jini
My Holiday Trip
During the holiday season, I went to a trip and visited several interesting places. This is totally different experience for me. Hope everyone enjoy.
Created: Jan 3, 2007

Created By: dilbert
I love this site!
I am going to try and create a Happy Blog. Mostly because my life is pretty happy and that is what I know most about. So I will try to post thoughts regularly. I think this scrapbook community is AWESOME. I love seeing other people's work, and I learn from them. I have made friends with folks from all over the world...and to think all of this is free! Wow, anyway, if you to are having a ball, share me your thoughts... Thanks for reading , and do not take life too seriously.
Created: Jan 3, 2007

Created By: melissarynes
Mothers affection
My life and pregnancy and loss of son and scrapbooking
Created: Jan 3, 2007

Created By: Della Bella
DellaBella's Home
Just thought I'd give this a try. Never had a blog. Not sure what to do next. I do however want to wish everyone a Great new Year. Also please wish me luck, been sick,(check out dog gallery) and haven't been posting. Have stoped smoking, due moslty to wanting to breathe, but it's been two weeks and still hanging in, hope to keep it up. Has anyone else done something to change for the newyear? keep me posted. Good luck to all with new year resolutions.
Created: Jan 1, 2007

Created By: terimarie333
I have just read "For One More Day" by Mitch Albom. Who would you spend a day with if it were your last? I have just scrapbooked 3 collages of Christmas 2006 and reworded a quote on one of the pages: The best presents around the tree; the presense of family wrapped-up in each others lives. I have just spent my last few days with those I love the most...I'll cherish these memories for my lifetime.
Created: Jan 1, 2007

Created By: philishacma
Howdy Ho
What do blogs do exactly? I just like writing so I thought I would do this. I really enjoy looking at everyone's pages. Thanks for taking the time to share part of your life with me.
Created: Dec 31, 2006

Created By: ButterflyKises
Digital or Old Fashioned (i'm both)
I agree with everyone who says that digital scrapbooking is easier but to me if you're scrapbooking for later generations to see what you and your family did wouldn't you rather do it the normal old fashioned way so that the people lookign at the page down the road feel more conected to you? I don't know that's just my opinion! But i do both digital and normal scrapbooking so who am i to say! :)
Created: Dec 30, 2006

Created By: Meddy1965
New To Scrapbooking. What
Hi I am new to all this. I have been looking at everyones beautiful scrapbook pages. Where do they all come from. Do people use other programmes. I have searched on the internet for more software, can anyone recommend any good programmes I could either download or buy, I would really appreciatte any help as I new to this but looking forward to learning.
Created: Dec 28, 2006

Created By: mummy
What a brilliant site!! I'm a newbie, I've always done cards but my mum-in-law has been hinting for nearly a year to do a scrapbook for her of her grandson, so for christmas I did with the help of this site! I've never done anything like this so this site was brilliant for everything I could possibly need ..... idea's especially as this is where I tend to struggle! I used a few backgrounds, embellishments etc but also used my own things. Mu mum-in-law loved it! in fact she started crying so thanks to everyone for their idea's & help.
Created: Dec 27, 2006

Created By: HeatherEnaya
Its official Santa loves me... because he sent me a great abundance scraping supplies. Gotta love the big guy and all his elves... particularly the ones in GA, OH, TX and PA.... If you had seen my stocking you would UNDERSTAND.
Created: Dec 27, 2006

Created By: ava&lillysmommy
Stay at home mom...
Just because I don't GO to work, doesn't mean I don't work! Day to day life of a stay at home mom, freelance digital designer, and all around busy woman.
Created: Dec 21, 2006

Created By: cembry57
Empty Nest, Who Me??
About 20 years ago, my Granny told me I better enjoy my children while I could, because they leave home too soon! Heck, I LOVED being a Mom, but I have a life of my own too. Now they are gone, it's all me baby!! Check me out here:
Created: Dec 21, 2006

Created By: Nanna Susie
Be My Valentine
Okay so I goofed...I didn't understand how to make a book out of several pages but by George I figured it out on my own. I love this site it is so easy to use. This book is going to be the Valentine Card I give Ricky, my Husband and best Friend, on Valentines Day this year, 021407. It will be our 29th year as sweethearts. I also want to say thanks to everyone for all your comments on this book and all my pages that I have done since 113006. Thanks again, Clara Sue
Created: Dec 17, 2006

Created By: kitchenwitchnh
Scrap Me Sillie Here Too
I actually have a blog that I have kept for a time if you want to se that it is at I will try to keep this page up as I can. Thank you to all my new friends & "fans" I am happy to be here, and look forward to some fun and getting to know more scrappers.
Created: Dec 16, 2006

Created By: momof2
My Blog and updates!
If I have something I need to tell to all my friends I will write it here, so I don't have to re-write the same thing in a message to everyone indavidually. I'm sure you are all just as busy as I am and will all understand! Thank you all for your wonderful comments and thank you all for being so nice!
Created: Dec 14, 2006

Created By: thollar
Help Please
I am just now learning how to do scrapbooking. I downloaded the program thru here. I have found some great sites and have downloaded lots of scraps. Now the problem is I download them in my documents in a new folder. After that I go to the scrap program and try to import those images, and it won't do anything. How do I get the things I download into the scrapbook prgram?
Created: Dec 11, 2006

Created By: Traci Leigh Designz
Horsedreamn Designs
Find out about whats goin on at Horsedreamn Designs and the lastest on my digital scraping and designing.See whats new and great!
Created: Dec 10, 2006

Created By: AlaskanSister
Scrappin in Alaska
Well here it is, my first blog. Not sure what to say or how I want to say it. I've been a memeber of ScrapbookFlair since November 2006. I am not sure if I ever would have started scrapping had it not been for my best friend Monica. I'm so glad she shared this with me. I like to relax and scrap my favorite pictures or pictures I find on the web. We moved to Alaska a little over two years ago and at first I wasn't thrilled. I've gotten used to the change and I'm discovering so much about Alaska that I love. I've started scrapping it. I guess that's it for now. Hope to add more another time. Toni
Created: Dec 10, 2006

Created By: ButterflyKises
Scrapbooking Magazines
Hey To All You Scrappers, For any of oyu that are really into magazines there are a few really good ones out there that I thought I might let you know about. They are: Scrapbooking Answers, Memory Makers, Scrapbooking Memories, and For Keeps Creative Scrapbooking. Merry Christmas to Everyone :) Love, I Love Scraps
Created: Dec 8, 2006

Created By: tricia
I am an ardent scrapbooker and card maker new at both though, this site just gives me so much inspiration.
Created: Dec 7, 2006

Created By: picturemommy
Just what is goin on in my head and other ramblings, rants and some of the ridiculous!
Just a Blog about me, our home, what's goin on, commentary on the varied and other whatnot.
Created: Dec 7, 2006

Created By: Orb
Scrappy Orb
Just a place to me to sometimes babble about scrapbooking when I've already talked everyone else's ears off.
Created: Dec 5, 2006

Created By: Krazy 4 Kitties
Created: Nov 30, 2006

Created By: elizabethdaspit
Cajun Craft Creations
I am kind of new to scrapbooking and I want to be able to share my creations with others.
Created: Nov 28, 2006

Created By: LynnsAloeFit
LsD's Ramblings...
Just me runnin' my mouth to whoever wants to read
Created: Nov 28, 2006

Created By: ButterflyKises
I love scrapbook pages about dogs. In my scrapbook it's hard not to find a page about my dog. LOL Any new additions to the gallery help me with my pages. So if you have any pages of your dogs I'd live to see them.
Created: Nov 19, 2006

Created By: Neighborgal
Neighborgal's Blog
A Blog about random scrapbooking stuff : )
Created: Nov 18, 2006

Created By: simcrafty
Mothers of Twins
I just started a group for Mom's with twins. I'm trying to get the word out. I thought we could have fun since we would have that in common. I am having soooo much fun with them. They are fraternale, for anyone who doesn't know,that means they don't look the same. So I hope more Moms will see this and come check it out. My group is called Double Trouble Scrappin Time.
Created: Nov 17, 2006

Created By: Life.Dont.Get.Much.Better.Than.This
My first one
Well i decided to make a blog. Amazing i know because im normaly too busy with school work *cough*asif*cough*. No serious now im really rubbish at doing these i never have anything interesting to say but oh well, if you dont want to read this you dont have to. As many of you know im a typical teenager who enjoys listening to music and doing scrapbooks/collages of her favourite bands. At the moment i have done i think 4 collages for MCR (My Chemical Romance) and one for Fallout Boy, i will be doing more for FOB because as my mom (bengigirl) doesn't really aprove of MCR lol. umm...i mainly use psp7 for making my collages/scrapbooks and i get my pictures from everywhere. I love my Frankie Baby picture. I think it's so cute ^_^ lol the link for it is LifeDontGetMuchBetterThanThis /Frankie_Baby/page1 well thats all i have to say really now so much love and goodbye xox
Created: Nov 14, 2006

Created By: Heatherland
First page...
Ok i tried to do my first scrapbook page with scrabookflair not to much to start out with when you first start using this. This is all i have for now until christmas until i get paint shop pro photo 11. Im assuming it will work for doing some scrapbooking sinces its similar to psp i hope anyway!! i have a photo thing that i can use that never really thought about using for scrapbooking till i go on to this website. IM not to good at doing this online stuff its so much easier to sit at my dest and do it by hand maybe its just b/c im not use to digital yet! Im working on it though! If anyone has any suggestions im open for them and what not. My first page isn't that great, kinda didnt knwo how to use the program and i dont know how to get my pages off of it to get posted so the size is pretty messed up! anyway...
Created: Nov 11, 2006

Created By: Momma Joy
Momma Joy's Blog
Created: Nov 7, 2006

Created By: bengigirl
Bengigirl's Scrap a While
Thoughts and idea's on my scrapbooking and stuff and life. Plus some download links to bits and bobs I made and am happy to pass on.
Created: Nov 6, 2006

Created By: ScrapMaz
New Here
Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I am hoping to meet new friends and learn new things. Right now I am in the middle of learning to scrap from scratch digitally. I have scrapbook programs, and make my own shapes and backgrounds, but embellishments just drive me crazy. Also, because of recent neglect, I am passionately working my genealogy. I just got past a brick wall and want to completely document this find. Please be patient with me. I will get to everyone. BTW, this is a nice clean site. I really like the layout. ScrapMaz
Created: Nov 5, 2006

Created By: aigally
Well, like I said, my name is Gally, I have a beautiful 16 month old baby girl, and she is my inspiration for everything I do. I have a big family, we are 3 sisters and 3 brothers, my parents are still young one is 54 and 50. We are a closed family we always watching for each other. That’s something that I’ll love to share with my daughter. Anyways, it is my first time in digital scrapping or any scrapping for the matters so thanks all of you for you nice comments, is just so nice to read something good from people that are far away but at the same time so close :)
Created: Nov 4, 2006

Created By: reddragon
Red Dragon
My real name is Candi. I'm new to Scrapbooking. I have never had this much fun doing any thing as much as I have enjoyed this. Keep looking at my work and thank you to anyone I have use in my templates. I will add some more to this Blog as time permits. Candi
Created: Nov 4, 2006

Created By: 2MrsSumners Designs
2Mrs.Sumner's Design Blog
Graphics and anything scrapbooking. Designer Graphics
Created: Oct 29, 2006

Created By: loridee
A Scrapper's Mojo
thoughts, ideas, tips, on scrapbooking
Created: Oct 25, 2006

Created By: scrap_diva
Hello Everyone in DigiLand!
You know, there is one thing I have learned about digital scrapbooking, or just in general, you don't have to have a lot of fancy software programs. Just go with what you have and let your creativity flow and you will surely come up with something. Happy Scrapping!
Created: Oct 18, 2006

Created By: Tanescia
Tanescia - Blog for life
What you never wanted to know about me... and of course some scrapping ;-)
Created: Oct 18, 2006

Created By: Linda T.
Scrappin' Newbie w/ not much time for scrappin'
I haven't the faintest idea yet.
Created: Oct 18, 2006

Created By: delilah528
Haven't been Adding
I know haven't been adding a lot of layouts lately, and i have so many new ideas and pictures i want to create layouts with. It's getting harder and harder to find the time these days. Don't fret though i am off to the bahamas in search of beautiful scenery, places, and clear waterst to take pictures of, not to mention myself and friend. I am super excited because we are staying at the Atlantis and i hear its amazing! So i will see you all in 10 days with new stuff. Delilah
Created: Oct 13, 2006

Created By: icebengals
The Blog needs a name? Can't I call it "hey you"?
I just got into scrapbooking via my mother in law and sisters in law. I recently lost my service dog and companion of 10 years and needed an outlet in which to grieve. This seems to be working. And I'm now addicted to a new hobby!
Created: Oct 10, 2006

Created By: Spunky Lady
Scrappin', scrappin', scrappin' & etc, etc, etc
I have been making photo albums that look like scrapbooks, years and years ago and I never realized I was really scrapbooking!!! Now I can make digital scrapbooks and it's so cool. Scrapbook Flair is awesome! Who would have thought you could scrapbook for free and share it with the wonderful world out there. Cheers!
Created: Oct 9, 2006

Created By: downadirtroad
Scrappin on the Sly...Memoirs of a sneaky scrapper
What do you do when you work full-time, go to school full-time, have a small farm, three four legged children, a significant other, and no time for yourself or your scrapbook addiction? You scrap on the the office on breaks or when the boss is gone (lol), on the laptop during class, in the college library, ANYWHERE you can find the time!
Created: Oct 5, 2006

Created By: moorescrapper05
I am a newbie to this digi~scrappin' stuff! Now, after looking at all of these gorgeous pages, from all of you ARTISTS, I think I'll have to stick to papers, stickers, chalks & inks! There are some great scrappers out there! You all are very good at what you do! BLESSINGS, moorescrapper05
Created: Oct 3, 2006

Created By: cloodia
Scrapping in Switzerland
So, yesterday I downloaded this fantastic and easy software. Have already created my first one and now I try to place as well my first Blog. At the moment I'm sitting here in the office and already looking forward for tonight, that I can start again with creating new scrapbooks :o) As soon as my little son (1 year old) is in his bed and dreaming of toys and all his friends, his mom will be active on the computer ;o) It's always nice, to see all this ideas from all over the world!
Created: Sep 28, 2006

Created By: dorroy
Scrapping in Maine
This is my first blog, never done this before. Pelin don't feel so bad...we're in the same boat..Also new to scrapbooking. Maine is beautiful!
Created: Sep 23, 2006

Created By: ~PascaleA
A Belgian in Ohio
Finally got here to change a few things. No more scrapping in Turkey ,but scrapping in Ohio with my lovely husband David, who I met on this wonderful site, by my side! Although I am not much around here anymore ( that will change again), this is and always will be my favorite site! Happy Scrapping everyone!
Created: Sep 12, 2006

Created By: Moe's Gal
This is where I will post all good and bad news that is happening in my life.
Created: Sep 7, 2006

Created By: mothertofour
Life Laughter and Love
That's what it's all about...Everything happens so quickly, the kids grow up, your friendships get deeper and you wonder if you didn't just know each other all your life. So, that's what this is about. As i scrap, I want to celebrate Life, Laughter, and Love.
Created: Sep 7, 2006

Created By: animal181980
Scrapbooking everyday?
This is just a little thing for me. Read if you would like...
Created: Sep 2, 2006

Created By: Mirel
Scrap memories
All my beautiful scraps digital en scrapbooking
Created: Aug 31, 2006

Created By: Dorothy Johnson
Dorothy's Blog
Just a blog for me
Created: Aug 30, 2006

Created By: srhg00
Scrapping In Louisiana
I'm new to this digital scrapbooking or scrapbooking in general. I would love to hear from new comers and some that have been doing it a while. I would love to hear some ideas for scrapping.
Created: Aug 29, 2006

Created By: Moe's Gal
I am so happy
Created: Aug 25, 2006

Created By: MrsLee
Mrs.Lee's Creations
Hello all! I have been scrapbooking for about 10 years off and on...In no way am I am expert, but I do love to create many different types of pages for my pictures. I have just recently dabbled with Digi scrapbooking it's perfect for me right now due to being in the process of moving right now and all my goodies are packed up :)
Created: Aug 14, 2006

Created By: Zoey's Mum
Zoey's Mum
A little of this...a little of that....a whole lot of nothing.
Created: Aug 8, 2006

Created By: justdot
1st blog/1st digi page
I've been scrapping for years but haven't tried to do any digital pages. My first page is of my Iris Garden. Wish me luck. The pages I've seen so far are great!!
Created: Aug 3, 2006

Created By: Moe's Gal
First Scrap Night Ever
Sometime this week, my sister and I will be having our very first scrap night.
Created: Aug 1, 2006

Created By: JennHenn
In Case You Were Wondering...
I'm what I call a passionate scrapper. I put alot of thought (maybe too much) into my pages. And, as you will soon see, I go through phases in the themes and styles of my pages. So, here's the inspiration and thoughts that inspired me to create the pages you find here. In Case You Were Wondering...
Created: Jul 26, 2006

Created By: nativity4me
a scrapbook blog about the pages i make with this SCRAPBOOK FLAIR program
Created: Jul 26, 2006

Created By: MysticImpression
Mystic Impression
Welcome all.
Created: Jul 3, 2006

Created By: scrap_diva
Scrappin Diva
I have been swamped recently with requests to do scrapbooks for others. One lady has given me over 100 pictures and wants them all in the scrapbook! Oh well, I said to myself after looking at them, organizing them, putting everything in chronological order, I began to get busy. Once I got started, it was smooth sailing from there. I ran out several times and got more adhesive! Lots of it too! Try your hand at scrapping for others to generate some extra money!
Created: Jun 26, 2006

Created By: annsu
Extraordinary Days
A tapestry of God's fingerprints all over my ordinary days
Created: Jun 12, 2006

Created By: Charlie Brown
scrapin with very old photos
I love scrappin with very old family photos...Black and white photos rule!
Created: Mar 6, 2006

Created By: Scrap Happy
Scrapping in Texas
Texas is sooooo big, and we need a big web sight to share our creations....What is it like to live in a puny state?
Created: Feb 4, 2006

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 © 2006-2025, Patent Pending, Aurora Digital Imaging, Ltd. Beta 5.0
The most fun digital scrapbooking site on the Internet. Free digital scrapbooking software, scrapbook templates,
scrapbook embellishments and backgrounds. Beautiful scrapbook prints and photobooks.